Washington State Math Fellows CCSS INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE REFLECTION The Shifts required by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics are: 1. Focus: Focus strongly where the Standards focus. 2. Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades. 3. Rigor: In major topics pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application with equal intensity. Reflect on your confidence to implement the 3 CCSS Math shifts in your own classroom. I can design and facilitate lessons that support students in relating new concepts to prior skills and knowledge. 1 2 3 No connections are made to students’ prior skills I can pose high quality questions and problems that prompt students to share their developing thinking about the content of the lesson. I have strategies to keep all students persevering with challenging problems. I have established a classroom culture in which students explain their thinking and each other’s thinking. There is variety in what my students produce 1 My lessons explicitly build on students’ prior skills and knowledge and students articulate these connections 2 3 Questions and problems rarely prompt students to share their developing thinking. 1 2 3 2 3 1 Once or twice a year 4 Students regularly explain and justify their own and others’ thinking 2 3 Students mostly produce answers and solutions. Students reflect on their learning and learn from their mistakes. 4 I have multiple strategies to help students persist in efforts to solve challenging problems Students are rarely asked to explain their thinking. 1 4 Questions and problems consistently prompt students to share their developing thinking Most students do not persist with challenging problems. 1 4 4 Students regularly produce answers, solutions, arguments, explanations, diagrams, models,etc. 2 3 4 Daily