Materials Needed Daily:

Mrs. Ellwood
Honors Algebra I
Classroom Policies
Room 113
Materials Needed Daily:
1) Pencils, Pencils, Pencils - Pens can be used for notes, but will not be accepted on any
graded assignment.
2) Notebook - You can use a binder with loose leaf paper or a spiral notebook with a folder.
3) Scientific Calculators - The calculator must be able to raise numbers to powers and take
roots. Bring your calculator to class everyday.
4) Student Pass - You need your student hall pass to leave the classroom.
5) Textbooks - You do not need to bring your textbook to class, because there will be
classroom textbooks under the desks. You are responsible to cover your own textbook to
keep in a locker or at home. The textbook can be accessed online at
Then put in the following code: CD5A4C1CA4
Grading: Your grade percentage will be based on a point system. To find your marking period
grade, divide the total points you earned by the total possible points of the marking period.
1) Homework- Homework will be given most days and checked for completion. You will be
required to write the original problem and attempt every problem in order to receive the
full 5 points. Failure to complete homework will result in a zero for that assignment. If you
miss 3 or more homework assignments, parents will be notified. Occasionally there will be
a homework quiz or a graded assignment that will be graded on correctness.
2) Classwork/ Warm-ups
3) Projects
4) Quizzes/ Tests
5) Midterm/ Final Exam
*You must have > 80% to move into Honors Geometry next year.
Course description: Honors Algebra is an accelerated Algebra I course that extends the topics of
linear functions, linear inequalities, absolute value functions, quadratic functions, polynomials,
factoring, radicals, and rational expressions. Students are encouraged to explore the topics through
writing prompts, word problems, graphing calculators, and group projects.
Beginning of class: You must be in your seat at the start of class. Write down your homework in
your assignment book. Then work on the warm-up problem in your notebook. The assignment will
always be written on the board.
Respect: Respect me, your classmates, and yourself. This means coming to class prepared, not
talking while a teacher or another student is addressing the class, treating others with kindness and
dignity, and following school and district rules.
Mrs. Ellwood
Honors Algebra I
Classroom Policies
Room 113
Absence due to illness: When you are absent, you have 2 days to make up the work missed for that
day. I suggest having a class buddy who can lend you notes to copy and who you can call to receive
missed homework. If there are handouts that you missed, they will be located in the bin of your
class period and will have your name on them. If you are absent the day before or the day of a quiz
or test you will be required to make up that assessment the day you return. Multiple days of
absences will be handled on an individual basis.
Absence due to extra-curricular events (music lessons, school trips, sport events, etc): Permission
to miss class must be asked the day before or during morning homeroom. All work due on the day
you miss class is due during morning homeroom. It is also your responsibility to record and collect
the work you will miss in class that day; work is due during your next regularly scheduled class
Extra Help: I am available before school, 8th period, and after school for help. Please sign in the
help log when you enter the classroom for extra help. Please let me know the day before if you will
be coming in the morning or staying after school.