Common Core GPS Coordinate Algebra Syllabus Mr. Beye, Room 2107 School Email: Website: Available Tutoring: Afternoon ILTs on Tuesdays 3:11-5:11 and Thursdays 3:11-5:11 ILTs on Saturdays 9:30 am – 12 pm Course Description: The fundamental purpose of Coordinate Algebra is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in middle grades. The critical areas, organized into units, deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships, in part by contrasting them with exponential phenomena, and in part by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. Coordinate Algebra uses algebra to deepen and extend understanding of geometric knowledge from prior grades. The final unit in the course ties together the algebraic and geometric ideas studied. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problems situations. Required Material: - 2” or 3” binder (for Interactive Notebook) - Blue Pen or Red Pen - Pack of 6 Dividers - Pack of colored pencils - Pencils - Multiple highlighters Interactive Notebook (MOST IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL FOR CLASS): We will be creating a Coordinate Algebra Interactive Notebook(INB) throughout the semester using a binder. This notebook will be the students’ greatest tool for being successful in Coordinate Algebra! I will spot check the notebooks to make sure the students are well organized and keeping up with their notes and worksheets. Grading: In-Class Tests and Projects Interactive Notebook Checks, Classwork, and Homework Quizzes Total 60% 20% 20% 100% The Final Semester Grade will consist of 80% from “In-Class” grading and 20% from the End-Of-Course-Test. ABSENCES: If a student is absent from class, the student must follow these procedures during an appropriate time: 1. Give an excused absence note to the office in the morning. 2. Look in the 3-ring binder that says “While You Were Out” to see what you missed while you were absent. a. *If you have a computer at home with Internet access, you can look at my lessons on my school webpage. 3. Look in the filing cabinet with your class period’s number to gather any missed worksheets/activities/foldables. 4. Copy and complete the missed pages/worksheets/activities/foldables in your INB from the teacher or a peer. 5. If you missed a test or quiz, you will be expected to take it within two after school ILTs. Plagiarism and Test Taking Procedures: Any violation of the following will result in student work being incomplete and is expected to re-do the assignment. 1. No communication of any kind is to take place during testing. 2. A student's eyes never appear to be directed at another's work. 3. All books and materials are on the floor. 4. All work is to be turned in with the test or quiz. 5. No sharing of materials (calculators, highlighters, pencils erasers, etc.) during testing. 6. Students never present someone else's work as their own (homework, classwork, etc.) 7. Rely on YOUR knowledge, NOT your neighbor’s. Daily Expectations 1. Students should always be PROMPT. o Be ready for class to begin BEFORE the tardy bell. If you are late, it requires a pass. Come in quietly, give me your pass discreetly, sit down, and join the lesson. o Promptness includes being on task at ALL times, and completing/submitting all assignments on time. 2. Students should always be PREPARED. o This means more than doing your assignments. It means bringing everything (binder, paper, pencils, etc.) that you need for class, especially a learning attitude. 3. Students should always be POLITE. o There is never an excuse for rudeness. Be courteous to everyone here, and deal with non-class concerns on your own time. o Being polite includes not stealing the educational time and opportunities of your fellow students as well as your own time and opportunities. o It means respecting all persons, belongings, and opinions in the classroom. We may not always agree or see things the same way, but each one of us deserves respect. 4. Students should always be PARTCIPATING. o You should always take notes, want to answer questions, ask for clarification, and collaborate efficiently with your fellow peers. o Mathematics is not a spectator sport! 5. Students should always practice CLEANLINESS. o There should not be any paper or trash around your area after you leave. o You should always put your materials back in their appropriate places. If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. -- Thomas Edison STUDENT’S SECTION 1. I have read and understood the information given on Ms. Trader’s CCGPS Coordinate Algebra course syllabus. 2. I understand the daily expectations that will be asked of me during this semester. 3. I agree to do my best on everything that is given to me. __________________________________________ Student Name ____________ Student Signature PARENT’S SECTION: I have read and understood the information given on Ms. Trader’s CCGPS Coordinate Algebra course syllabus. Parent’s Name Parent’s Phone Number Preferred Method of Communication Parent’s Signature Parent’s Email Address