Scoring an AP Essay Advanced Placement essays are graded on a scale of 1 through 9. The first question a grader asks is, “Is the paper adequate or inadequate (is it upper half or lower half)?” If the paper is judged to be upper half, the question becomes, “Is it effective or merely adequate (is it an 8 or a 6)?” If further refinement is needed, the score is moved up to a 7 or a 9, as the case may be. The same pattern follows for papers in the lower half of the range, though moving in the opposite direction. 9 = An 8, but with especially sophisticated thinking. Impressive control of writing and strong sense of voice 8 = Effective Responds to the prompt effectively. The writing is especially mature 7 = A 6, but with a more complete analysis or more mature writing 6 = Adequate Responds to the prompt adequately, though discussions are limited and the analysis is sometimes unconvincing. The writing is clear. Do more than they’re expected to do Do what they’re told to do 5 = Uneven Responds to the prompt unevenly or inconsistently. Lapses in the writing 4 = Inadequate Responds to the prompt inadequately. The writing is immature and lacks control 3 = A 4, but with less perceptive analysis. The writing is especially weak 2 = Unsuccessful Responds to the prompt unsuccessfully. The writing is consistently weak 1 = A 2, but with even less analysis and even weaker control of writing 0 = Merely repeats the prompt – = Blank or completely off topic Page 1 of 1 Know what to do but fail to do it Don’t know what to do 2/9/16