AS Grade 11 2015 Week 1 : French Revolution: Introduction 12/01 Teachers back at school 13/01 14/01 15/01 16/01 Teachers back at school French Revolution: what is historiography? Who are the main historians? Style of teaching: academic discussion combined with content Hand out: academic essays Causes of the revolution: France 1776-1789 Political, Social, Economic, intellectual Style of teaching: academic discussion combined with content 21/01 22/01 23/01 Timeline of the turning points of the revolution: why were there shifts between governments? Overview: aims of the revolution Style of teaching: academic discussion combined with content Essay for homework: To what extent can political problems be blamed for the French Revolution? 24/01 Economy under National Assembly Academic discussion Economy under Legislative Assembly Content-based and discussion Economy under Committee of Public Safety Economy under Directory Pre-reading and discussion in class Reading for week ecial/france1815to2003/c hapter1/interviews/fileto download,18259,en.pdf Week 2: French Revolution: Economics 1789-1795 Preparatory work: ~b356/exams+assignmen ts/extra%20credit%20assi gnment.pdf 19/01 Economy under Louis XVI until 1789 Style of teaching: Largely content-based with follow-on activities and discussion What caused the variations in the economic state of France? Content-led lesson Essay for homework: To what extent can AS Grade 11 2015 political problems be blamed for the French Revolution Week 3: French Revolution: Social instability Preparatory work: volution/chap1a.html 26/01 27/01 28/01 Social issues: Estates system, link to economic strife, rise of radicalism and the sans-culottes Content-based and discussion Social effect on political stability between 17891795 Content-based and discussion Social effect on political stability between 1789-1795 Content-based and discussion 2/02 3/02 04/02 Wars against First Coalition Brunswick Manifesto Pillnitz Declaration Internal revolts Week 4 Effect of War on France’s government Reasons for War 1792 onwards Timeline of the wars: successes and failures 29/01 Rise in militancy: sans-culottes, revolts in the Vendee Content-based and discussion 05/02 War under the National Convention and the CPS 30/01 How far did the revolution live up to the expectations of the working classes? Pupil-led discussion Essay for homework: To what extent can we consider social instability as the common denominator throughout the FR? 06/02 ? AS Grade 11 2015 Arguments for and against war Week 5: French Revolution: Political instability Preparatory work s/download/vxE9LsUWfu ZPdVoOS5X6F3aeZ5mPf4 ZIIuUpW9tQB8uwJJzC.pdf /political_spectrum.pdf 02/02 03/02 National Assembly: Declaration of Rights of Man, Constitution of 1791, economic reforms, success? End of constitutional monarchy Legislative Assembly : Internal political ideas What is a constitution? Reflect on what we have learnt and what we will learn this week – how far do you think the constitutional has been upheld? Why/why not? Class debate/discussion Preparatory work: Read up on the Girondins, Jacobins, Royalists/emigres Content and discussion 04/02 05/02 National Convention Committee of Constitution of Public Safety: shift 1793, weakness in in the tone of the the National revolution Convention What were the Comparative causes of the analysis, causes and terror? Why do consequences, you think this continuity and violence changes emerged? Group discussion Group discussion 06/02 Robespierre and the Terror Reflect on how the French Revolution has developed from 1789-1795? How far have the ideals of FR have been reached? Discussion How far do you agree with the Marxist view that the French revolution was a ‘bourgeois’ revolution? Essay due 13/02 AS Grade 11 2015 Week 6 The Directory Preparatory work: Watch Lynn Hunt’s Berkeley lecture online Research Napoleon 09/02 10/02 Test Assessment The Directory Content and discussion 23/02 24/02 Napoleon as a statesman and his foreign policy Conclusion to topic Week 7: Conclusion to topic Preparatory work: Watch Lynn Hunt’s Berkeley lecture online Group discussion Content and discussion 11/02 12/02 13/02 Napoleon’s rise to power and the end of the Directory Discussion: can we blame the Directory for the failure of the revolution? Napoleon’s rise to power Content and discussion Napoleonic Code 25/02 26/02 27/02 Discussion: is the In-class essay on French Revolution Napoleon Assessment relevant in today’s world? Content and discussion Mid-term Group discussion Week 8: Industrial Revolution Preparatory work: Select five major turning points in History and write a paragraph for each justifying your decision 02/03 Major turning points in History: revolution Pupil-led discussion 03/03 Introduction to the Industrial Revolution; social, economic, cultural context of late 18th – early 19th century Content and discussion 04/03 05/03 06/03 Causes of IR by 1800 Factors which encouraged/ discouraged industrialisation 1800-1850? Factors which encouraged/ discouraged industrialisation 1800-1850? Content and discussion Content and discussion Content and discussion AS Grade 11 2015 Week 9: Industrial Revolution Preparatory work: Research history of Marxism and Capitalism Week 10: Industrial Revolution Preparatory work: Watch Lynn Hunt’s lecture of IR for revision Week 11: 09/03 10/03 11/03 12/03 13/03 Economic systems: rise of Capitalism and Marxism in context of IR Social causes of IR Political causes of IR IR in mainland Europe IR in mainland Europe Content and discussion Content and discussion Content and discussion Pupil-led discussion Content and discussion 16/03 17/03 18/03 19/03 20/03 Test IR: Historical debates Extension activity Extension activity Extension activity Assessment Group discussion Informal assessment 23/03 24/03 25/03 26/03 27/03 Skills Skills Camp Camp End of term Informal assessment Informal assessment