SPANISH IV SYLLABUS Teacher: Sra. Nichols contact information

Teacher: Sra. Nichols contact information: (252)-453-0014 Ext 3070
Course Objectives:
 Develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the Spanish language.
 Develop an active vocabulary and knowledge.
 Become more culturally and linguistically aware.
Guidelines for Success:
1- Be respectful of yourself and others.
2- Be positive, persistent and responsible.
3- Strive for accuracy
4- Manage your impulsivity.
5- Make smart choices.
Classroom Procedures:
 Enter to the classroom quietly.
 Retrieve a textbook from the shelf and sit in your assigned seat.
 Begin warm up activity silently until directed to stop. (This will usually be in the form of a
written time on the board.)
 Follow the daily agenda as written on the board closest to my desk as a reference for the
day’s activities.
Classroom Rules:
1- Follow directions quickly.
2- Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat.
3- Respect your teacher by listening, and by remaining silent.
4- Stay on task during all work times (without sleeping).
5- Clean up all areas around the desk before leaving the room.
 1st Offense- verbal warning and remove from your seat
 2nd Offense- documented phone call or email home.
 3rd Offense- written disciplinary referral
 If you commit a level 3 or 4 offense during class or any other observed time
during the school day, it will be referred directly to the administrative staff for
I- Activities:
You will participate in a wide variety of activities throughout this course. Some examples
include learning songs, listening to recorded conversations, watching videos, reading in groups
and taking vocabulary quizzes
II- Materials:
It is your responsibility to bring your Spanish binder with notebook paper and a pen or pencil
to class with you everyday; I will not supply you with these materials, and you will not be
allowed to leave class to go to your locker. You will be required to maintain an organizer
binder, divided into five sections: Vocabulary, Grammar Notes, Class Work(activities),
Homework, and Returned Quizzes. You will to assess the maintenance of your
binder(classwork grade). Headphones or earbuds, chrome book (charged).
III- Absences:
If you are absent from class for any reason, it is your responsibility
To see me about any work you may have missed. When you return from being absent,
you will have 1 day to complete any missed work, except under extreme circumstances.
Tests and quizzes must be made up by the end of the week after they were- given.
IV- Late Work: You will be assigned to ZAP
Late work will be accepted with a maximum grade of 70%, unless it is due to absences or some
other unusual circumstance.
Students whose learning is incomplete due to missing homework or assignments will be
assigned a ZAP time.
V- Integrity
Students are expected to develop their own Spanish skills. There are many online translators
available to students, and these are prohibited. Google Translate in particular is not permitted
for use at any time. Students are encouraged to use the site or the Real
Academia Española as online dictionaries. If a student is suspected of using a translator to
complete work, the student will get zap and zero on that work until the work can be completed
without an online translator.
Plagiarism: All work submitted in this class must be your own work, generated
exclusively for this class, and not work intended for submission in another course. The
use of sources (ideas, quotations, paraphrasing) should be properly documented. Online
translators (like Google Translator) should not be used. For the consequences of
academic dishonesty, refer to the CCHS student handbook. Whether a student can
revise the work, is left to teacher discretion.
Technology: All cell phones or any other electronic device which may prove disruptive
to the classroom learning environment MUST be turned off and put away prior to your
entrance in the classroom. Students will be notified when technology should be
accessed to complete class activities. Please refer to the Student Handbook for school
policies on personal electronic device use.
Your grade for each 9-week period will be determined according to the
Grading Scale:
A -100-93
B- 92-85 C -84-77 D- 76-70 F- 69 OR BELLOW
Relative value:
Test 30% (about 4 during the nine weeks)
Quizzes 25% (about 2 each week)
Classwork 25% (warm-up, book activities, binder)
Projects 20% (notes, organization, vocabulary notes, projects daily)
VII-Getting Help:
I will be available for tutoring during “Power Hour” on Wednesday and Friday. Check my web
page weekly to find out quiz, test, and other important due dates. My web page—accessible via
the CCHS Teacher Pages link—will be updated weekly with important dates, links to helpful
study aids, etc.
VIII- Leaving class: (Each student has 5 “out passes” per nine weeks)
If you need to leave the room for any reason you must have my permission first. You are
responsible for filling out the hall pass. DO NOT ASK TO LEAVE WHILE I AM AT THE BOARD
OR IN THE MIDDLE OF A LESSON. This disrupts the flow of the class and is a distraction to
other student. Also remember that, just because you ask to leave nicely and in Spanish , I may
still tell you NO.
IX- Progress Reports:
A printed progress report will be handed out every 2-3 weeks. I require a parent to sign the
progress report.
X- Ending Class:
At the end of class, please make sure your area is clean and supplies are put away. Textbooks,
Workbooks and dictionaries need to be returned neatly to the shelves. Check the board for
announcements and assignments, and remain seated until I dismiss you.
XI-General Class Outline- Realidades 3 book (chapter 5 to 10)
Trabajo y comunidad
Vocabulary: after-school
work; describing a job
Grammar (Repaso): the
present perfect; the past
¿Qué nos traerá
el futuro?
¿Mito o realidad?
Encuentro entre
Vocabulary: jobs and
professions; qualities of a
good employee
Vocabulary: volunteer
activities; the benefits and
importance of volunteer
Grammar: the present
perfect subjunctive;
demonstrative adjectives
and pronouns
Vocabulary: technology;
inventions; jobs in the future
Grammar (Repaso): the
future; the future of
Grammar: the future
perfect; (Repaso) the use of
direct and indirect object
Vocabulary: archeological
terms and activities;
describing archeological
Vocabulary: Myths and
legends; ancient beliefs;
Pre-Columbian scientific
Grammar: the present and
past subjunctive in
expressions of doubt
Grammar: the subjunctive in
adverbial clauses
Vocabulary: architecture
and history of Spain
Vocabulary: Spain in the
Americas; the encounter
between Cortés and the
Aztecs; family heritage
Grammar: the conditional
Grammar: the past
subjunctive; the past
subjunctive with sí clauses
Cuidemos nuestro
¿Cuáles son tus
derechos y deberes?
Vocabulary: caring for the
Vocabulary: environmental
issues; endangered animals
Grammar: present
subjunctive with
conjunctions (mientras, tan
pronto como, etc.); relative
pronouns que, quien, lo
Grammar: present
subjunctive with other
conjunctions (a menos que,
sin que, para que, etc.)
Vocabulary: rights and
Vocabulary: Government;
the role of government;
individual rights
Grammar: the passive
voice: ser + past participle;
the present vs. past
Grammar: the past perfect
subjunctive; the conditional
Hello Student’s Family Member/Guardian,
I am Domenica Nichols the Spanish teacher, and I’m very excited to start this
semester in this excellent school. Please return this paper signed to Sra. Nichols
by Wednesday. Feel free to contact me with questions/concerns at (252)-453-0014
Ext 3070, or by e-mail at
The syllabus can be found in at my classroom website: or Currituck county high school
online under teacher web page.
We have read, discussed, and understand the expectations for Spanish class.
Please fill out the information below after reading this syllabus and send it back
with your student.
Domenica Nichols
Student Name_________________________________________________
Family Member/Guardian Name ______________________________________
Family Member/Guardian Signature___________________________________
The best way to contact me about my student is:
_______ phone ____________________________________
______ email _____________________________________
The best times to reach me are: