
Vincent Meyer ePortfolio
Tracking Earthquakes and Volcanoes using Google earth
Part 1: Tracking Earthquakes
Continent-Continent Earthquake
Magnitude 4.3 – Nevada
Location: 38.414N, 118.718W
Date/Time: Wednesday, April 27, 2011at 19:19:20 UTC
Depth: 2.6 km
It is a continent-continent earthquake because both of the plates are located on land.
Oceanic-Oceanic Earthquake
Magnitude 5.2- Tonga
Location: 17.354S, 174.441W
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 00:12:16 UTC
Depth: 62.8 km
It is an Oceanic-Oceanic Earthquake because both of the plates are located in the
Magnitude: 4.3 Baja California, Mexico
Location: 28.764N, 113.178W
Date/Time: Saturday, April 30, 2011 at 06:07:53 UTC
Depth: 10km
It is an Oceanic-Continental earthquake because the 2 plates meet on land and ocean.
Magnitude: 5.0 North of Ascension Island
Location: 1.224S, 14.448W
Date/Time: Sunday, May 01, 2011 at 4:39:34 UTC
Depth: 12.2 km
It is Divergent because the plates at the mid Atlantic ridge are moving apart.
Magnitude: 4.7 South Island of New Zealand
Location: 43.209S, 172.015E
Date/Time: Friday, April 29, 2011 at 19:08:03 UTC
Depth: 17.7km
It is transform because of the fault line.
Part 2: Identifying Volcanoes
Composite Volcano
Kupreanof, Alaska Peninsula
Continent-Continent Boundary
Shield Volcano
Shoshone Lava Field, Idaho USA
Continent-Continent Boundary
Cinder Cone Volcano
Medicine Lake, California USA
Continent-Continent Boundary
Caldera Volcano
Campi Flegrei, Italy
Oceanic-Continental Boundary
Part 3: Assignment Reflection
Describe the correlation between earthquakes and volcanoes in terms of the
theory of plate tectonics:
Plate tectonics play a very big role in the creation of earthquakes and volcanoes. Plates
can move apart, push together and even move side by side. All of these can have a
different affect on the earth. Whether it is in the ocean or on land, plate tectonics can
dramatically change the earth. Depending on what part of the earth the plate moves will
decide whether that area becomes a volcano or a mountain of just an earthquake.
Analyze the spatial relationship and distribution that exists with these forces of
When these forces occur it takes quite a bit of pressure and movement for human
beings to feel it. Earthquakes are measured by magnitude so that we can tell the
difference in size of earthquakes that happen all over the world each day. Earthquakes
happen all the time around the world but the magnitude of the earthquake will depend
on how much people can feel it.
Describe what you learned about earthquakes and volcanoes that you did not
know before this course:
Google earth showed me how many earthquakes and volcanoes are across the world. I
had no idea there were so many earthquakes that occur daily across the world. The
sheer size and magnitude of our earth is amazing. The fact that we are aware of each
and every earthquake that happens on our planet daily is something to be proud of.