November 6, 2011 The Thirty-second Sunday in

Saint Fidelis Parish
125 Buttercup Road, Butler, PA 16001
“A Community of Faithful Stewards”
Office/Rectory: 724-482-2690
Fax: 724-482-2315
CCD/Hall: 724-482-2362
November 6, 2011
Christ walks
among us
always. How are
we treating him?
The Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastor: Reverend James F. Murphy, D. Min.
Parochial Vicar: Rev. George J. Palick, M. S., M. A. Phone: 724-287-5531
Deacon: Deacon Toby Gaines, M. Ed.
CCD Program Coordinator:
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Youth Minister:
Mrs. Anna Marie Neutrelle
Mrs. Celine Mitchell
Mrs. Chris Williams
Music Director:
Ms. Catie Brown
Parish Social Minister:
Mrs. Joannie Soldner
Business Manager:
Mrs. Angela Kuss
Parish Secretary:
Mrs. Ellen Wehr
Liturgical Coordinator:
Mrs. Terri Piroch
Director of Evangelization & Planning Dr. Ginney K. Duffey, Ph.D.
Mrs. Ethel Galli
Butler Catholic School:
Sr. John Ann-Principal-724-285-4276
St. Fidelis Mission Statement:
The mission of St. Fidelis Parish is to provide
a welcoming, Christ-centered environment,
serving all who desire to follow the teachings
of Jesus Christ by offering the Sacraments
and Scriptures. We are committed to
ministering to the needs of all, using our gifts
and talents to serve the Body of Christ,
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church.
4:00 pm
6:30 pm
9:00 am
8:00 am
10:30 am
12:00 N
PARISH HEALTH MINISTRY: 724-482-2690, ext. 223
CHURCH OFFICE: Open Monday-Thursday – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
MERIDIAN – every Saturday 12 Noon to 12:30 p.m.
LYNDORA – 1st Sunday of the month; 45 minutes before Mass.
BAPTISM: Baptism class is required. Please call the office to
BAPTISMS: After the 12 Noon Mass on the 1st & 4th Sundays
and during the Noon Mass on the 3rd Sunday. Parents are
encouraged to attend baptism class prior to the child’s birth.
MARRIAGE: Couples contemplating marriage should contact
Fr. Murphy or Fr. Palick at least six months prior to the date of
the intended marriage. Pre-marriage instructions are
A two-day notice is necessary for a funeral luncheon.
MERIDIAN: Call Justine Brown (724-287-8332) or email:
LYNDORA: Call Rosemary Pawlowicz (724-283-8451) or
Bernice Goeppner (724-285-9472)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Registration forms available in the
vestibule or online at the parish website.
Complete and place in the collection basket or mail to the
NOTE: If you intend to take up the gifts at Mass, please
notify the usher of this intention before Mass.
SATURDAY, November 5, Anticipated, Thirty-second
Sunday in Ordinary Time
Robert & Kathleen Panko –
50th Wedding Anniv.
6:30pm-MERIDIAN Paul DiPasquale
(Phil & Terri Piroch)
SUNDAY, November 6, Thirty-second Sunday
in Ordinary Time
8:00am-MERIDIAN Margaret Shulik
(Greg & Dolly Haughey)
9:00am-LYNDORA Nicholas Hoszwa
(Anna & Jerry)
10:30am-MERIDIAN Jose M. Cosme
(Jose & Maria)
12:00N-MERIDIAN Anne E. Schaefer
(Albert Rozic)
MONDAY, November 7 , Weekday
6:55am-MERIDIAN Dennis Orlowsky–16 yr Anniv. Remb.
(Ruth Orlowsky)
Living and Deceased
TUESDAY, November 8, Weekday
8:00am-LYNDORA Margaret Shulik
(Michael & Nancy Zavacky)
Living and Deceased
WEDNESDAY, November 9, Dedication of Lateran
Basilica in Rome
8:00am-LYNDORA Anna Turowski
(Mr & Mrs. Joseph Furka)
Faithful Departed Remembrance
THURSDAY, November 10, St. Leo the Great
8:00am-LYNDORA Anna Yamnitzky
(Agnes Semes & Family)
Josephine Schnitski
(Sally Sedwick)
FRIDAY, November 11, St. Martin of Tours
6:55am-MERIDIAN Dale Willison
(John & Judy Graham)
Charles H. Fogle – Birthday Remb.
(Lambert & Barb Rosenbaum)
SATURDAY, November 12, Anticipated, Thirty-third
Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00pm-LYNDORA John Graham
(Pauline Maillet)
6:30pm-MERIDIAN Carol Jablonski – Birthday Remb.
(Ron & Karen Conrad)
SUNDAY, November 13, Thirty-third Sunday
in Ordinary Time
8:00am-MERIDIAN Frank & Catherine Majhan
(Monica & Cabrina)
9:00am-LYNDORA Megan Peth – 5 yr. Anniv. Remb.
(Mom & Dad)
10:30am-MERIDIAN Don Phillips
(Joe, Mary Ann & Dad)
12:00N-MERIDIAN John H. Tristani – Anniv. Remb.
The contemporary band will lead us in song on
Saturday, November 19th at the 6:30 Mass.
SATURDAY, November 12, 2011
4:00pm LYNDORA
Elizabeth Short
Euch. Min:
N. Martonik, B. & G. Williams
Altar Server:
Savannah McIntyre
John Morgan
Euch. Min:
Deacon Toby, D. Staab, G. O’Melia
Altar Servers:
R. Henry, E. & R. Crilley
SUNDAY, November 13, 2011
Alvin Vavro
Euch. Min:
M. Cavanaugh, D. & J. Croll
Altar Servers: K. Zoelle, S. Lloyd, M. Weiland
Dave Savage
Euch. Min:
D. Law, R. Orlowsky, M. Yurkovich
Altar Server:
Megan Goettler
Gerald Miller
Euch. Min:
E. Peth, C. Williams, R. Hilliard,
D. & J. Cygan
Altar Servers:
D. & L. Williams, J. Cratty
Rose Marie McDannell
Euch Min:
J. & J. Kline, R. Weleski
Altar Servers:
N. & A. Huff, A. Mizgorski
Christian Women’s Guild Prayer Chain:
The Christian Women wish to share their love and concern
for others by extending their ministry of the prayer chain to
the entire parish. The names of the sick and hospitalized
will be published in the bulletin for three weeks unless
otherwise requested. Requests must be given to Mary
Ellen Cupps, 724-482-2500 or Fran McConnell, 724-7899433 by Noon on Mondays. Please remember: Barb,
Brent & Destiny, Sandy Coleman, Kate Conners, Bill
Darney, Jim Dunn, Elmer, Margaret Furka, Pat
Hendricks, Ruth Holben, Arleen Karman, Stanley Klara,
Lillian Kostecky, Marsha Kowal, Sonny Krick, Emily
Leyland, Lu, Ernest Mannering, Mia, Mike Nickle,
Maryann Nodge, Martin O., Flo Pappas, Amy Petro,
Pam Phillips, Joan Pilat, Teresa R., Rosella, Maurico
Rosellini, Valerie Rotunda, Lois Schirra, J. Sexton,
Marge Sherman, Tereso, Terry, Ellen Wehr, Andrew
Wilson, Cooper Young, John Furka, Ray Cook.
SICK & HOMEBOUND: The sacraments are available
to those who are unable to attend Mass due to sickness,
age or incapacity. Please call the rectory to make
arrangements. If you are scheduling elective surgery
and would like to be anointed prior to surgery, please
call the rectory as soon as you have the date.
NOVEMBER 6, 2011
The readings for the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary
Time speak of the importance of wisdom for people of
faith. Both Israel’s wisdom tradition and Jesus himself
placed high value of the virtue of wisdom.
With the New Testament Gospels, all four Evangelists
had both oral and written source material on Jesus.
Each Evangelist had to consider what source material
to include and where to include it in their Gospels,
since the original source material on Jesus often
lacked a specific setting and context. Our first
Evangelist included in his Gospel many parables of
Jesus not found in the other Gospels. Today’s parable
of the ten virgins is one such example. Since the
parable points to the importance of wisdom in seeking
the kingdom of heaven, a theme present in other
material Matthew included in his Gospel (see, for
example, 7:24-27, the two foundations, at the end of
the Sermon on the Mount), it is safe to assume that
Matthew chose this parable based (at least in part) on
its emphasis on wisdom.
But Matthew also had to decide where to place this
parable in the ordering of his Gospel material.
Matthew’s decision to place this parable as one of
Jesus’ final parables before the Passion and
Resurrection narrative indicates its importance to
Matthew. While the parable itself speaks to the
wisdom (and foolishness) of the ten virgins, the ending
of the parable (“Therefore, stay awake, for you know
neither the day nor the hour.”) points to its other focus:
the wisdom of being prepared for the unknown arrival
of Jesus’ second coming. Matthew’s Jewish Christian
community, second-generation Christians living around
AD 80, likely lost the sense of Jesus’ imminent return
that was present to the original generation of Jesus’
The first reading is taken from the Book of Wisdom,
written about one hundred years before the birth of
Christ. The Book of Wisdom contains some of the
finest wisdom traditions in Israel’s history dealing with
a range of topics from the Exodus to the God’s mercy
and justice. Today’s reading personifies wisdom,
highlighting some of the characteristics of wisdom
(resplendent, unfading, and gracious), as well as some
of the functions of wisdom (revealing, seeking and
finding). On a deeper level, our Jewish sage teaches
us that wisdom is not a static virtue; rather, it is a
dynamic force that interacts in the rhythm of our lives
and integrates the many disparate parts of our lives
into a healthy whole. It is easy to see why some
Christian community of John’s Gospel, spoke of Jesus
as Wisdom incarnate (see John’s Prologue, 1:1-18).
In the second reading from his First Letter to the
Thessalonians, Paul addresses the concern of the
Christians at Thessalonica about the timing of Jesus’
second coming. Unlike Matthew’s community, these
Pauline Christians were first-generation believers, very
much anticipating an imminent return of Christ. Paul
comforts the Thessalonians with the knowledge that all
believers, living and dead, will unite the day Christ
What Will Be Happening with the Prayers at Mass?
On the First Sunday of Advent, November 27,
2011, Catholic parishes in the United States will begin
praying the texts of the Mass using a new English
translation of The Roman Missal. The Roman Missal is
the large book that we are accustomed to seeing the
priest use at our Eucharistic liturgies. It contains the
official prayers of the Mass. In the early part of this
century, the late Blessed Pope John Paul II called for the
original Latin Missal (the official prayer book for Mass for
the entire Catholic Church worldwide) to be re-translated
into the various languages prayed throughout the world.
He and other Church leaders felt that our current English
translation could be improved. He called for new
translations that would be much more faithful to the
original Latin texts, so that all Catholics throughout the
world would become more closely united by praying
translations that were closer to the original. The words
that we pray at Mass express our beliefs; it is important
that the translations capture and express these beliefs
clearly. The translation process has come to a culmination
now, and on the First Sunday of Advent we will begin
using this new translation at Mass.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The Holy Hour for Peace will be held at St. Paul, Butler
on Monday, November 14th beginning at 7pm. Prayers for
Peace vocations, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and a
rosary are followed by benediction.
The Divine Mercy Holy Hour will be held at St. Paul,
Butler on Tuesday, November 15th, beginning at 7pm.
Stations of the Cross, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and
Benediction will be held.
Income 10/23/11
Parish Share
Income 10/30/11
Parish Share
Altar Society Schedule:
November 6 – Kathy Noto
The Men’s Club will have their
November pancake breakfast on
November 6th from 8am to noon. Price
is $5.50 for adults and $2.25 for kids
under 12. Come and enjoy
great fellowship and a great breakfast!
A Protecting God’s Children seminar will be held at
St. Fidelis on Wednesday, November 9th from 6:309:30pm in the double classroom. Please call the
Religious Education Office at 724-482-2362 to register.
Adults who are interested in helping our youth:
Plans are underway for the musical Godspell which will be
presented in January by the newly-forming JESUS ALIVE
AND LIVING youth organization. Musicians are needed
to serve as orchestra members and vocal directors. If you
are musically inclined and would like to support the youth
group with your talents, please contact Jim Neutrelle at
Butler Catholic School’s 10th Annual Winter
Wonderland: Saturday, November 19th, 6:30pm in the
Butler Catholic Gym. We have great prizes like four
tickets to Disney, overnight says, and over 100 baskets
for the Chinese Auction. Tickets can be purchased at the
school office or at the door. The admission ticket price is
$10. We are always accepting donations for the auction.
If you would like to contribute, please contact the office by
email at or 724-2854276. Examples of donations are memorabilia, sporting
event tickets, or play tickets. We are also selling raffle
tickets to win a $1,000 Giant Eagle Shopping Spree for $2
each and raffle tickets to win a $500 Sheetz card for $1
each. These can be purchased at the school office or
look for someone selling them after Mass. We look
forward to seeing you at Winter Wonderland!
Baptismal Class: There will be a Baptismal class on
November 15th. Please call the church office for more
Photos Needed: We need photos of Sacraments
received within this past years for our annual
Thanksgiving slide show. Especially needed are First
Communion photos, Confirmation from last year or this
year, and Wedding photos at St. Fidelis. Also, nonsacramental church activities photos will be accepted.
Please send them into the parish office or send digitally to
Joannie Soldner at the church office, her e-mail address
is on the front of the bulletin.
Jesus Alive and Living Butler District Youth Group:
Thank you to all the participants and drivers of the
Trick or Treat for Food benefitting the St. Vincent
DePaul Food Bank. We had 6 car loads out in the
Butler area going door-to-door collecting nonperishable
items for the needy. At the end of the day, over 1,000
items were donated! WAY TO GO!
Upcoming Events:
Teen Bible Study: Keep a lookout for the up and coming
T3: Teen Timeline Bible Study. Deacons Dave, Mitch and
Toby will be leading this current and interactive series.
Location: St. Peter Parish, dates and time forthcoming.
Godspell: January 28th and 29th at the Succop Theatre,
BC3 Campus. Needed: 6th-12th graders who want to be a
part of the acting/singing (no experience necessary), set
design, costume crew, make up, stage crew, lighting
crew, sound crew, hospitality, program design. Adult help
is also needed! Email Jim Neutrelle to become involved:
Thanksgiving Service Project: Sunday, November 27th
from Noon-6pm. We will wrap up our day of serving at
7pm mass at St. Paul’s. Sign up with your contact info
and PLEASE include your t-shirt size. ADULT HELPERS
Questions/comments: Contact Chris at
R. E. News Bee
Pre-School to grade 5: Sunday mornings from 9-10:15.
Pre-School to grade 6: Monday evenings from 6-7:15.
Grades 6, 7 and 8: every other Sunday evening from 6-8
Have you heard? Butler Catholic School is nominated
for the Clorox Company’s Power a Bright Future grant
contest! We have the chance to win $50,000 towards
upgrading our technology infrastructure. If you are 13 or
older, you can help us win by visiting and voting for Butler
Catholic School once a day from until December 9th. And
remember…every vote counts. Share this exciting news
with your friends and family, and encourage them to get
St. Fidelis Girls Basketball: It’s that time of year
again! Any girls grades 7-12 interested in playing for
the St. Fidelis Girls Basketball team should call Mr.
Konieczny (724-282-4147) or Mr. Smith (724-4820153) to register for this year’s team. Practice will be
starting in a few weeks. Come and be a part of this
successful (and fun) program!
The Little Sisters of the Poor are once again offering
Christmas cards sketched by Sister Martha, Isp. This
year’s sketch is white on a burgundy background. The
cards at: 7 for $10 (plus $1.50 shipping), 12 for $15
(plus $2.00 shipping) or 30 for $25 (plus $5.00
shipping). Cards can be ordered by calling (412)3071100, or sending a check made payable to Little
Sisters of the Poor at 1028 Benton Ave., Pittsburgh,
PA 15212, or stopping at the Main Entrance of the
WHO: Jesus Alive and Living Butler District Youth Group
WHAT: Godspell, the musical
WHEN: January 28th, 29th
WHERE: Succop Theater, BC3 Campus
NEEDED: 6th-12th graders who want to be a part of the:
 Acting/Singing: no
experience necessary
 Set Design
 Costume Crew
 Make Up
 Stage Crew
Lighting Crew
Sound Crew
Program design
AUDITIONS: Sunday, November 6th from 1:30-4:30 in the
St. Fidelis church.
Email Jim Neutrelle to become involved: