Student Support Services

AdvancED Standards
Purpose and Direction
Governance and
Teaching and
Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support
Using Results for
2013-16 Strategic Plan
Human Resources
Facility Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Student Support Services
AdvancED Standard(s)
2013-16 Strategic Plan
1. Purpose and Direction
2. Governance and Leadership
3. Teaching and Assessing for
4. Resources and Support System
Using Results for Continuous
Human Resources
Technology Services
Student Support Services
Annual Department Improvement Plan
Department: _____Student Support Services__________
School Year: ___2015- 2016____
Actions, Strategies and
1. Create a culture of trust and
innovation based on
collaboration with schools, the
community, all district
departments, and among all
members of our of our
department staff.
1. Winter 2015 - Align the work of
the Student Support Services
Department around the Forsyth
County Strategic Plan and
Learner Profile.
2015-2016 - Attend Teaching
and Learning and Special
Education Department
2015-2016 - Work
collaboratively with Teaching
and Learning, Special Education
and Technology departments to
align the work of school
psychologists and special
education facilitators and to
meet initial evaluation timelines
set forth by the GaDOE.
Maintain consistent and clear
communication with all
department staff members,
© 2013 FCS Public Information and Communications Department
AdvancED Standards
Purpose and Direction
Governance and
Teaching and
Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support
Using Results for
2013-16 Strategic Plan
Human Resources
Facility Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Student Support Services
Annual Department Improvement Plan
Department: _____Student Support Services__________
School Year: ___2015- 2016____
providing ongoing support and
fostering the sharing of new and
innovative ideas for our work.
Engage in community activities
to build positive relationships.
2. Build service leadership model
that fosters engagement,
excitement, and innovation that
supports our core work at all
school levels.
2. Winter 2015 - Utilize scheduled
department meetings and
Leadercast Resources to
promote service leadership.
3. Build capacity and provide
professional learning to support
the creation of classroom
cultures that value relationships
and work towards instilling
accountability, risk taking,
positive self esteem, and
resiliency in all students.
3. Winter/Spring 2015 – Complete
book studies on the 7 Mindsets
and Customer Love. Use
guiding questions and groupings
in K-12 feeder clusters to begin
conversations around the
planning of programs to support
the school communities and
student achievement.
4. Build departmental capacity for
the future to meet the needs of a
growing system with changing
4. 2015/2016 - Monitor annual
growth and work loads of
department staff members to
ensure the needs of all students
© 2013 FCS Public Information and Communications Department
AdvancED Standards
Purpose and Direction
Governance and
Teaching and
Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support
Using Results for
2013-16 Strategic Plan
Human Resources
Facility Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Student Support Services
Annual Department Improvement Plan
Department: _____Student Support Services__________
School Year: ___2015- 2016____
and schools are met in an
efficient and timely manner.
Work closely with the FCS
Human Resource Department to
recruit and retain a highly
qualified cadre of professionals.
5. Align the work of school
counselors, psychologists, social
workers, and school nurses to
provide the social, emotional
and physical wellness required
for academic achievement.
5. Strategically organize the 20152016 meeting schedule to allow
time for K-12 high school
cluster collaboration and
planning for all SSS
departments (school counselors,
psychologists, social workers
and graduation coaches) as well
as meeting time for “like”
groups for planning and sharing.
Provide ongoing support and
professional learning to support
school nurses.
6. Align personal skills
development with guidance and
career instruction.
6. Utilize the new ASCA Mindsets
and Standards to create K-12
aligned counseling plans with
common vocabulary and
© 2013 FCS Public Information and Communications Department
AdvancED Standards
Purpose and Direction
Governance and
Teaching and
Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support
Using Results for
2013-16 Strategic Plan
Human Resources
Facility Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Student Support Services
Annual Department Improvement Plan
Department: _____Student Support Services__________
School Year: ___2015- 2016____
expectations to support student
achievement and parent
communication and education.
Work with our Prevention
Program to align our current
initiatives (Olweus, Drug
Prevention, Mentoring, Child
Lures Program) with all of our
schools’ programs so that there
is an alignment and consistent
message to parents, students,
and educators.
7. Communicate the message of
alignment between Data Teams
and RTI process.
Provide ongoing professional
learning, support, and resources
at the school level to enhance
and deepen instructional
knowledge of RTI process
(utilizing data appropriately and
selecting impactful evidence
based strategies and
interventions, for differentiated
7. 2014/2015 - Visit all schools a
minimum of two times during
the school year to provide
support for RTI and RTI
Desktop. Make connections
through collaborative
conversations with school
leaders about the alignment of
Data Teams and the RTI
Provide Data Team training for
school psychologists.
© 2013 FCS Public Information and Communications Department
AdvancED Standards
Purpose and Direction
Governance and
Teaching and
Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support
Using Results for
2013-16 Strategic Plan
Human Resources
Facility Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Student Support Services
Annual Department Improvement Plan
Department: _____Student Support Services__________
School Year: ___2015- 2016____
instruction at all levels).
© 2013 FCS Public Information and Communications Department