Halloween Science Costume Ideas

Halloween Science Costume Ideas
Directions: Explain the following puns. A pun is just a funny little play on words. Write the explanation
below each one. Due Monday, November 4, 2013 for extra credit. No late papers will be accepted.
This Halloween you should go as Pavlov. Not everyone will get it, but it should ring a bell.
Pavlov conducted conditioning experiments. He presented dogs with food when ringing a bell. Eventually the bell
alone caused the dogs to salivate in anticipation of the food to come.
I may or may not go as Schrodinger.
I was thinking about Heisenberg, but I’m still uncertain.
Actually, I’ve already selected Darwin. Naturally.
Einstein would be a relatively good costume.
I was gonna do Hertz, but I fear I’ve done that one too frequently.
I should be Tesla to electrify the party!
I dunno if I could pull off a costume on somebody who studied energy. I just don’t have the Joules.
I don’t have the Class to pull off Linnaeus.
On the topic of Tesla, what about Edison? That one would be much more Direct.
Gauss would be a real chick magnet.
Conversely, Nels would be a Bohr.
I could do Copernicus, but the world DOES revolve around me.
Though I’m being pulled toward Newton.
I’m thinking Edward Teller. That guy was the bomb!
I’ll give you a call if I’m going as Bell.
I was thinking of doing Newton, but I fear it might be too derivative of yours.
I’ll go as Lebriz; he’s an integral part of any party.
I might spring on the idea of a Hooke costume.
Currently I’m thinking about Ampere.
Hubble seems to be a stellar concept.
You should consider Sir William Ramsey. It may be kind of dumb, but it seems most of the good ideas
I’ll go as John Watson under one condition.