UKIP Manifesto document explained for you: We support: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The introduction of minimum attendance requirements for all councilors. In every other job, if you don’t turn up you don’t get paid. Why should local government be any different? A ban on family members co-opting relatives to elected positions. To deliver best value to the ratepayer, such appointments where they become necessary should be made upon the basis of ability and not genetics. An end to restrictions upon the recording of council meetings. Councils represent the people. Why shouldn’t the people who elect councilors be able to record business they transact on their behalf? The appropriate use of local referendums to resolve contentious local issues. Where complex and contentious local issues cannot be resolved, UKIP will legislate for local referendums. The use of online council petitions, allowing local people to raise concerns. The system works well in other legislatures… extending it to local government allows local concerns to be raised directly and cost-effectively. An end to the taking of minutes ‘in committee’. The use of this process is an affront to democracy. Ending it will allow ratepayers to know exactly what’s been said, whose said it and when they said it. Local councils having a greater input into the planning process. Too often planners are remote from the communities they serve and do not have sufficient understanding of local issues. A greater input from local councils will address this knowledge gap. Council business being transacted exclusively in English. The starting point for effective decision-making is everyone speaking the same language. Cutting excessive allowances and expenses. Councillors should be working for the benefit of the hard-pressed ratepayer and not to line their own pockets. Slashing excessive pay deals for senior council staff. Salaries should be benchmarked against the private sector upon the basis of a fair day’s pay for a fair days work. Limiting the number of highly-paid council employees. In too many councils there are far too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Cutting advertising and self-promotion budgets. Councils exist to provide local services and to administer government at local level… not to massage egos. Building community and economic partnerships to reduce costs. Involving the local community in the delivery of services doesn’t just sometimes provide a lower cost outcome, but frequently a better outcome. Abolishing non-essential and politically-correct jobs and red tape will deliver real and meaningful cost-reductions. The pursuit of best value and best practice at all levels of government. Legislatures should exist for the benefit of rate and taxpayers and not the other way around. Banning the promotion of terrorism by local authorities. Given Northern Ireland’s poisonous terrorist past, it is wholly inappropriate that any local authority should use ratepayer’s money to promote terror. Implementing the Military Covenant in full. Our forces are prepared to put their lives on the line for our country. Implementing the Military Covenant in full is the least we should do to ensure they are provided with the respect and dignity they have rightfully earned. Bringing an end to ‘open door’ European immigration. Mass EU immigration is creating unparalleled pressure upon the delivery of local services and is leaving too many towns, cities and villages unrecognizable. Tackling political correctness head on. Political correctness is compromising the freedoms we hold dear and costing tax and ratepayers a clean fortune. Despite what other parties might claim, in a free and fair society, it should never be a crime to think 1 ● for yourself. There are too many people being hauled before the courts and tribunals for something they have thought and have said, rather than something they have done. The Judeo Christian values which have served our country well for centuries. This is not the same as upholding any specific doctrine. Instead, we recognise and value the long continuity of our institutions, which have served our country well for generations. If it ain’t broke, why fix it? Environment We advocate: ● ● ● ● ● ● A ‘town centre’ first approach to all retail development – unless a development is of a scale, which makes it inappropriate for a town centre location. Town centres are at the heart of strong, vibrant, local communities and should stay that way, unless a development is of a size and scale whereby it would compromise the integrity of a town centre. The establishment of a single, regional shopping destination at Sprucefield and the proposed John Lewis anchored development and distribution centre. Consistent with the point above, we support the John Lewis development at Sprucefield and the high quality, well-paid jobs it will create. Excluding the Union Flag from equality legislation and requiring it to be flown permanently on all civic and public buildings. The GFA confirmed that NI would remain a part of the UK for so long as a majority wished. Excluding the Union Flag from equality legislation and flying the Union Flag from all civic and public buildings is both consistent with the GFA and recognises the reality of NI’s position within the UK. Ditching the EU Landfill Directive, which is ill-suited to Northern Ireland. The EU Landfill Directive exemplifies best practice in Belgium and Holland, not in NI. In NI and in some instances, landfill will prove to be the environmentally optimal choice. Introducing remote waste screening and reinstating weekly bin collections will lower costs and provide a better quality service to homeowners and householders. Returning control of environmental matters from Brussels to Westminster, Stormont and local government. Decisions which are made closer to those upon whom they will have the greatest impact and decisions which are ultimately approved by democratically elected representatives will prove to be better decisions. Delivering Affordable Housing and Rebuilding our Construction Sector We promise to work towards: ● ● ● ● Disbanding NIHE, with housing responsibilities allocated to local councils. NIHE is not delivering. We support its disbandment and councils assuming control for public sector housing. Affording priority on social housing schemes to applicants born in the UK, in a British territory, in the Republic of Ireland before 1948, or who have served in HM Forces. It’s right that priority is given to British citizens and UK residents, ahead of those from elsewhere. Developing a strategic plan to guide the future size and shape of the construction industry, allowing construction businesses to plan ahead with confidence. This will help end the cycle of boom and bust within the construction industry. Creating vocational training and apprenticeship opportunities within the construction industry. This allows Strengthening Communities We support: 2 ● ● ● ● ● A zero tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour. Anti-social behaviour has a disproportionate impact upon the lives of many. UKIP is committed to working with the PSNI and statutory agencies to address the issue. 24 hour weekend availability of noise wardens where required. Many noise wardens are only available during the day when noise pollution is rarely an issue. That doesn’t make sense. UKIP believes they should be available, when they are required. The withdrawal of the bedroom tax. The Tory Bedroom Tax is primarily a tax upon the poor, the elderly and those who can afford it least. We believe it should be withdrawn. Working through Police & Community Safety Partnerships to deliver the professional, protective and personal policing everyone in Northern Ireland deserves. The PSNI is not delivering the service the public deserves. Whilst supportive of the Police, UKIP will not be afraid to hold them to account. Standing up for communities even if that means sometimes not toeing the party line. On local issues, UKIP councilors are encouraged to work for the good of the community they represent, even if sometimes this may mean acting contrary to national policy. Tackling the scourge of fuel poverty. NI has the highest level of fuel poverty in Western Europe. Over 40% of families are living in fuel poverty and each year hundreds die across NI as a result of being unable to afford to stay warm. We believe that’s wrong and it must be addressed. Building A Stronger Economy We’re committed to developing our economy, broadening our industrial base and reducing general taxation by: Targeting a 20% reduction in rate poundage in real terms, within the first tenure of each supercouncil through a focus upon efficiency savings and eliminating waste. UKIP will reduce rate bills by 20% through reducing waste and addressing inefficiency, returning money to your pocket and empowering people to spend it as they choose. Working towards the zero rating of all manufacturing sites. Manufacturing is the bedrock of any successful economy and must be encouraged. UKIP aims to make NI one of the best places in the world to manufacture. Establishing a ‘UK First’ approach to public procurement exercises and encouraging local businesses to participate in public tenders. It makes inherent sense to purchase goods and acquire services from within our own economy rather than somebody else’s. We benefit from the wealth such spending creates, the incremental tax revenue new and sustained employment provides and we save money too through reducing unemployment and reduced social security payments. Opposing the devolution of tax raising and tax varying powers. According to KPMG, the UK has the most competitive taxation policy of any major economy. We want to ensure Northern Ireland benefits from that whilst at the same time, tackling structural issues, which discourage economic development and entrepreneurship. Eliminating waste and unnecessary bureaucracy. Taxpayers’ money should be invested in frontline services; not bureaucracy. Boosting our retail sector, by encouraging consumers in the Republic of Ireland to spend their money in Northern Ireland. As the only part of the UK to share a land border with another nation state, retailers within NI can play an important role in generating wealth and job creation. We want as many Irish Euros as possible to be spent in NI. Creating at least 1 Enterprise Zone in each council area, together with a regional Enterprise Zone on the former site of HMP Maze. Targeting Fuel Poverty 3 We: Will withdraw all renewable energy subsidies. It’s a nonsense that at a time when 4 out of 10 families can ill-afford to heat their homes that the taxpayer is subsidizing ever more expensive ways to generate energy which benefit big businesses, big landowners and big campaign groups at the expense of the poorest and most vulnerable in our society. Welcome the support of UKIP nationally to repeal of the Climate Change Act. The CCA is costing ‘NI plc’ £52k / hour. That money could and should be better spent elsewhere. Support Northern Ireland’s withdrawal from the All Ireland Electricity Market and the creation of a truly national UK gas and electricity supply market. NI electricity consumers have some of the highest electricity bills in Western Europe and a limited choice of supplier. Partnering with the rest of the UK will provide access to cheaper electricity, encourage competition, as well as creating opportunities for local energy suppliers. Will oppose the development of further land based wind farms. We’ll end wind farm blight. Promote responsible, regulated, licensed fracking in Northern Ireland to responsibly reduce energy costs and reduce NI’s dependence upon ‘imported’ energy. Support extending mains gas to all settlements with a population > 3,000 people, as an effective way to reduce energy bills in smaller towns and villages which often have significant levels of fuel poverty. Will introduce regulatory oversight into the heating oil industry for the first time, to benefit the 65% of families dependent upon heating oil – ensuring NI’s 400,000+ heating oil users benefit from a similar level of regulatory oversight as mains gas users. Will investigate opportunities for energy brokering and community purchasing – allowing consumers and businesses to benefit from price reductions as a result of increased purchase volumes. Oppose the introduction of EU inspired ‘blue flame’ technology within the oil industry – which will unnecessarily increase fuel and equipment costs for heating oil users. Propose that consistent with Hampton Principles of Good Regulation, requirements to install costly, ‘bunded’ domestic heating oil tanks will be reviewed. We recognise the impact that fuel spills can have upon the environment. But we believe there are cheaper and more effective ways to combat them e.g. insurance backed warranties, fixed length tank replacements etc. Support the extension of existing energy efficiency initiatives e.g. Boiler Scrapage Scheme – as opposed to The Green Deal etc. Will work to reduce fuel poverty to <10% of the population by 2025. Supporting Equality We: Will end monitoring activities within councils, which institutionalise sectarianism; Oppose the special treatment of any group upon the basis of ethnicity, denomination or sexual orientation. Equality means treating people equally and not treating one group more favourably than another. Will work to terminate preferential funding arrangements for minority ethnic groups. Equality means treating all people equally, not taking money off some groups and giving it to others, solely upon the basis of gender, community background and / or ethnicity. Support the withdrawal of financial support for languages other than English. Everyone should be free to speak whatever language they choose. But beyond the education system, there is no good reason in an age of austerity why the taxpayer 4 should pick up the tab. The money could and should be better spent elsewhere. Will continue to oppose homosexual and lesbian marriage, upon the basis it unacceptably compromises personal freedoms and represents unacceptable intrusion by the state in matters of personal conscience. For so long as we remain a signatory to the ECHR and a member of the EU, there is a very real risk that David Cameron’s Homosexual Marriage Legislation will see people going to jail, simply for failing to agree with David Cameron. That’s wrong. We therefore don’t support Homosexual Marriage legislation being extended to NI. Ensure public sector appointments are made solely on the basis of merit. To ensure maximum value to rate and taxpayers, all such appointments must be made solely on the basis of ability and not upon the basis of religious belief (or lack thereof), ethnicity, community background or any other basis unrelated to the job. Restrict state interference in our everyday lives and in matters of conscience. People can and do figure things out for themselves; ordinarily they don’t need the state to do it on their behalf or tell them what to think. State involvement in everyday decision making must be a position of last resort and not the default position. Support an exclusively scientific approach to the issue of blood donations from highrisk groups, recognising patient safety must never be compromised. Patient welfare and safety must come before all other considerations and the lowest risk Growing our Agri-Food Sector Bungling, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels currently have a stranglehold on Northern Ireland’s agri-food industry to the detriment of farms, agri-food producers and rural communities. UKIP is committed to changing that. By returning control of agricultural policy to Westminster, Stormont and local government, we can build a brighter future for rural communities across our land. We are committed to: Maintaining a minimum single farm payment in Northern Ireland equivalent to a minimum of £240/ha. and capped at £50k; Ensuring no farmer in Northern Ireland will be worse off when we leave the EU; Allowing ‘top slicing’ at a rate of 5% of the single farm payment, to encourage new farm enterprises and help update farm buildings and infrastructure; Eliminating cross compliance measures, presently required for single farm payment. Farmers will be free to farm, with compliance measures limited to: o Maintaining hedgerows; o Maintaining grass banks; o Clearing out storm drains and gullies; o Clearing snow and storm debris from the sections of road on farmers’ land. Overhauling the Nitrates Directive, allowing farmers to apply the right amount of slurry at the right time; Offering targeted grants for the provision and improvement of environmental amenities and wildlife reservoirs, increasing rural biodiversity; Reviewing all ASSI’s and the restrictive practices associated with them; Eliminating all red tape and administrative restrictions associated with the EU; Supporting the promotion of added value food products, through investment in advanced food processing plants and marketing; Further developing Northern Ireland’s global centres of excellence for plant breeding and livestock research. A Better Deal For The Fishing Industry No other aspect of EU policy is so clear in its toxic effect upon entire communities as the Common Fisheries Policy. The UK has some of the most productive fishing grounds in the world, which contain c.70% of fish in EU waters. Since the advent of the Common Fisheries Policy, the proportion of fish caught in British water has decreased to less than 5 20% of the fish we consume. To rebuild out fishing stocks and fishing fleet we must leave the EU. Therefore: Until we leave the EU, we will ensure the EU does not interfere in vessels less <10m; We will work to mitigate the potentially disastrous effects of the CFP Discards Ban; We will provide fishermen with a veto over the development of further offshore wind farms. All such developments must be placed beyond the horizon and must not interfere with marine navigation; We will require independent scientists to assess any further fishing restrictions prior to implementation, to determine whether such restrictions are genuinely required; We will review the Cod Recovery Programme in light of empirical evidence which suggests a significant recovery in cod stocks; We will work with DARD to develop a Fishing Collage where young people can acquire the required skills demanded by the modern fishing industry; We support the introduction of lifelong learning opportunities for everyone working in the fishing industry; We’ll work to ensure that British waters are reserved exclusively for British registered, owned and crewed vessels. Leaving the European Union At UKIP, we believe it’s time to: Take back £55m per day which we currently pay to the EU. Giving away £55m each and every day is sheer madness at a time when the UK is massively in debt and frontline services are being curtailed to ‘balance the books’. Take back control of our borders. Immigration is placing a massive burden on our health, education, Police and welfare services. We must take back control of our borders, so we can take back control of our country. Oppose special treatment being afforded to European migrants. It is simply wrong that people who have no relationship whatsoever with this country can walk in without hindrance. Meantime, our Commonwealth friends are subject to ever stricter immigration controls. We believe the same rules should apply to everyone. Abandon the EU Landfill Directive which increases waste disposal costs. It might work in Belgium and Holland; it doesn’t in Northern Ireland where it increases costs, drives up rates and provides little if any environmental benefit whatsoever. End open door immigration and special treatment for European migrants. Simply put, the same immigration rules should apply to everyone, irrespective of where they are from. Introduce a strict, skills based immigration policy, allowing British industry to fast track the procurement of talent globally it cannot find locally. We support an Australian style immigration system, driven by economic need and not greed. Strengthen global trade relationships, through reallocating cross-border funding to allow local businesses to exploit opportunities within fast growing BRIC and Commonwealth economies. We believe there’s a world of opportunity for Northern Ireland businesses in the fast growing BRIC counties and throughout the Commonwealth and we’ll prioritise funding accordingly. A successful, sustainable, export led, private sector will not be built by looking no further north than Malin Head and no further south than the Celtic Sea. End EU inspired renewable energy scams e.g. wind turbines and solar farms to reduce waste and allow money to be returned to taxpayers and energy users through reduced energy bills. We believe too in: Retaining a free trade agreement with other European countries. We believe in free 6 trade and wish to work closely with our friends in other nation states in mainland Europe and around the world. Retaining the Common Travel Area within the British Isles. The CTA has worked well across the British Isles and UKIP is committed to working with authorities across the British Isles to retain it. Requiring non UK residents to show adequate health insurance upon arrival, unless they are from a jurisdiction in which reciprocal healthcare arrangements apply to bring an end to health tourism and reduce treatment and cost pressures upon the NHS. Limiting non-emergency NHS funded treatment to British citizens and those resident in the UK for a minimum of 5 years – otherwise treatment will require health insurance or cash up front to discourage health tourism and reduce cost pressures upon the NHS. Working ever more closely with our partners in the Commonwealth – the fastest growing group of nations in the world. Vote UKIP with confidence 7