RHEEMS ELEMENTARY PTO Meeting AGENDA Thursday, April 9, 2014 at 6:00pm I. Call to Order: In attendance: Jen Shireman, Jennifer Elder, Paul Metzger, Megan Carlisle, Mr. Viau, Lori Clouser, Heather Rachael II. Principal’s Report: a. Dates to Remember: ELA PSSA Tests – April 14, 15, and 17 Math PSSA Tests- April 21-23 a. An award assembly was held Tuesday for Do the Right Thing. A third grader from Rheems was recognized. The PTO will send a congratulations note to him. b. The cost of the cameras and laminator discussed previously will be $2900. This has to be presented to and approved by the school board at the next meeting because of the large monetary donation amount. After it is approved, the PTO can donate the $2900 to Rheems. III. Treasurer’s Report: The current balance of $25,000 will go down due to upcoming purchases. This year’s end-of-year balance will be higher than what the PTO started with. The balance has been growing for 3 years. At the end of the year the extra money will be added to the budget. A notice will be sent to room parents and teachers letting them know their money is there and that they should use it by the end of the year. The underwriting problem on the insurance bond been solved. It now covers anyone who is treasurer. Paul will know soon how much money can be spent for each scholarship. IV. Teacher’s Report: Mrs. Rachael would like the PIE volunteers to know that the teachers thank them for their work. There is always someone there to help. Thank you also to Megan Carlisle and anyone who helped with the yearbook. V. Expectation of Committee Chair: a. The Committee Reports: Jump Rope for Heart- Jen Creason: $9500 was deposited from Jump Rope for Heart. Box Tops- Wendi Grinnell: nothing to report Book Fair-Anne Garber, Mandi Stoltzfus: The spring book fair will be held the week of May 18. Family Night will be held on the 19th. The sale will be B1G1 book free. All students will get a free book from the fall book fair profits and these books have already been purchased. Parent in Education (P.I.E.)- Christine Kay: nothing to report Community Service- Megan Kennedy, Marcie Yakscoe, Jen Shireman, Laura Wentling: 41 Jared Boxes were dropped off at Hershey Medical Center on March 28th by Jen Creason. All went smoothly with the project. Jen Shireman believes 50 shoeboxes should be good to pack next year. There are about 30 boxes for next year in the PTO closet. School Directory- Linda Bell: nothing to report Holiday Workshop- Erika Kretzing: The workshop needs to find a place to store gifts for next year. Gifts are already accumulating! Room Parents- Michelle Sikora: Paul will get budget amounts soon, so room parents know how much they have to spend. Staff Appreciation- Jennifer Elder/Lori Clouser: Jen and Lori will be meeting next Thursday to brainstorm for breakfast on Teacher Appreciation Day. It will be held the Wednesday after Teacher Appreciation Day, in the library. Michelle Henry would like to do the same as last year to celebrate the teachers. Jen will talk with her to figure out a date. May 1st will not work due to the early dismissal. Wolfgang- Jennifer Elder/Christine Hall: nothing to report Yearbook- Megan Carlisle: The yearbooks are done and will be ordered April 10th. Megan will call the company to walk through the ordering process to make sure she is doing it right. The number of yearbooks ordered is 192. The PTO is paying for 29 for staff. Mrs. Flemming ordered 13 for kids who cannot purchase one. Linda Bell contacted the company and was told that if we order 251 yearbooks, the cost of each will be less. Total yearbooks ordered will be 251 and there should be an extra 17 and more can be ordered if we run out for those who may not have ordered and want one. The books will ship May 13th and will be at Rheems on May 18th! Movie Night- Michelle Henry/Maureen Rife: The teachers chose Charlotte’s Web for the spring movie night movie. If it is held on May 15th, Mr. Viau and Mr. Koser cannot make it but the building is available. A date will be decided soon. Family Nights Out- Linda Bell: Rita’s Night is set for May 18th Fundraising- Linda Bell: nothing to report Giant A+ Rewards:- We should have new number from Maureen soon! Scholarship- The PTO needs to talk to Ellen soon. Nominations- Elizabeth Smith: See New Business Auditing- nothing to report VI. Old Business: VII. New Business: No one has come forward to run for or be the president or vice president. We will send out another notice letting parents know these positions need filled for next year. It was suggested that flyers are made to give to new kindergarten parents as well.