October 2014 - William Floyd United Teachers

Teacher Center Minutes
Attendees: Kevin Coster, Angela Cunha, Kate Devenney, Deena DeVito, Melissa DiDonato, Debra Flynn,
Maryellen Fonti, Mary Koehler, Rich Mugno, Viveca Nargi, Kathleen Pantaleo, Eileen Randazzo, Stacey
Scalise, Stephen Seedorf, Tom Short, and Mary Siano.
Meeting was called to order at 4:05pm.
1. Dowling Literacy Cohort
There are seven teachers currently enrolled in the Dowling Literacy cohort. Tuition is discounted at half
price. Classes will be on Tuesdays, starting 12/20. Cohort is appropriate across disciplines.
2. BrainPop Certification
Roseann Magrane, librarian at William Paca Middle School, is a certified BrainPop trainer. She will be
offering BrainPop workshops at Paca.
3. Course Approvals
a) Poverty in Education (Havelis, Incantalupo)- Mary Koehler stated that the class focuses on the
social-emotional growth of students and includes appropriate resources. She felt the class was
rigorous and appropriate for all teachers. Maryellen Fonti made a motion to approve the class. Tom
Short seconded. The course was approved.
b) Teaching Resilience (Havelis, Incantalupo)- Mary Koehler expressed that Marzano’s literature is
highly respected. She recommended the course be approved for teachers K-12. Dina Devito
suggested that Poverty in Education be offered first and Teaching Resilience be offered second.
Eileen Randazzo made a motion to approve the course. Melissa DiDonato seconded. The course
was approved.
c) PEACE (Ehls)- The committee suggested the course be offered for teachers of K-8 students.
Maryellen Fonti made a motion to approve. Debra Flynn seconded. The course was approved.
4. Enrollment Issues
Mary Siano discussed that summer courses had low enrollment numbers. She stated that courses need at
least thirteen people registered for the Teacher Center to break even. Mary also explained that if courses
ran over the summer, then different courses would run in the fall to give teachers an opportunity to take a
variety of courses.
5. Instructors on FMLA
Mary asked the committee to discuss the following topic: If a teacher is out on FMLA leave, can s/he
teach courses for the Teacher Center. Kevin Coster made a motion that teachers who are on FMLA may
not teach courses for the Teacher Center during their time of leave. Stacey Scalise seconded the motion.
The motion was approved.
6. Ipads
William Floyd teachers participated in an iPad review grant, where they reviewed iPad applications for the
New York State Teacher Center. As part of this work, the Teacher Center was awarded with 11 iPads. The
iPads are currently being stored in Mary Siano’s classroom.
7. Teacher Center Office
The district is currently looking for a room where Teacher Center files may be housed, in lieu of the
Woodhull basement.
Kathleen Pantaleo made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Maryellen Fonti seconded. The meeting was
adjourned at 5:10pm.