Invited Lectures and Presentations

Invited Lectures and Presentations
Chaire Franqui, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, March 2014
“Keep the Lights On and the Information Flowing”, IEEE Power and Energy Society
Boston Chapter, Boston, MA, May 14, 2013
“Flexibility in Power Systems”, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, May 13,
“Optimizing Power System Flexibility in the Short-Term and Long-Term”,
Northwest Power and Conservation Council, Portland, OR, May 2, 2013
“Research on the Value of Storage”, Northwest Power and Conservation Council,
Portland, OR, February 13, 2013
“Flexibility in Power Systems”, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, January 18,
“Integrating Renewable Energy Sources in the Grid”, Solar Washington, Seattle, WA,
November 12, 2012
“Keep the Lights On and the Information Flowing”, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, December 12, 2012
“Power System Operation”, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, May 17, 2012
“Technologies for Transmission Planning”, Boise State University, Boise, ID, April
26, 2012
“Probabilistic assessment of power system security”, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, March 23, 2012
“High Performance Computing in Power Systems: Demand Pull and Technology
Push”, International Workshop on High Performance Computing, Networking and
Analytics for the Power Grid, Seattle, WA, November 13, 2011
“Flexibility in Power Systems”, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ, October 28,
“New Formulations of the Optimal Power Flow Problem”, Stanford University, Palo
Alto, CA, October 13, 2011
“Flexibility in Power Systems”, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, July
14, 2011
“Harnessing the Power of the Demand Side”, Sharp Laboratories, Vancouver, WA,
July 8, 2011
“Optimizing the Flexibility of a Portfolio of Generating Plants to Deal with Wind
Generation” Alstom Grid, Redmond, WA, May 6, 2011
“Harnessing the Power of the Demand Side”, Washington State University, Pullman,
WA, January 20, 2011
“Smart Grids and Beyond”, University of Washington, January 18, 2011
D. Kirschen
“New Formulations of the Optimal Power Flow Problem”, Isaac Newton Institute
for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
May 24, 2010
“A framework for studying the influence of the information infrastructure on power
system security”, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, May 10, 2010
“Flexibility in Power Systems”, European Workshop on Energy Storage, Brussels,
Belgium, November 2009
“Panorama des marchés européens et historique du marché britannique”, series of
training session for EDF managers, Toulouse, Marseille, Lyon, France, OctoberDecember 2009
“Quantifying the Effect of Demand-Side Response, Poyry Associates, Oxford, UK,
October 2009
“Review of Recent Work on Power System Security at The University Of
Manchester”, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, October
May 2009, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, “A Framework for
Studying the Influence of the Information Infrastructure on Power System Security”
April 2009, Tsinghua University, Beijing, “A Framework for Studying the Influence
of the Information Infrastructure on Power System Security”
April 2009, Wuhan University, Wuhan (China), “A Framework for Studying the
Influence of the Information Infrastructure on Power System Security”
February 2009, Brussels, “A Balancing Act”, European Union Sustainable Energy
Week Workshop on Strategy for Renewable Energy Development
November 2008, Wilmslow, “Why Do the Lights Go Out? Blackouts and Power
System Restoration”, Wilmslow Guild
July 2008, Oxford University, Discussant at the International Workshop on Financial
Methods in Electricity Markets organised by UKERC
May 2008, Beijing, “Probabilistic Power System Security”, Keynote speaker at the
National Conference on Power System Operational Reliability
March 2008, Tsinghua University – Shenzhen (China), “A Framework for Studying
the Influence of the Information Infrastructure on Power System Security”, UKChina Workshop on Sustainable Development of Power Technology
March 2008, Hong Kong University, “Demand-side Participation in Electricity
August 2007, Beijing, “Power System Economics”, series of 7 lectures at Tsinghua
March 2007, “Introduction to Competitive Electricity Markets”, Webinar organised
by Leonardo Energy
D. Kirschen
February 2007, Brussels, “A Framework for Studying the Influence of the
Information Infrastructure on Power System Security”, GRID conference organised
by the European Commission
November 2006, Paris: “Demand-Side Participation in Electricity Markets” organised
by the “Société des Electriciens et Electroniciens” (in French)
October 2006, Beijing, “Evolution of Electricity Markets: Successes, Setbacks and
Open Questions”, North Chine Electric Power University
July 2006, Ciudad Real (Spain), “Optimizing the Spinning Reserve Requirements”,
exploratory workshop on “Mathematical Models for Electricity Markets” sponsored
by the European Science Foundation
June 2006, Montréal, “Tendances et Directions de Recherche en Gestion des Réseaux
Electriques”, Hydro-Québec
December 2005, Brussels, “Prices of electricity across a transmission network”,
lecture at the University of Brussels (ULB)
November 2005, Dublin: “Electricity Markets, Blackouts and Security Standards”,
evening seminar at University College Dublin
July 2005, San Francisco, “Deterministic and Probabilistic Security Criteria in a
Competitive Environment”, panel session on “Engineering and Economic Reliability
Criteria for Transmission System Operation”, IEEE PES General Meeting
May 2005, Linköping University, Sweden, “Why Do Blackouts Happen?” CRIS
International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures
January 2005, Brussels, “Why do we get Blackouts?”, Workshop on “The future of
ICT for power systems: emerging security challenges” organised by the European
January 2005, Santiago (Chile), Short Course on Power System Economics
December 2004, Brussels, “Prices of electricity across a transmission network”,
Lecture at the University of Brussels (ULB)
May 2004, Lund University (Sweden), The Role of Operators in Blackouts”, CRIS
workshop on Power System Blackouts
December 2003, Brussels, “Prices of electricity across a transmission network”,
Lecture at the University of Brussels (ULB)
November 2003, Paris, “Power System Economics”, Training session for EDF
November 2003, London, Invited speaker at the OXERA seminar “Trusting the
Markets: Security of Supply in a Liberalised Energy Market”
May 2003, Amsterdam, “Estimating the Cost of Electricity Interruptions”, INDES
seminar organised by ECN
November 2002, Brussels, “Generator Decisions in a Competitive Electricity
Market”, Lecture at the University of Brussels (ULB)
D. Kirschen
July 2001, Madison WI, “Energy and Transmission Pricing in England and Wales”
part of a short course on electricity markets sponsored by the Edison Electric
May 2001, Coventry, “Computing the Value of Power System Security”, Eurostag
Users’ Group meeting
January 2001, Paris, “Generation Management in a Competitive Environment – A
Survey”, EES-UETP short course on “Risk management for a utility”
July 2000, Madison WI, “Energy and Transmission Pricing in England and Wales”
part of a short course on electricity markets sponsored by the Edison Electric
May 2000, Paris, “Power System Operation in England and Wales” training session
organized by EDF
January 2001, New York, “Market Clearing Prices in the Balancing Mechanism of
England and Wales”, Panel session on Market Rules and Market Behaviour, IEEE
PES, Winter Power Meeting.
December 1999, Manchester, Short Course on Power System Economics, SYSECA
November 1999, Paris, “Generation Scheduling in a Competitive Electricity Pool: the
UK Example” EES-UETP short course on “Recent advances in optimization of
generation operation”
August 1999, Singapore, “The UK’s New Electricity Trading Arrangement”, IEEE
PES Singapore Section
July 1999, Madison WI, “Energy and Transmission Pricing in England and Wales”
part of a short course on electricity markets sponsored by the Edison Electric
June 1997, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, “The Electricity Market in
England and Wales”
July 1996, Madison, WI, “The Electricity Market in England and Wales”, Wisconsin
Public Services Commission
August 1989, Seoul, “Expert System Applications in Energy Management Systems”,
Korea/USA Joint Seminar on Expert Systems in Power Systems sponsored by NSF
D. Kirschen