The word for people, place, animal, thing, or quality.
There are two main classes of nouns:
o Proper nouns
 Refer to particular persons, places, titles, and brand names.
 Its begin with capital letters.
 Examples: Ahmad, Kota Kinabalu, Titanic, Adidas.
o Common nouns
 Refer to any class or group of person, places, or things.
 It can be divided into:
 Concrete nouns
 Thing you can see, touch, smell, hear, and taste such as
cake, perfume, and others.
 Collective nouns
 Refer to a group of items, animals, people of the same kind (
a family, an army, an audience )
 Abstract nouns
 Non concrete items like quantities, actions, condition/state.
 Example: patient, laughter, freedom.
 Compound nouns
 Two or more words put together to form a noun.
 Example: mother-in-law, post office,
Word that modifies a noun
Its changes the meaning of a noun by giving more information about it
Usually comes before a noun
Its can be divided into:
o Descriptive adjective
 Quality of person, thing, or place
 Example:
 She is a kind teacher
o Participial adjective
 In present participle (ing) or past participle (ed)
 Example:
 Confusing / confused
 Boring / bored
o Noun modifiers
 Modify other noun
 Example:
 Mei Lee has always lived in a Chinese community
 Sheila loves vegetable soup
 Mrs. Pereira is proud of her rose garden
Compound adjectives
 Made up of two or more words that modify the same noun.
 Separate by a hypen
 Example:
 She has a six-year old son
 The airport has many duty-free shops
 Sharon loves to wear low-cut dresses
o Quantitative adjectives
 Tells us about the number or amount of things
 Example:
 She has three grandchildren
 He drank some coffee
o Demonstrative adjectives
 Indicate the nouns they are used with
 Example:
 This bag is heavy
 The man shouted at those boys
o Interrogative adjectives
 Used ask question
 Example:
 Who are you?
 What is this?
o Possessive adjective
 Used to show possession
 Someone has stolen my car
 The lion licked its pow
 Her face looks familiar
o Distributive adjective
 Involves the use of each and every
 Example:
 Every member must attend the annual meeting
 A questionnaire was given to each participant
Its can be express degree of modification
o Positive
o Equative
o Comparitive
o superlative
words that are placed before other words such as nouns, pronouns, noun phrases or adverb
its can be divided into:
note: ( the bold = preposition, the italic = nouns,pronouns,verb,…)
place and time
 place before nouns and pronouns
 to show place and position
 example : at, above, across, behind, below, in, on, past, opposite, under, up,
 example: his car is parked near the school
: the book is on the table
 place after the verb
 indicate direction
 example: across, along, around, away, down, into, over, through, toward, …
 example: the dog rush rushed towards the cat
: they went across the road to buy bread
indicate time
 example: after, about, at, before, during, for, from, in, since, until, …
 example: we will begin our training at 6.45 am sharp
: I will be completing the course in a month’s time
other prepositions
 example: about, among, by, off, up, for, with, without
 example: he usually has his coffee without any sugar
: he stalked off in anger when his friend did not show up
A group of word that does not make complete sense on it own
Its do not have verbs
Its can be incorporated with other words to make sentences
In my own words, equation for phrase is:
“ Phrase = no verb + cannot stand by itself ”
Its can be divided into:
o Noun phrase
 Has a noun as its head
 Example: I saw three films yesterday
 Have pronoun as its head
 Example: I saw something rather strange on the TV last night
o Adjective phrase
 Has an adjective as its head
 Example: The very tall girl is my sister
o Adverb phrase
 Has an adverb as its head
 Example: Fred played the music very slowly
Perpositional phrase
 Has a preposition as its head.
 Example: the desk at the back is broken
Verb phrase
 Consist of the head verb together with any auxiliaries
 Example: she will never come here again
Group of words that contain verb & subject
My cat loves pizza crusts
When Hassan arrived, the group had left already
Can be divide into 2:
Contain subject + verb
Can stand by itself
 She left the house
 Jane went home early
Contain subject + verb
Cannot stand by itself
Can be divided into:
 Adverb clause
Study hard if you want to get an A
Whether they will win is still uncertain
 Adjective clause
The man whom you met at my birthday party
 Noun clause
Can be continued after “And, or, but, nor, yet, for, so”