Assignment Description/Rubric

Character Creature Assignment
Throughout the reading of our first class novel, we have been discussing characterization and looking at the
characters’ Speech, Thoughts, Effect on others, Actions, and Looks in order to determine their specific character
traits. Now that the novel is coming to a close, we have grown attached and have learned a lot about several of
the characters, especially: Iqbal, Fatima, and Hussain Kahn. The following is your assignment:
1. Think of the 5 MOST IMPORTANT traits of a character from the story
a. Complete the character “person” in your Iqbal packet to go along with the character you
choose (Iqbal, Hussain Kahn, Fatima)
b. Each of the traits should be accompanied by a direct quote from the book, one for each of the
following: Speech, Thoughts, Effect on Others, Actions, Looks)
2. Choose a different animal to represent each trait
a. Example: If the character is quiet, a mouse may be an animal used to represent this particular
3. Create a new creature that reflects the traits of both the animal and the character
a. Ex: Your new creature could have the stripes of a zebra, the nose of an elephant, the neck of a
giraffe and so on. Remember you must include 5 animals to represent 5 traits.
4. On plain white paper, draw and color your new character creature
5. You must also include a write-up explaining what each animal represents. Give a thorough
description of your new character.
a. Each paragraph should include the following (There will be 5 total paragraphs—one for each
i. Introduce the character trait
1. Provide evidence (the direct quote from the book)
ii. Introduce the animal
1. Explain why this animal represents this trait
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Expectations/Rubric: __________/135 (ASSESSMENT—80%)
5 complete paragraphs
(containing minimal errors in spelling
and/or grammar)
(20 pts./each)
 Each paragraph contains a
description of the character trait
with textual evidence
 Each trait is represented by an
animal with an accompanying
Picture representation
 Your paper is accompanied by a
drawing, which clearly shows the Comments:
5 animals, which represent your
character’s traits
 It is evident that you put forth
your best effort in both the
written and visual components
 Your final project is presented in
a neat and polished fashion
NAME: ____________________________________________________
PERIOD: ____________