Worthing High School Title 1, Part a Parental Involvement Policy 2014-2015

Worthing High School
Title 1, Part a Parental Involvement Policy
A strong partnership between the school and home is essential if a quality educational program
is to be provided to all students. Worthing High School is dedicated to the philosophy that
parental involvement is integral to the success of each student. For this reason, parents are
recruited as our partners for success. The parent involvement policy is developed in by parents
and staff and is revised as necessary to meet the needs of our students and parents.
A. Policy Involvement
 In the fall Open House is held to introduce parents to Worthing High School and its
School-wide Title I program. Parents are introduced to all of the parent involvement
opportunities. Information is distributed for: parent conference dates, teacher
conference times, the Parent Advisory Committee, Parent Student Learning Compact
and the Parent Involvement Policy. Parents are also introduced to the Principals and the
Worthing High School staff members and their roles at the school.
 Every parent has the opportunity to participate as a volunteer and in any school group to
address topics such as Title I Laws, Programs and Services, Parents Rights and
Benefits, etc.
 Parent meetings and conferences can be held a different time during today.
 Worthing High School will coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies
under other programs when feasible.
 Alongside parents, Worthing High School will conduct an annual evaluation of the
context and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy and its program in order to
improve the academic quality of the school.
 Worthing High School invites parents to participate in all the school activities deemed
appropriate, including PTSA, SDMC, LPAC and volunteer opportunities.
 Our Communities in Schools program welcomes parent volunteers to assist in student
related services.
B. Share Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement
 Worthing High School will identify any barriers to greater participation by parents in
activities of participating children at our Title 1 Part A school with particular attention to
parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have Limited English
Proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background.
 Worthing High School will ensure that all parent notifications and school reports will be in
an understandable and uniform format and to the extent practicable, in a language
parents can understand.
 Parents will receive communication from the school through the call out system. This
gives parents information regarding curriculum, assessments, meetings and school
Progress reports are sent home every three weeks after report cards. This gives
parents an update on student progress and may parents may request a teacher
conference if necessary. Report cards are issued six times a year.
The Worthing website and Twitter account provides information on events, as well as
providing direct links on curriculum, enrichment activities, tutorials, as well as
communication opportunities with teachers and staff.
Saturday Tutorials are held every Saturday to share skills and strategies used to help
students in curriculum areas and provide assistance with preparation for the End of
Course Examinations.
C. Building Capacity for Involvement with the School
The Parent-School Learning Compact issued in the fall outlines how everyone will share
in the responsibility for improved student achievement.
Testing proficiency levels and information regarding standardized tests are shared with
parents at conferences and sent home with students. Our students take the STAAR End
of Course tests.
Two training dates for parents in the spring will assist then in learning ways to assists
students with passing End of Course exams
When needed Worthing High School staff will provide assistance in understanding the
state’s academic content standards, the state student achievement standards, the state
student achievement standards and the local assessments through the use of Teachers,
Teacher Assistant’s, Tutor’s Social Workers, and Administrator’s as deemed necessary.
John Modest, Principal