
Appendix S4 Model averaged coefficient estimates for fixed effects included in confidence set of models
explaining the relative contribution of intraspecific trait variation to total trait variation among
communities (aITV). Results are shown for analyses of all traits, leaf traits, specific leaf area (SLA), and
plant height. Separate analyses were conducted on the database divided by growth form (herbaceous or
woody) and biome (temperate or tropical). MAT: mean annual temperature; MAP: mean annual
precipitation; GF: growth form (herbaceous, woody, or herbaceous and woody); organTC: leaf trait
category (chemical or morphological).
Herbaceous communities, all biomes
Model averaged coefficient estimates and 95% confidence intervals for fixed effects included in
confidence set of models explaining relative extent of intraspecific trait variation among communities
(aITV) for herbaceous communities. Results are shown for analyses of all traits, leaf traits, specific leaf
area (SLA), and plant height. Continuous predictors were standardized (mean = 0, sd = 1) to make
magnitude of coefficients comparable. Relative importance (RI) is the sum of AIC weights of models in
which a given predictor appears. Results are shown only for predictors with RI > 0.10.
Woody communities, all biomes
Model averaged coefficient estimates and 95% confidence intervals for fixed effects included in
confidence set of models explaining relative extent of intraspecific trait variation among communities
(aITV) for woody communities. Results are shown for analyses of all traits, leaf traits, specific leaf area
(SLA), and plant height. Continuous predictors were standardized (mean = 0, sd = 1) to make magnitude
of coefficients comparable. Relative importance (RI) is the sum of AIC weights of models in which a given
predictor appears. Results are shown only for predictors with RI > 0.10.
Temperate biome, all growth forms
Model averaged coefficient estimates and 95% confidence intervals for fixed effects included in
confidence set of models explaining relative extent of intraspecific trait variation among communities
(aITV) for studies in temperate biomes. Results are shown for analyses of all traits, leaf traits, specific
leaf area (SLA), and plant height. Continuous predictors were standardized (mean = 0, sd = 1) to make
magnitude of coefficients comparable. Relative importance (RI) is the sum of AIC weights of models in
which a given predictor appears. Results are shown only for predictors with RI > 0.10.
Tropical biome, all growth forms
Model averaged coefficient estimates and 95% confidence intervals for fixed effects included in
confidence set of models explaining relative extent of intraspecific trait variation among communities
(aITV) for studies in tropical biomes. Results are shown for analyses of all traits, leaf traits, specific leaf
area (SLA), and plant height. Continuous predictors were standardized (mean = 0, sd = 1) to make
magnitude of coefficients comparable. Relative importance (RI) is the sum of AIC weights of models in
which a given predictor appears. Results are shown only for predictors with RI > 0.10.