word - Peachland Arts Council

The 2013 Strategic Arts Plan of the Peachland
Community Arts Council (PCAC)
The Peachland Community Arts Council
By Phyllis Papineau (Past President)
A desire for a community arts council was articulated in 1997 by the Peachland Economic Development
Committee (PEDC). Maggie Legg, a dynamic member of the PEDC, was given the responsibility to
initiate matters. She approached a number of people involved in the performing and visual arts to set up
a committee. This group chose the name Peachland Community Arts Council (PCAC) and proceeded to
draw up a constitution and bylaws. On November 4, 1998 the application for incorporation was signed at
the Municipal Office by Doug Armitage, Mary Armitage, Anita McConnell, Phyllis Papineau, Elsie
Parkinson, Pat Riddell, John Sugars, and Dave Walker.
The purpose of the arts council is to promote and support the performing, visual and literary arts on the
Westside. Since West Kelowna does not have an arts council, many from that community have joined in
activities in Peachland.
One of the first projects of the newly-formed Arts Council was the design and painting of the Rotary Club
History Wall at the south entrance to Peachland in 1999. The major mover and shaker for this massive
project was Robyn Lake who, with a small group of volunteers, turned an ugly wall into a thing of beauty.
(The wall was “touched up” in 2011 by six members of the PCAC).
Over the years the Arts Council has been involved in a large number of activities. The Children’s
Millennium Wall in 4th Street Place is made up of clay tiles designed by the grade school children. The
distinctive street banners on Beach Avenue and some of the numbered Streets are painted by the Art
Group. The Medieval Art Festival in 2000 was a huge success, with a market, jousting, dancing, and a
medieval dinner. Everyone was dressed in costume, most of which were made by members of the Arts
Council over a six-month period. Subsequent festivals included the Gay Paris Art Festival in 2001,
HeArts Festival in 2002, Children’s Art Festivals (1999-2002) Ogopogo Festivals (2006-2007), Arts and
Culture Weeks (2003-2011), Provincial Senior Chorfest (2009) Spirit Festival of Arts and Culture (2010),
and HeArts Festival (2011-2013).
The Peachland Players, directed by Bill Bennett, have been active since 2000 in working with children
and adults, to present two plays a year in 4th Street Place.
For the last few years, members of the Arts Council have decorated the Canada Day cake. In 2010 a
literary competition recognized the writers in the community, and the Bob Sugden Memorial Art Award
was added in 2011 to honour young talent in the community.
Many people who retire to Peachland find that they have time to pursue the arts. On any given day, in
many venues, people are painting, singing, throwing pots, sewing wall hangings or performing in one of
Bill Bennett’s colourful plays. Life would be pretty dull without the Arts.
Contributed to the publication The Chronicles of Peachland – History of the years 1984 -2012 and updated by
the author.
Harry and Sandra Ferguson
New Monaco Enterprises Corp.
Edward Jones/Shayn Moritz
Peachland Chamber of Commerce (reciprocal)
Creators Art Centre
Friday Art Club
Peachland Art Group
Peachland Fall Fair
Peachland Historical Society
Peachland Little Schoolhouse
Peachland Players
Peachland Quilters Guild
Peachland Sowers and Growers
Peachland Variety Singers
Pincushion Quilt Guild
Stars on Stage
Sunshine Singers
Valley First Nations Senior Society
Village Potters Guild
DEFINITION OF ARTS AND ARTIST: The term Arts in this document covers the fullest meaning of
the word, where creative self-expression is accomplished through visual, literary and performing means.
An artist is any person practising the Arts whether as a profession or as a pastime.
KEY STAKEHOLDERS: The PCAC, Municipal Council of the District of Peachland, the Peachland
Economic Development Committee (PEDC), the Peachland Chamber of Commerce (PCC), Visitors’
Information Centre (VIC), the Tourism Advisory Committee to Council (TAC), the Boys and Girls Club
(BGC), and the citizens of Peachland.
The PCAC envisions Peachland as:
having a thriving arts community that attracts year round visitors from the Okanagan Valley,
British Columbia, Canada, and the World.
promoting all the Arts - visual, literary, and performing.
a community that encourages not only traditional heritage values but also forward movement in
the arts such as creative innovation and experimentation.
providing ample and effective opportunities for showcasing its artistic productivity.
promoting the cultural values of its heritage buildings and historical pioneering past.
encouraging youth to pursue the arts and make full use of their creative imagination.
having a vibrant municipal recreational arts programme (visual and performing arts, including
music and dance) for young people.
having a permanent art gallery that showcases not only local and Okanagan talent but also that of
visiting artists from around Canada.
having a permanent intimate theatre that promotes youth and adult theatrical, musical and
dancing performances.
displaying samples of art, sculpture, and other art forms (either donated or purchased by the
town) as permanent features at various locations around Peachland (a source of inspiration to
citizens and visitors alike).
having an annual week long marquee event that promotes the arts, sports interest, and heritage
aspects of Peachland.
utilizing the interests of developers (eg. New Monaco) in attracting new residents who have
cultural leanings.
promoting a strong affinity with the related departments of local colleges and universities and to
encourage their outreach to our community.
being supported by a municipal council that shares this vision of the community.
The primary aim of the Peachland Community Arts Council is to stimulate, develop, and encourage
growth of the Arts in Peachland and its environs.
The mission of the PCAC is to:
be an advocate for the arts
build Peachland into a vibrant, cultural Arts community year round
unify the creativity of all local organizations and both amateur and professional artists under the
umbrella of the PCAC
exploit the beauty and natural surroundings of the Okanagan as a source of inspiration for artistic
imbue young people with the desire to explore the creative value of the Arts
offer encouragement and support when grant applications are applied for by member
organizations and amateur or professional artists
provide and assist with opportunities to showcase the creative products of its member
organizations and amateur or professional artists
communicate and collaborate with other arts communities in the Okanagan and BC in order to
encourage growth and the sharing of ideas
The PCAC believes that:
education is the key to cultural appreciation and should start at an early age
communication through the media promotes a healthy awareness of cultural values
consistent exposure to cultural expression through the Arts stimulates analytical appreciation and
a desire to participate in that expression
public awareness of and cultural exposure to the Arts is socially healthy for a community and
instils an element of pride
a cultural environment is economically healthy for a community
a lively cultural climate throughout the year will attract interest from other parts of Canada and a
larger portion of visitors specifically seeking a cultural environment as they pass through the
a close partnership and liaison with the Municipal Council will ensure growth and fruitful planning
for the future
1. Develop a year round operational/
provisional Peachland Art Gallery in
the renovated Primary School
2. Request Council to commit itself to
becoming a permanent major
stakeholder in the development of
Peachland as a distinctive Arts and
Heritage destination.
Steps to take to achieve them
a. Set up a supervisory committee (Gallery
Implementation Committee (GIC) &
temporary volunteer curator to initiate
immediate steps and to coordinate activities
with the Visitors’ Centre & Chamber of C
b. Arrange grant (or Telus donation) funding
for interior fixtures – hangers, etc
c. Arrange grant funding for a paid gallery
curator and minimum wage volunteers
d. Hire (appoint) a professional Gallery curator
e. Hire (appoint) 2 seasonal docents
students (paid volunteers) via Young
Canada grant funding
f. Set up a sales and online rental system for
revenue purposes
f. g. Consult and cooperate as a sharing gallery
with other regional Okanagan galleries
i. contact Regional Art Galleries to show
ii. initiate arrangement for (monthly or bimonthly?) exchange of exhibits
a. Establish a SAP committee to devise plan
with input from the PCAC Board
b. Present the PCAC Strategic Arts Plan to
Council as an example that the PCAC has
a committed plan to expand the role of Arts
in Peachland and that their assistance is
required as the major stakeholder
(a) immediate for
Aug. - Sept. 2013
(b) Sept. – Feb.
(c) Sept. – Dec.
(d) Sept. – Dec.
(e) Jan. - April 2014
(f) Oct. – Feb. 2014
(g) The winter of
2014 for the
summer 2014
a. in progress
b. Oct. 2013. - in time
for Fall budget
preparation and
Goal 3
c. Request that Council recognize heritage is
considered an integral part of the
community’s plans for the future and that
the Arts are an expression of the cultural
growth of the community’s values
d. Request Council recognize that the Arts in
all formats should be and are an integral
part of attracting visitors year round and c. to g. Oct. 2013
therefore are an economic benefit to
e. Request Council consider developing and
producing a professionally designed
Peachland Arts and Heritage Plan (AHP) for
the District of Peachland which supports
and further enhances this current Strategic
Plan initiated by the PCAC for its own
purposes (this request is in keeping with the
requirements of the Official Community
Plan (OCP))
f. Request Council to ensure that any funds or
portion of funds requested by regional
organizations for the Arts from the District
of Peachland remain instead within the
g. Request that Council annually set aside a
portion of any balance of year-end budget
to purchase artwork over time such as
sculptures and paintings for display in
public places
3. Prepare a Five Year Financial Plan
Present this as an attachment to the
Strategic Arts Plan. This will include cost
estimates for running the Art Gallery over a
5 year period.
4. Establish a $15,000 line item in the
a. Present this request at the same time as
Municipal budget similar to that of the
the presentation of the PCAC Strategic Arts
Museum and other organizations.
Plan to Council
b. Set up a preliminary cost analysis for
running the Art Gallery (Part of the 5 Year
Financial Plan)
5. Keep close ties with Municipal Council
6. Hire a paid coordinator or assign an
experienced volunteer to apply for
grants for the PCAC
7. Build an even larger membership
targeting newcomers – encourage
board involvement.
Provide all councillors with an annual
assessment and financial statement of local
accomplishments in the Arts and Heritage
This will be an urgent requirement. Consult
with Loretta Robinson - Tourism Services
Coordinator for the COC – for advice.
June to Sept. 2013
Oct. of 2013 - This
year prior to fall
budget preparation
a. Appoint a fund-raising committee
b. Use the media - approach the Newcomers’
Club - exploit and promote the Art Gallery
as an enticement - make full use of local
media and the Internet via the PCAC
website to inform residents of activities in
the Arts in order to encourage their
c. Offer local organizations and individual
artists exposure of their artistic pursuits on
In progress
In progress
the PCAC website and through exhibitions
and the local media
d. Provide opportunities for community
involvement by promoting contests,
exhibitions, performances, public displays,
and other educational means to stimulate
community interest in the Arts
8. Appoint Board sub-committees to
handle specific portfolios
Determine specific needs that require
solving and working on:
a. Strategic Arts Plan Committee
b. Gallery Implementation Committee
c. Membership committee
9. Attempt to unify and stimulate the a. Keep organizations informed of activities via
the internet and local media
organizations under the one umbrella b. Co-ordinate activities to avoid overlap
c. Encourage local organizations and individual
artists to participate in regional, provincial,
and national conferences and events
involving the Arts
In progress
10. Encourage a stronger liaison
position with our Peachland partners
(Possibly involving partnerships with
other non-for-profit organizations)
Establish greater communication
between partners – Municipal Council,
Chamber of Commerce, PEDC, Visitor
Information Centre, Tourism Advisory
Committee, Peachland Boys’ & Girls’ Club
and the UBCO Eco-art programme
11. Set up a permanent meeting room
and storage space for equipment
and assets in the renovated Primary
Arrange with Visitor’s Centre or the B & GC
for use of 4th room or conference room for
Seek out possible storage room in the
12. Keep in close touch with New
Monaco - strengthen ties with UBCO
and their art departments and Telus
Work together with New Monaco and Telus
Optiks – offer feedback
Keep in touch with the UBCO Art Depart.
(OK Aesthetics ECO programme)
Immediate &
13. Embellish the use of 4th Street Place
as a temporary venue for theatrical
Install a permanent theatre lighting system
and a volunteer crew responsible for the set
up and running of such – the lighting should
also be designed for art displays
Improve seating capacity and curtain setup
Immediate and
in progress
14. Participate in local events
Participate in the following events:
a. 2013 Paddle Festival -plan for a future full
week long participation possibly in Heritage
Park and other venues - The HeArts
Festival including Service Clubs could be
incorporated into the PaddleFest
b. Rotary Peace Concerts in Heritage Park
c. Little Schoolhouse Summer Series of
Exhibitions & workshops
15. Collaborate with local schools and
Boys’ and Girls’ Club – encourage
more youth participation
a. Reach out to schools and young people in
the community by promoting and
encouraging the educational values of
being involved in imaginative creativity
b. Liaison with principals, teachers and the
Parents Advisory Council (PAC) - offer
exhibits, contests, & speaker visitations
Immediate &
Immediate and
Steps to take to achieve them
1. Plan for the building of an intimate
multi-use Community Theatre for
play productions and lectures.
a. Draw on the experience of other
(a) five to ten years
Communities in how they achieved this goal
(eg. Terry Condon and the Chilliwack
Community Theatre)
b. Consult New Monaco and other prospective (b) one to five years
developers (eg. including an intimate multiuse theatre/lecture hall in their plans)
2. Promote the forming of a summer
school for the arts in association with
established arts institutions such as a
satellite campus, university
department extensions, or faculty
a. Consult UBCO, OKC, Penticton Summer
School of the Arts, and other similar
b. Consider use of the elementary school or
YMCA Spring Lake Camp as a starter
c. Consider Guest Speakers, travelling artists,
and seminars (webinars), workshops, noncredit (auditing) courses
3. Promote the development of an
independently run, permanent Art
Gallery as part of a building devoted
to Arts & Culture
Use the present temporary gallery to build
experience and expand upon the Arts and
Culture presence in Peachland
10 years
The 2013 PCAC 5-YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN (2014 – 2018) – Addendum:
While every effort has been made to forecast relevant expenditures and revenues necessary to cover
costs of future art festivals and special events over the short term the major consideration will be those
involving the running of the Primary School Art Gallery. It should be noted that all estimates are exactly
that to the best of our ability.
The guidelines of the financial plan are set to prepare us for the fiscal responsibilities the PCAC will need
to shoulder in the near future and down the road. The exercise will also provide us with the necessary
details required for the application of grants. However, since the Municipality is the primary stakeholder
and will be the indirect beneficiary from visitors to the gallery and the town itself, it is anticipated that
appropriate financial support will be provided when necessary. For this reason it is suggested that a
$15,000 line item be drawn up by Council to cover basic needs on a year to year basis in similar fashion
to that granted the Peachland Museum and other annual recipients.
A full 5 – Year Financial Plan in Short Version is offered as an addendum to this Strategic Plan. A Long
Version is also offered separately for those who wish to examine the breakdown of numbers in more
The purpose of this Strategic Arts Plan has been to clarify not only the raison d’etre of the PCAC and its
vision of the arts scene in Peachland but to give specific guidance for the goals it plans to achieve over
the short and long term. In consultation with PCAC Board members, clear guidelines have been
established which will serve to discipline concrete action in that regard.
One of the PCAC’s first steps is to broaden the membership base, specifically by appealing to
newcomers to the district. Another more immediate objective is to set up the efficient running of
Peachland’s Art Gallery, a procedure that will require organizational skills and some financial assistance
whether through available grants and/or municipal subsidies. For this reason, a portion of this expansion
and achievement of goals must necessarily impact the participation and support of what is undeniably
the major stakeholder, the Municipality.
In addition to the cultural benefits to Peachland residents themselves, we firmly believe that the growth of
the arts in Peachland will result in a decidedly beneficial economic impact with regard to tourism. For this
reason we are presenting copies of this Strategic Arts Plan to all council members with the intention of
acquiring their endorsement of these goals particularly with respect to Municipal Council becoming
financially involved. At our formal presentation of this Arts Plan to the Committee of the Whole we will be
suggesting provisional steps that could be taken towards establishing the initial stages of some form of
financial support in the best interests of Peachland.
In view of the importance of the Arts to the community as mentioned above, we would like to suggest that
at some point in the near future the Town consider hiring a professional planner to draw up a Peachland
Strategic Arts Plan (PSAP) in keeping with the spirit of the Official Community Plan (OCP). Unlike this
present Plan the PSAP would deal with the steps necessary to enhance Peachland’s position in the
Okanagan Region as an Arts destination.
We will also be presenting this document to our other stakeholders who are important participants in the
cultural growth of this town – namely the Peachland Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Information
Centre, the Peachland Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committees of Council, the
Peachland Boys and Girls Club, as well as the Eco-Art Incubator programme of UBCO all of whom we
hope to encourage more local arts initiatives.
Prior to this presentation it is hoped that the PCAC Board will have reached a signed usage agreement
with the Chamber of Commerce and Visitors’ Centre as to the operational aspects of the Gallery.
In conclusion, we anticipate that the acquisition of our new Gallery in the Primary School will reignite a
spirit of enthusiasm and growth in the Arts community that will benefit not only Peachland’s cultural
heritage but, in conjunction with the Visitor Information Centre, will stimulate economic growth as well.
Submitted to District Council along with the following 5-Year Financial Plan, October, 2013
With respect,
The Board of Directors of the Peachland Community Arts Council
President -- Christel Davidsen
Secretary -- Sharon McPhee
V. president -- Phyllis Papineau
-- Deborah Livingstone
Doug Armitage
Christopher Byrd
Joan Dupuis
Debbie Elliott
Wilma MacKinnon
Ruth Munro
Wayne Power
Signed: ______________________________________________ , PCAC President
Date: ___________________, 2013