Unit Plans


Anna Brancheau

3 rd

Grade Social Studies Unit Plans

University of West Georgia


Table of Contents

Lesson Plan 1: Prime Meridian and Equator……………………………………….pg 3

Prime Meridian and Equator Worksheet…………………………………...pg 4

Lesson Plan 2: Longitude and Latitude ……………………………………………pg 5

Longitude and Latitude Worksheet………………………………………...pg 6

Lesson Plan 3: Major Rivers………………………………………………………..pg 7

Lesson Plan 4: Major Mountain Ranges……………………………………………pg 8

Mountain Ranges Questions………………………………………………..pg 9

Lesson Plan 5: WebQuest………………………………………………………….pg 10

Assessment…………………………………………………………………….. see wiki

Web Quest……………………………………………………………………….see wiki

Google Earth Scavenger Hunt…………………………………………………..see wiki


Lesson 1

Prime Meridian and Equator

Time needed: One 45 minute block

SEATS format

(Standard, Essential Question, Activator, Teaching, Summarizer)

S: SS3G1: The student will locate major topographical features.a. Identify major rivers of the United States of America: Mississippi,

Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado, Hudson. b. Identify major mountain ranges of the

United States: Appalachian, Rocky. Locate the

Equator, Prime Meridian, and lines of latitude and longitude on a globe


E: What is the importance of the Prime

Meridian and Equator? Where are they?

A: Students will watch a Brain Pop video that discusses the Equator and Prime Meridian.

T: Students will follow along with an interactive PowerPoint and fill out questions on a worksheet. The PowerPoint will end with questions where students will Think-Pair-Share to answer aloud.

S: Students will use a paper plate and ribbon to label the Equator and Prime Meridian. They will also label hemispheres. This will be an ongoing activity until after we learn longitude and latitude.

See next page for worksheet.

The end product formative assessment should look similar to this:


Prime Meridian and Equator



Label the Equator.


The Equator divides the world into ______________ and _______________ hemispheres.


Which two continents are completely in the Northern Hemisphere?

___________________ and _____________________


Which two continents are completely in the Southern Hemisphere?

___________________ and _____________________


What continents does the Equator run through?


Color all of the land on the continents in the Northern Hemisphere red.


Color all of the land on the continents in the Southern Hemisphere green.


Label the Prime Meridian.


The Prime Meridian divides the world into __________________ and ______________ hemispheres.


Which two continents are completely in the Western Hemisphere?

_________________ and _______________________


What continents does the Prime Meridian run through?


Color all of the land in the Western Hemisphere blue.


Color all of the land in the Eastern Hemisphere yellow.


Which hemispheres to we live in?

Lesson 2

Longitude and Latitude

Time needed: One 45 minute block

SEATS format

(Standard, Essential Question, Activator, Teaching, Summarizer)

S: SS3G1: The student will locate major topographical features.a. Identify major rivers of the United States of America: Mississippi,

Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado, Hudson. b. Identify major mountain ranges of the

United States: Appalachian, Rocky. Locate the

Equator, Prime Meridian, and lines of latitude and longitude on a globe


E: How can we find locations using longitude and latitude coordinates?

A: Review Prime Meridian and Equator and

T: Students will work in an interactive Notebook will be something similar to this: notebook as the teacher presents the information using Promethean.


S: Formative Assessment: Students will be given a worksheet with coordinates. Their job is to find the coordinates on the map and mark them. We will complete the first two together.

See pg. 6

Name: ________________________________________

Latitude and Longitude

Write the letter of the position that each coordinate marks.



15ﹾN, 45 ﹾW ____


30 ̊N, 180 ̊E ____


0 ̊, 150 ̊ W



60 ̊ N, 60 ̊ E ____


15 ̊ S, 75 ̊ E ____


60 ̊ S, 120 ̊ W ____


45 ̊ S, 150 ̊ E ____


75 ̊ N, 90 ̊ W ____


60 ̊ N, 120 ̊ E ____


30 ̊ S, 0 ̊



Lesson 3

Major Rivers of the United States

Time needed: One 45 minute block

SEATS format

(Standard, Essential Question, Activator, Teaching, Summarizer)

S: SS3G1: The student will locate major topographical features.a. Identify major rivers of the United States of America:

Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado,

Hudson. b. Identify major mountain ranges of the

United States: Appalachian, Rocky.

Locate the Equator, Prime Meridian, and lines of latitude and longitude on a globe


E: What are the major rivers of the United

States? Where are they?

A: Students will view a video about the major rivers of the United States.

T: Students will read US Rivers chapter from text aloud. They will then label the worksheet and answer questions.

S: Formative assessment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qft_CEYwfYM

See wiki for attached rivers document

Students will use a blank USMap and yarn to glue and label major rivers.


Lesson 4

Major Mountain Ranges of the United States

Time needed: One-two 45 minute blocks

SEATS format

(Standard, Essential Question, Activator, Teaching, Summarizer)

S: SS3G1: The student will locate major topographical features.a. Identify major rivers of the United States of America:

Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado,

Hudson. b. Identify major mountain ranges of the

United States: Appalachian, Rocky. Locate the Equator, Prime Meridian, and lines of latitude and longitude on a globe


E: Where are the major mountain ranges in the United States? What are their names?

A: Students will view a Youtube video about the major mountain chains in the

United States and fill out a worksheet with it.

T: Students will complete the Google

Earth Scavenger Hunt with partners.

S: Students will use their blank map to glue construction paper triangles to represent the major mountain ranges.

See pg. 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmxY8_AE0s0

See wiki


Mountain Range Video Questions


List the five major mountain ranges:

________________, ______________________, _________________,

_________________, _____________________


What is the tallest mountain in the United States?____________________

Which range is it in? _________________


The Rocky Mountains run ____________ miles from Western Canada to the state of



The Appalachian Mountains run from the state of _______________ to Canada. They are

___________ miles long.


The Blue Ridge Mountains are part of the _____________ Range.


The Sierra Nevada Mountains are ____________ miles long.

Lesson 5

Review Day

Time Needed: One – Two 45 minute blocks

Students will use this day to complete the Review WebQuest individually with the class set of laptops. This WebQuest covers all topics related to the geography standard.

