FORSYTH COUNTY COURSE SYLLABUS 2012-2013 COURSE TITLE: TEACHER NAME: ROOM: CCGPS Coordinate Algebra Support Linzy Johnson 1223 E-MAIL: PHONE: 770-781-2264 EXT: 101223 Course Description: CCGPS Coordinate Algebra Support (Prerequisite: Successful completion of 8th Grade Mathematics) The fundamental purpose of Coordinate Algebra is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. The critical areas, organized into units, deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships, in part by contrasting them with exponential phenomena, and in part by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. Coordinate Algebra uses algebra to deepen and extend understanding of geometric knowledge from prior grades. The final unit in the course ties together the algebraic and geometric ideas studied. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. This course includes the following units: Unit 1: Relationship Between Quantities (4 weeks) Unit 2: Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities (7 weeks) Unit 3a: Characteristics of Linear and Exponential Functions (5 weeks) Unit 3b: Applications of Linear and Exponential Functions (3 weeks) Unit 4: Describing Data (4 weeks) Unit 5: Transformations in the Coordinate Plane (4 weeks) Unit 6: Connecting Algebra and Geometry Through Coordinates (5 weeks) Standards: Information on Common Core can be found on the following link: CCGPS Coordinate Algebra Course Standards: Math_9-12_CoordinateAlgebra_Standards.pdf Learning Resources/Textbook: Georgia High School Mathematics 1 – McDougal Littell; student note taking guide, test prep workbook Replacement cost: $69.48 + $2.00 consumables With the emergence of technology as a tool for learning, South Forsyth High School will be utilizing various resources to assist with instruction, including ANGEL, online textbooks, and interactive websites. In addition to these web based instructional tools, this course will also have a classroom set of textbooks. Should you feel that your child would benefit from having a textbook at home in addition to the classroom textbook, please contact your child’s teacher. Help Availability: There will be a grid printed out of each teacher’s availability in the hall outside the Math section of the Freshmen Academy and on the school website. Students are allowed to attend any Freshman Academy math teachers help sessions for help. They do not have to only attend their math teachers help sessions. CLASSROOM RULES Since this is a high school classroom, I expect that all students will present themselves in a mature and respectful manner. Here are some specific expectations: Be in your seat and prepared with all necessary materials when the bell rings. No food or drink is allowed in the classroom (water is allowed). There will be no electronic device in use unless it is connected to the lesson plan for BYOT (not for personal use). This will be strictly enforced. Passes to lockers, restroom, etc. will only be given in emergency situations (not permitted the first and last 10 minutes of class or during critical instruction time). Respect yourself, other students, the teacher, and any other adult visitors to the classroom. Students are expected to check ANGEL ( daily and check homework answers before class the following day. Profanity will not be tolerated! In cases of inappropriate behavior, this is the discipline procedure that I will follow. 1. Warning. 2. Before/After School Detention and phone call home. ** In cases of severe disrespect or inappropriate behavior, students will be referred to an administrator. ** Homework: There will be no individual practice assignments given in this course as it is designed to permit the student extra time to grasp the concepts of the Coordinate Algebra lessons given the previous day. Students will however be permitted a portion of the class time to work on the assignment given from their Coordinate Algebra class. All work for this course will be completed during class. REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS: Investigations (Real-life Applications), Formative and Summative Assessments, Group and individual projects, Group and individual daily practice and activities Makeup Work: All missed work and assessments are the responsibility of the student when they are absent from school. A student who is absent on the class day before a regularly scheduled assessment/test will be responsible for completing the assignment on the regularly scheduled day and time. Students who have been absent more than two consecutive days (including the assessment day) will be given five (5) school days to make up the assessment and/or other assignments. This does not include major projects, research papers, etc., where the deadline has been posted in advance. The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period of time to make up work if there are extenuating circumstances. Class work and assignments can be found on ANGEL when absent. GRADING CALCULATIONS: EOCT Course Average = 50% (1st Sem. Course Work) + 50% (2nd Sem. Course Work) 1st & 2nd Semester Course Work = 75% Summative + 25% Formative Concept of formative assessment: **Work habits will be evaluated on the report card as well as academic performance. ** GRADING POLICY: A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 Failing = Below 70 *Formative Assessments include, but are not limited to homework, warm ups, class work, practice tests, and sections of projects/presentations. *Summative Assessments include, but are not limited to quizzes, unit tests, & projects/presentations. SUPPLIES: **Coordinate Algebra binder including all warm-ups, homework, and class work from class is needed in Coordinate Algebra with Support EVERYDAY** Loose Leaf Paper Graph Paper Pencils (Many!) Colored Pencils, Markers, Dry Erase Markers Scientific Calculator (TI-30xs Multiview) Graphing Calculator (TI-84 plus or TI-Nspire) **Students will also be required to keep reading material in their book bags at all times. When they have completed all of their work for the day they will be required to sit and read quietly for the rest of the class. ** My student and I have read the entire syllabus and understand the expectations of the class. In addition, it is clear that the above supply list is mandatory for all students. Should you need assistance obtaining any of these supplies, please contact me. Otherwise, it is assumed that each student will come to class daily with all of the aforementioned supplies. Materials will not be loaned to students; they MUST bring their own to class. **It is further understood that failure to complete assignments and independent practice will result in poor performance and lack of success in this class and further study in mathematics. The teacher has the right to change any of the above policies as needed on an individual basis per the student’s need.** Student Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION BELOW CLEARLY. EMAIL IS THE MAIN METHOD OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HOME AND SCHOOL FOR THIS CLASS SO IT IS IMPORTANT THAT A CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS IS OBTAINED. Student Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ **Parent Email (please print CLEARLY below) E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Phone (H): _____________________________________ (Cell): _____________________________________