membership application form 2015-2016

Worthing Music and Arts Festival
Office 5. 27a Goring Road. Worthing. West Sussex. BN12 4AR
Tel: 01903 506621
Membership Application Form
Membership entitles the holder(s) to attend and vote at all General and Annual meetings,
to free admission to all competitive sessions of the Festival, and to receive Festival newsletters.
Subscription fees for the period 1st July 2015 – 30th June 2016 are:
Single member £20. Joint member (two members at same address) £30.
Life member through one payment £200.
Membership Applications to be received by 31st December 2015
I wish to apply for single/joint/life membership of Worthing Music and Arts Festival
and enclose cheque/postal order/cash in the sum of £____________
(Please make cheques payable to Worthing Music & Arts Festival)
1st Member(Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)______________________________________________________________________________
2nd Member(Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)______________________________________________________________________________
Postcode _____________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________
Registered Charity No. 1038211
Worthing Music and Arts Festival
Office 5, 27a Goring Road, Worthing. West Sussex. BN12 4AR
Tel: 01903 506621
Membership Application Form
Membership entitles the holder(s) to attend and vote at all General and Annual meetings,
to free admission to all competitive sessions of the Festival, 1 st July 2015 – 30th June 2016 are:
Single member £20. Joint member (two members at same address) £30.
Life member through one payment £200.
Membership Applications to be received by 31st December 2015
I wish to apply for single/joint/life membership of Worthing Music and Arts Festival
and enclose cheque/postal order/cash in the sum of £____________
(Please make cheques payable to Worthing Music & Arts Festival)
1st Member(Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)______________________________________________________________________________
2nd Member(Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)______________________________________________________________________________
Postcode _____________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________
Registered Charity No. 1038211