Laughlin, D.C. Appendix S3. SEM results using individual plant functional traits Appendix S3. SEM results using individual plant functional traits Westoby et al. (2002) and Reich et al. (2003) proposed that plant strategies be considered as spectrums of coordinated/correlated traits, rather than single traits. Dimensionality reduction techniques (such as principal components analysis, PCA) are useful because they extract information about plant strategy spectrums by taking into account all the available trait information, rather than relying on a single measure, such as SLA. In the words of Lee and Verleyson (2007), “…instead of arbitrarily removing one variable…another way to reduce the number of variables would be to find a new set of transformed variables. This is motivated by the facts that dependencies between variables may be very complex and that keeping one of them might not suffice to catch all the information they both convey.” The structural equation model (SEM) presented in the main text used a communityweighted mean leaf trait axis to represent the location of the community along the leaf economics spectrum. Therefore, the use of the leaf trait axis in this context is novel and represents an analytical advance in studies that relate multidimensional plant communities to ecosystem processes. The first principal component extracted from the species-trait matrix represented species-level covariation in SLA, LDMC, leaf [N], and fine root [N] (Laughlin et al. 2010). The average value of this axis was then calculated for each community using species relative abundances as weights. The community-weighted mean PCA leaf axis was strongly correlated with community-weighted mean SLA, LDMC, leaf [N], and fine root [N] (r = 0.82, 0.58, 0.88, 0.80, respectively). Here I show that the SEM results are qualitatively similar if individual communityweighted mean traits are used instead of the community-weighted mean PCA axis to represent 1 Laughlin, D.C. Appendix S3. SEM results using individual plant functional traits the plant strategy spectrum. For each model presented here, I replaced the community-weighted leaf trait axis with the community-weighted mean traits (i.e. SLA, leaf [N], LDMC, and fine root [N]). The model with SLA (Fig. S3.1) fit the data well (χ2 = 39.7, df = 32, P = 0.16) and all pathways were qualitatively similar to the model presented in Fig. 3 in the main text. The sign of the pathway between SLA and nitrification potential was positive, yet marginally non-significant (P = 0.057). The model with leaf [N] (Fig. S3.2) fit the data well (χ2 = 39.1, df = 32, P = 0.18) and all pathways were qualitatively similar to the model presented in Fig. 3 in the main text. The sign of the pathway between leaf [N] and nitrification potential was positive and highly significant (P = 0.0003). The model with LDMC (Fig. S3.3) fit the data well (χ2 = 38.1, df = 32, P = 0.22) and all the pathways were qualitatively similar to the model presented in Fig. 3 in the main text. The sign of the pathway between LDMC and nitrification potential was negative because LDMC was negatively correlated with the leaf trait axis (i.e. LDMC is negatively correlated with SLA and leaf [N]). However, the pathway from LDMC to nitrification potential was not significant (P = 0.54). The model with fine root [N] did not fit the data well initially (χ2 = 58.2, df = 32, P = 0.0031). I obtained a good fitting model by adding pathways between soil total N and fine root [N], and between soil pH and fine root [N]. This model (Fig. S3.4) fit the data marginally well (χ2 = 43.0, df = 32, P = 0.0584). The sign of the pathway between fine root [N] and nitrification potential was positive, but non-significant (P = 0.15). 2 Laughlin, D.C. Appendix S3. SEM results using individual plant functional traits This analysis demonstrates that leaf [N] and SLA were the two most important traits that influenced the results obtained in this paper, suggesting that by themselves, leaf [N] and SLA are potentially useful predictors of nitrification potential in these forest soils. The model with leaf [N] strongly agreed with the model presented in the main text, and this is likely because community-weighted mean leaf [N] exhibited the strongest correlation with the leaf trait axis compared to the other traits. The model with SLA also generally agreed with the model presented in the main text, and this is likely because community-weighted mean SLA exhibited the second strongest correlation with the leaf trait axis compared to the other traits. The models with LDMC and fine root [N] were still qualitatively similar (the signs on the pathways were what would be expected), but the significance level of the pathways was changed. References Laughlin, D.C., Leppert, J.J., Moore, M.M. & Sieg, C.H. (2010a) A multi-trait test of the leafheight-seed plant strategy scheme with 133 species from a pine forest flora. Functional Ecology, 24, 493-501. Lee, J.A. & Verleyson, M. (2007) Nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Springer. Reich, P.B., Wright, I.J., Cavender-Bares, J., Craine, J.M., Oleskyn, J., Westoby, M. & Walters, M.B. (2003) The evolution of plant functional variation: traits, spectra, and strategies. International Journal of Plant Science, 164 (3 Supplement), S143-S164. Westoby, M., Falster, D.S., Moles, A.T., Vesk, P.A. & Wright, I.J. (2002) Plant ecological strategies: some leading dimensions of variation among species. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 33, 125-159. 3 Laughlin, D.C. Appendix S3. SEM results using individual plant functional traits Figure S3.1. Structural equation model with community-weighted mean specific leaf area (SLA) instead of the leaf trait axis (χ2 = 39.7, df = 32, P = 0.16). Standardized path coefficients can be interpreted as partial correlation coefficients that range from -1 to 1. Coefficients of determinisms (R2) are shown for every response variable in this set of eight linear equations. 4 Laughlin, D.C. Appendix S3. SEM results using individual plant functional traits Figure S3.2. Structural equation model with community-weighted mean leaf nitrogen content instead of the leaf trait axis (χ2 = 39.1, df = 32, P = 0.18). Standardized path coefficients can be interpreted as partial correlation coefficients that range from -1 to 1. Coefficients of determinisms (R2) are shown for every response variable in this set of eight linear equations. 5 Laughlin, D.C. Appendix S3. SEM results using individual plant functional traits Figure S3.3. Structural equation model with community-weighted mean leaf dry matter content (LDMC) instead of the leaf trait axis (χ2 = 38.1, df = 32, P = 0.22). Standardized path coefficients can be interpreted as partial correlation coefficients that range from -1 to 1. Coefficients of determinisms (R2) are shown for every response variable in this set of eight linear equations. 6 Laughlin, D.C. Appendix S3. SEM results using individual plant functional traits Figure S3.4. Structural equation model with community-weighted mean fine root nitrogen content instead of the leaf trait axis (χ2 = 43.0, df = 32, P = 0.0584). Standardized path coefficients can be interpreted as partial correlation coefficients that range from -1 to 1. Coefficients of determinisms (R2) are shown for every response variable in this set of eight linear equations. 7