Guided Notes – Sensation & Perception – Vision

AP Psychology
Guided Notes #5
Fall Semester 2014
Unit V: Sensation & Perception
Corresponding Module: 16-21
Topic: Sensation & Perception (6-8%)
 Vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, pain and body position
o Similarities?
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
 More sensitive to change than to constant stimulation
 Provide us with information regarding ___________________________________________________
o Differences?
 Each requires ________________________________________________________________________________
 Each sends information to a different region of the brain for processing
Sensation: Vision
Vision: The Stimulus Input
 The Stimulus Input
o Light energy (electromagnetic spectrum)
 Two physical characteristics help to determine our sensory experience of light
o Wavelength
o _____________________________________________________________________
o _____________________________________________________________________
o Amplitude
o ____________________________________________________________________
o ____________________________________________________________________
Vision: The Structure of the Eye
o Location/Structure
 ______________________________________________________________________________________________
o Function
 Protects the eye
 Bends light towards a central point in order to _______________________________________
o Location/Structure
 ______________________________________________________________________________________________
 Surrounded by the iris (__________________________________________________________________)
o Function
 Controls the amount of light that is able to enter the eye
o In ____________________________________________________
the iris __________________________, making the
pupil smaller
o In ____________________________________________________
the iris __________________________, making the
pupil larger
o Location/Structure
 A transparent structure that is located behind the pupil
o Function
 Focuses image on the back of the eye (retina)
o Accommodation
o The process by which the ___________________________________________________________________ to help focus
near or far objects on the retina
 Lens Problems
o Nearsightedness
 _________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________
 Image focused in front of the retina
o Farsightedness
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
 Image focused behind retina
o Location/Structure
 A multilayered, light-sensitive surface located
at the back of the eyeball
o Function
 Contains cells that ___________________________________
 Includes three layers of cells
o ______________________________________________ (photoreceptors – cones & rods)
o ______________________________________________
o ______________________________________________
Three Layers of Retinal Cells
Photoreceptor Cells (Cones & Rods)
(in the retina)
Color sensitive?
Sensitivity in dim
Ability to detect
sharp detail
Bipolar Cells
Ganglion Cells
Light energy  Cones & Rods  Bipolar Cells 
Ganglion Cells
o Location/Structure
 ________________________________________________________________________________________
o Function
 Sends visual information to the thalamus and then to the occipital lobes
 Where the optic nerve leaves the eye, ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Vision: Visual Processing
 Feature Detectors
o _________________________________________________________
o Nerve cells in the brain that respond to specific features
 ______________________
 ______________________
 ______________________
Parallel Processing
o _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 The brain divides a visual scene into color, depth, form and movement
Vision: Color Vision
 Young-Helmholtz Trichromatic Theory
o (Hermann von Helmholtz & Thomas Young)
 The theory that the retina contains _______________________________________________________________________________________________
 When stimulated in combination, these receptors can produce the ___________________________________________________________
o Color Blindness?
 Dichromatic Color Vision
 Individuals ________________________________________________________________; usually the red or green receptor
 Opponent-Process Theory
o (Ewald Hering)
 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Light that stimulates one half of the pair inhibits the other half
For example, some cells are stimulated by green and inhibited by red, while others are stimulated by red
and inhibited by green