CFMA Board of Directors Meerting

CFMA Board of Directors Meeting
Maggiano’s Oak Brook, IL
April 1, 2015
In Attendance:
Kathy Cole – President
Chris Budris – Immediate Past President
Mary Davolt – Vice President
James Bianchi – Treasurer
Tamara Kilty - Secretary
Ryan Hiss
Jon Schroeder
Michael Harris
Steve Glover
Shawn Erickson
Beth Swanson
Kirk Liskiewitz
Erik Haarstad
John Metz
Jeff Turner
Jill Stone
Brad Dalbec
Catrina Payne
Kathy Cole called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.,
Approval of the Minutes
A motion was made by Mary Davolt to approve the December, 2014 minutes. Motion was seconded by Jill Stone.
Motion carried.
Kathy Cole welcomed the newly elected board members and officers. The new officers are Mary Davolt – Vice
President; James Bianchi – Treasurer; and Tamara Kilty – Secretary. New Board Members include John Metz, Brad
Dalbec, Beth Swanson, Steve Glover and Kirk Liskiewitz. Kathy also acknowledged the following outgoing board
members: Jon Zeiler, Jason VandenBosch, John Schroeder, Jill Stone and Shawn Erickson.
James Bianchi presented the year-to-date financial report and budget. He reported that $16,000 have been allocated
for the summer intern program with a breakdown of $2,000 for eight interns. The money helps to offset the
company’s commitment to train the interns. The chapter also pays for the interns to attend the summer social.
James reviewed the summary P&L for budget year. Reports are filed with the minutes. There was discussion
regarding adding costs to cover conference attendance to the budget. Jon Schroeder made a motion to approve the
financials as presented. Jill Stone seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Committee Reports
Golf Outing – James Bianchi reported that the golf outing will again take place at Klein Creek in Winfield on
September 3, 2015. The course was able to offer the best date options and pricing. Next steps include review of
pricing and the added option of wristbands for pre-purchase of all course games. James will reach out to prior
sponsors in June before the first eblast goes out to membership.
Programs – Mary Davolt reported that the committee met and developed a calendar of topics with assigned
Champions for the next year. The committee will continue to identify other professional organizations to partner
with on programming. Mary asked all board members to assist the program committee with promoting programs
through their personal networks and noted the eblasts include easy “share” links. There was discussion about adding
an additional educational program to the calendar. Mary also reported that she is working on the application for the
Chapter Recognition Awards.
In Brad Dalbec’s absence, Kathy Cole asked the board members to consider topics for an educational program in
October. Brad agreed to champion this program and is open to suggestions.
In Catrina Payne’s absence, Kathy Cole shared that the social committee is planning to schedule a summer social for
the week of July 20th. Currently the committee is looking at river walk venues downtown for an outdoor evening
social. Suggestions from the board are welcome. The National Conference Fun Run committee continues to move
forward with plans. The chapter selected Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago as the beneficiary.
Membership – Steve Glover shared that the committee is working on making renewal calls and sending emails to
those who have not yet renewed their membership. The committee is working in conjunction with HQ’s timeline for
renewal efforts. Currently the Chicago chapter membership is at 223 – an all-time high for the chapter.
Build Chicago – Shawn Erickson shared that invites were being stuffed by committee members and will be in the
mail this week. Ad sales are well ahead of budget and the committee is on schedule with their timeline.
Intern – Jill Stone shared the list of companies receiving intern stipends this summer:
Kelso Burnett
Power Construction
Leopardo Construction
Builtech Construction
Reed Construction
Tovar Snow
CJ Erickson Plumbing
Aldridge Electric
Midwest Regional Conference – The committee will begin to look at date and venue options for the 2016 Midwest
Regional Conference and hopes to have information to share by June or July.
New Business:
Emerging Leaders Group – Michael Harris shared that following up on previous discussions at the membership and
program committee levels, the chapter would like to move ahead with the development of a leadership group
designed to encourage younger professionals to get involved. Michael shared a supporting organizational handout
and noted the following key points: The group will be a committee, not a board. The group will have functions for
the specific target audience of professionals aged 35 and under. The goal is to achieve a 60/40 split of General vs
Associate members. The committee will have a Chair ad a Co-Chair. Additional details outlined included purpose
and objectives expectations for the committees event activities, including a charitable function. Michael will be the
champion of this committee and requested ideas and feedback from the board in advance of an initial committee
meeting. The board was also asked to submit names of potential members to Michael. Mary Davolt made a motion
to establish the Emerging Leaders Committee. Michael Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried.
National Conference – Discussion regarding conference and the promotion of the chapter’s CCIFP review course
took place. It was determined that the chapter would support a rebate program for members who participate in the
CCIFP review course and successfully pass the CCIFP test this summer. A task force comprised of Chris Budris,
Jill Stone, Mary Davolt and James Bianchi will determine guidelines. A motion to set a maximum budget of
$10,000 for the purpose of providing a CCIFP rebate program was made by Kirk Liskiewitz. Erik Haarstad
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Chris Budris motioned to adjourn the meeting. Steve Glover Seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbera Hypke
Chapter Administrator