Journal Prompt

ENGL 220 1
World Literature 1
Prompt for Journal entries:
1. State a modern connection to the work under study, either one you learned about from viewing
the Annenberg film or one you have personally acquired, and where you made this discovery.
2. Reflect on the stated connection from a personal point-of-view; what did the connection you’ve
uncovered make you think, feel: how did you respond to it?
3. Based on your new insights into this particular work, reflect on your knowledge of it based on
one of the following: person(s) in that culture + decision-making; person(s) in that culture +
view on philosophy or religion; person(s) in that culture + view on leadership; or person(s) in
that culture + view on one of the fine arts.
Journal Rubric: The following scoring rubric will be used for grading them, with +/-.5 relating specifically
to development:
20 points: The author responds to the entire prompt with sufficient development (250+ words)
and a logically organized argument based on evidence in support of his/her opinion(s); the piece
is grammatically/mechanically error-free.
19-18 points: The author responds to the entire prompt with sufficient development (250+
words) and a logically organized argument based on evidence in support of his/her opinion(s),
but with minor grammatical/mechanical errors.
17-16 points: The author responds to the entire prompt with sufficient development (250+
words) and a logically organized argument based on evidence in support of his/her opinion(s);
however, the entry has a number of grammatical/mechanical errors. Or, the author shifts
opinion in the entry, although s/he provides evidence for both positions.
15-14 points: The author shifts focus away from the actual questions in the prompt, and/or fails
to provide sufficient supporting evidence; development may be lacking (200+/- words), and/or
there are many grammatical/mechanical errors.
13-12 points: The author fails to respond to the entire prompt and/or fails to provide evidence
in support of his/her opinion(s). Development is seriously lacking (100 +/- words); coherence is
an issue, and/or there are numerous grammatical/mechanical errors.
0 points: No submission or plagiarism.