Operating Theatres - Cardiff University

Welcome to your theatre placement. Your time in theatre is an excellent opportunity
to learning new skills and gain new information, both of which will enhance the care
you offer to patients further on in your career.
It is important that you see this experience as part of a bigger picture of care. Many
patients that you will care for will undergo some sort of surgical intervention. By
working in main theatre and day surgery you will better understand what they are
experiencing and be able to give more accurate information and support.
You will also have the opportunity to observe and practice skills that you may not
have had the chance to be involved with before. These skills such as inserting an
airway or scrubbing for a procedure will enhance your care on the wards. For
example, if you scrub and observe a procedure and see how the scrub practitioner
maintains a sterile field, this will enhance your own practice when performing a
dressing on the wards.
Philosophy of Care
Every patient is to receive outstanding care in a friendly, professional environment
within a forward thinking department. Individualised care will be tailored to your
needs by competent and knowledgeable staff instilling confidence, empathy and
respect. A non-judgemental attitude will be used at all times. We aim to care for
patients as we, ourselves would wish to be cared for.
Location of Theatres
We are situated on the second floor of YYF hospital. Theatre access is restricted.
New visitors are encouraged to follow the signs for ward 2.3 Rhymney and ask to be
directed to theatres from there.
Hours of Work
New students will be expected to arrive at 8.30am on their first day and to work their
mentors’ hours from then on. The working week is 37.5 hours. We normally work
between the hours of 8am-6.30pm with either a full day off during the week, or two
half days – depending on the workload.
We operate a Monday to Friday rota. We do not usually work on weekends.
Wear your normal outside clothing to work. You will need to change as soon as you
arrive in the department. Fresh theatre clothing will be provided daily. You are
discouraged from bringing anything valuable to theatres. Limited lockers are
available to secure your belongings, but these are not always available. Any articles
are brought to theatre at your own risk.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not allowed in the clinical area. You may use your phone only
during your breaks in the coffee room.
Lunch & Breaks
30 minute lunch breaks are provided. You may eat at the canteen situated on the
first floor of the hospital, but you must change into your outdoor clothes for this, and
then change back into theatre clothing on your return. Packed lunches are
recommended. We have a large coffee room with tea/coffee making facilities as well
as two microwaves and a fridge. Rest breaks are given throughout the day.
Telephone Numbers
The department telephone numbers are as follows:
Main desk – 01443 80 2562
Office – 01443 802561
Educational Lead
Ian Dinham – 01443 802562
Current Mentors
Ian Dinham
Michelle Jones
Theatre Manager
Darren Beatty
01443 802550
Specialities at YYF Theatre Department
General Surgery
(all elective patients)
Prior To Your Visit
It’s advisable to ring the theatre department a few days prior to your first shift to
enquire about your shifts, as well as ask any questions about what to expect from
your placement. You should contact Ian Dinham in the first instance.
Your first day
You will be greeted by your mentor who will show you to the changing rooms and
then meet up with you for an orientation session. Your educational needs will be
discussed in the form of an induction and you will be given an overview of the
department as well as an outline of the multidisciplinary team working within the
theatre department.
Your first day will mainly consist of observing procedures, but following this we will
discuss moving on to performing more ‘hands-on’ roles.
You will be rotated through the specialities of Orthopaedics, General Surgery,
Urology, Gynaecology, Recovery and Anaesthetics. You will learn the principals of
maintaining asepsis through good use of infection control. You will learn about
airway management, pharmacology, haemostasis (stopping bleeding) as well as are
of post operative patients in the recovery room. Laparoscopic (minimally
invasive/keyhole) procedures will be taught, and you will be given instruction on how
to work the stack systems as well as knowledge of scope work, instrumentation and
Finally you will be expected to scrub for a case with direct supervision.
♦ The student will have the opportunity to learn how to scrub and maintain a sterile
field by observing and taking part in operative procedures.
♦ The student will have the opportunity to act as a “circulating nurse” by helping to
give the scrubbed practitioner the equipment and supplimentaries needed for each
case, this will give chance to help maintain a sterile field
♦ The student will have opportunities to take the skill of hand-washing one step
further in to the skill of scrubbing
♦ The student will be able to observe how infection control is applied to practice and
to dispose safely of body fluids
♦ The student will have opportunities to deal with surgical specimens
♦ The student will be able to support patients undergoing local procedures and
communicate with them.
♦ The student will have the opportunity to take part in multidisciplinary care of
♦ The student will have the opportunity to complete documentation and pass on
information to other areas of care.
♦ Checking in of patients – the student will observe and participate in the checking in
procedure and be able to discuss the associated clinical risks and management.
♦ The student will be able to discuss the importance of the theatre/ward checklist and
describe the fasting and consent policies.
♦ The student will be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate with patients,
relatives and carers in an appropriate manner
♦ The student will participate in the communication process between theatre and
recovery and members of the multidisciplinary team.
♦ The student will be able to describe different types of anaesthetic and its effects on
♦ The student will observe airway management and assist where possible.
♦ Maintain a patients airway
♦ Care of drains, catheters, IVI
♦ Maintain patients fluid balance
♦ Care for a patient following different types of anaesthetic
♦ Take and record observations
♦ Monitor any pain by using a pain scoring tool
♦ Communicate with other members of the multidisciplinary team
♦ Pass on information regarding the plan of care
♦ Change the plan of care if necessary
♦ Overcoming barriers to communication caused by anaesthetics.
If you are ill during your placement is extremely important that you inform the unit,
please call 01443 802562 and tell the person answering who you are supposed to be
working with so that the message can be passed on. You must also keep in touch if
you are ill for more than one day.
And finally…
We look forward to meeting you at our department and feel sure that you’ll have a
great experience with us.
Theatres can be daunting places, but you needn’t worry. Our staff are quite used to
dealing with new students (and nervous people in general) and will do everything
they can to make sure you have a great placement.
We hope you’ll leave here wanting more and we’d be thrilled if you’d consider a
career as a theatre practitioner as a direct result of your placement with us!