Role of the Assistant Principal Regulation

Role of the Assistant Principal
Administrative Regulation
The assistant principal in the Edmonton Catholic Separate School District No. 7 participates in the
administration of the school. As a member of an administrative team, the assistant principal demonstrates
through actions that he/she works in a professional manner and exemplifies qualities necessary to fulfill
the following expectations:
Leadership Dimension: Faith Leadership – Committing to Live the Gospel Teachings
Leadership Dimension – Faith Leadership
The assistant principal effectively demonstrates religious and moral leadership by fostering and
improving the climate within the school which fosters its growth as a Catholic Community within
the school and parish
Leadership Dimension – Fostering Effective Relationships
The assistant principal builds trust and fosters positive working relationships, on the basis of
appropriate values and ethical foundations, within the school community – students, teachers and
other staff, parents, school council and others who have an interest in the school.
Leadership Dimension – Embodying Visionary Leadership
The assistant principal collaboratively involves the school community in creating and sustaining
shared school values, vision and mission and goals.
Leadership Dimension – Leading a Learning Community
The assistant principal nurtures and sustains a school culture that values and supports learning.
Leadership Dimension – Providing Instructional Leadership
The assistant principal ensures that all students have ongoing access to quality teaching and
learning opportunities to meet the provincial goals of education
Leadership Dimension – Developing and Facilitating Leadership
The assistant principal promotes the development of leadership capacity within the school
community – students, teachers and other staff, parents, school council for the overall benefit of
the school community and education system.
Leadership Dimension – Managing School Operations and Resources
The assistant principal manages school operations and resources to ensure a safe, caring and
effective learning environment.
Leadership Dimension – Understanding and Responding to the Larger Societal Context
The assistant principal understands and responds appropriately to the political, social, economic,
legal and cultural contexts impacting the school.
Board Governance E#1, E#2, EL#6(5),
School Act Section 18, 19, 20
AP 200, 207, 300, 315
Date Approved:
April 3, 2000
Date(s) Reviewed/Revised:
June 12, 2002; March 15, 2005; June 28, 2013
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