Warm Up 1. Find a group of 3 2.Pick up a new notebook sheet, a discussion sheet and a ch 5 notes sheet Chapter 5: Sensation pt. 1 Sensation vs. Perception Sensation: a process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energy Sensation is the raw data our brain takes in from the environment. Sensation vs. Perception Perception: a process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events. Perception “makes sense” of sensation. Both involve one continuous process and perceptual failure may occur at any level whether at the sensory level or the perceptual interpretation level. Example: Prosopagnosia Bottom Up vs. Top Down Processing Bottom Up Processing: analysis that begins with the sense receptors and works up to the brain’s integration of sensory information. Involves making sense of raw sensation. Top Down Processing: Information processing guided by higher-level mental processes As when we construct perceptions drawing on our experience and expectations. Our expectations and experiences shape how we perceive information. Prosopagnosia Is a condition… Bottom Up vs. Top Down Bottom Up Vs. Top Down What do you see? Bottom Up vs. Top Down OLD WITCH IN PICTURE When one stares at the cross for about 20 seconds or so, one first sees a gap running around the circle of lilac disks, then a green disk running around the circle of lilac disks, then a green disk running around on the grey background, the lilac disks having disappeared or having been erased by the green disk. Psychophysics Psychophysics: study of the relationship between physical characteristics of stimuli and our psychological experience of them Light- brightness Sound- volume Pressure- weight Taste- sweetness Sensation: Thresholds Absolute Threshold: minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus. Usually defined as the stimulus needed for detection 50% of the time. “Subliminal Messages” Subliminal: information that is below one’s awareness for conscious attention Below threshold Some have argued that humans still “pick up” these messages that influence our “unconscious.” Do these messages have suggestive powers? Skeptics argue “Subliminal Messages” are heavily influenced by top down processes. “Subliminal Messages” What does the research say? http://jeffmilner.com/backmasking.htm http://www.nlpweekly.com/?p=527 Homework Sensation: Thresholds Difference Threshold or (JND-Just Noticeable Difference): the minimum difference that a person can detect between two stimuli. What does it take to tell two similar stimuli apart? Weber’s Law: to perceive a difference between two stimuli, they must differ by a constant proportion light intensity- 8% weight- 2% tone frequency- 0.3% Sensation: Thresholds Signal Detection Theory: predicts how and when we detect the presence of a faint stimulus (signal) amid background stimulation (noise) Assumes that there is no single absolute threshold What might a person’s detection of a stimulus depend on? Sensory Adaptation Sensory Adaptation: diminished sensitivity with constant stimulation. Ocean Bad Smell Ads- cut in, zoom, fade out Sensory Adaptation and Vision Warm Up Get out a scrap piece of paper, find a partner and come up with an explanation of how we see, using at least 8 vocab terms The Science of Energy and Sensation Transduction- conversion of one form of energy to another. Wavelength- the distance from the peak of one wave to the peak of the next. Hue- dimension of color determined by wavelength of light…color is matter of how far wavelengths are apart. Intensity- amount of energy in a wave determined by amplitude. brightness loudness Human Vision Represents Narrow Part of All Electromagnetic Energy ROY G. BIV: Starts from longer to shorter wavelengths. R=longest; V=shortest Vision: Physical Property of Waves Short wavelength=high frequency (bluish colors, high-pitched sounds) Great amplitude (bright colors, loud sounds) Long wavelength=low frequency (reddish colors, low-pitched sounds) Small amplitude (dull colors, soft sounds) Biology of Vision Step One: Light Enters the Eye 1.) Light enters the eye through the cornea: (transparent protector) and the light passes through the pupil: (small opening/hole). The size of the opening (pupil) is regulated by the iris: the colored portion of your eye that is a muscular tissue which widens or constricts the pupil causing either more or less light to get in. Biology of Vision Step Two: An Image is Produced 2.) Behind the pupil, the lens, a transparent structure, changes its curvature in a process called accomodation, and focuses the light rays into an image on the lightsensitive back surface called the retina: where image is focuses. Biology of Vision Step Three: Chemical Reactions and Sight 3.) Image coming through activates photoreceptors in the retina called rods and cones. As rods and cones set off chemical reactions they form a synapse with bipolar cells which forms a synapse with ganglion cells which fire action potentials along the optic nerve: that carries this information to be processed by the Thalamus: (sensory switchboard) that sends information to the visual cortex which resides in the occipital lobe. The brain then constructs what you are Parts of Retina Blind Spot: part of retina where optic nerve leaves the eye…no receptor cells are there. Brain fills information in with info from other eye. Fovea: central focal point of the retina, where cones cluster. Cones: located near center of retina (fovea) fine detail and color vision daylight or well-lit conditions Rods: located near peripheral retina detect black, white and gray twilight or low light Rods & Cones Receptors in the Human Eye Cones Rods Number 6 million 120 million Location in retina Center Periphery Sensitivity in dim light Low High Color sensitive? Yes No Errors In Vision Acuity: the sharpness of vision Nearsightedness: nearby objects seen more clearly lens focuses image of distant objects in front of retina Farsightedness: faraway objects seen more clearly lens focuses near objects behind retina Errors in Vision Normal Vision Farsighted Vision Nearsighted Vision Visual Involves Parallel Processing Parallel vs. Serial: parallel means simultaneous while serial means step by step. Our brains process are often parallel processes while computers work serially. Parallel Processing: simultaneous processing of several dimensions through multiple pathways. Different part of brain for: color motion form depth Parallel Processing Feature Detectors: neurons in the visual cortex respond to specific features shape angle movement How The Brain Perceives Visual Information Processing Trichromatic (three color) Theory Young and Helmholtz three different retinal color receptors red green blue Color Deficient Syndrome People who suffer redgreen blindness have trouble perceiving the number within the design Visual Information Processing Opponent-Process Theory- opposing retinal processes enable color vision. Example: Jesus On Title Slide. “ON” “OFF” red green green red blue yellow yellow blue black white white black Stare At This for 30 Seconds Then Look At A White Surface