August 25, 2008

Minutes of Selectboard Meeting
Monday, August 25, 2008
Board Present:
Robert Vasseur, Ed Read and Jared Cadwell
Mary O’Leary
Meeting called to order 6:30 P.M.
Ed made a motion to approve minutes of August 11, 2008, Robert seconded, no further
discussion, all in favor, motion carried.
Mary O’Leary (Mary) on behalf of the Fayston Natural Resource Committee (FNRC)
Mary discussed the Northern Forest Alliance grant and on going project on the Chase Brook
Parcel which included the mink walk and designation of the mink as the species of most need of
protection in that area. This would include taking care of the riparian zone and allowing some
trees to remain across the brook for the mink.
Next Mary addressed the ancient roads project. FNRC has narrowed the list of fifteen or sixteen
possible town right of ways to three. These are; the end of Sharpshooter Road into Duxbury,
Baird in the Bush from both Stagecoach Road and Bassett Hill and the Marble Hill Road
connection to Sugar Run. FNRC understands that there is a deadline that must be fulfilled with
this project as the research must be done, presented to the Selectboard (SB), who then must hold
a public hearing, after which the rights of way must be documented on the town highway map
and submitted to the State by February 2009. Mary suggests for the public hearing that the SB
send personal invitations to the public hearing of all adjacent landowners to these areas. FNRC
will get back to the SB no later than 11/15/08 with their research results although due to the
holiday season coming up it would be useful to have the information sooner if possible.
Mary spoke about the Chase Brook Management Plan. FNRC has taken the Management Plan
and organized the management activities onto an Excel form. This allows them to create an
action plan, prioritize, and keep track of these activities. FNRC is also attempting to get the
Chase Brook Parcel designated as the Fayston Town Forest. They are working with Jonathan
Woods from Forest Parks and Recreation to do so. This might allow for grants in the future.
FNRC has also completed marking the boundaries of this parcel.
FNRC had hoped to organize a town picnic this summer. However, as time grows short it
appears this will not happen. Mary suggests a winter sledding party might be a good idea or
asked should they wait until next summer and try again for a picnic. SB is supportive of either
SB thanked Mary and the FNRC for all their good work.
7:00 p.m. Jared made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the Trahan Pond
matter. Ed seconded, no further discussion, all in favor, motion carried.
7:10 p.m. Jared made a motion to close executive session, Ed seconded, no further
discussion, all in favor, motion carried.
Decision made: A zoning regulation fine of $7500.00 is imposed which will need to be paid
within seven (7) days of receipt of a certified letter to Mr. Trahan stating the fine.
SB will require that Mr. Trahan install a twenty-four (24) inch plastic culvert under Barton Road
to Town road regulation specifications by September 30, 2008. Robert Vasseur and Stuart
Hallstrom will mark the location of the installation and inspect the work upon completion.
Patti Lewis discussed with SB possible ways to earn a little more interest money on our
tax dollars by changing and/or opening new types of accounts/CDs. SB is supportive of these
ideas and Ed and Patti will meet with NSB to do the paperwork.
SB discussed language changes to the personnel policy regarding sick leave, injuries off
the job and health insurance premium obligations of the employee. See attached email from Jim
Barlow dated 8/25/08. Changes will be made to the personnel policy to reflect these suggestions.
SB made the decision to schedule a public hearing for the drafted new Town Plan for
September 22, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fayston Town Municipal Office.
Per the request of Stuart Hallstrom, the SB agreed he could purchase a wood splitter for
no more than $1800.00 with the condition that this be stored in the locked Town garage.
Selectboard read mail and signed orders of August 18, 2008 and August 25, 2008.
7:48 p.m. – Ed made a motion to adjourn, Jared seconded, no further discussion, all in favor,
motion carried.
The next Selectboard meeting will be September 8, 2008 at 6:30 pm at the Fayston Municipal
Respectfully Submitted:
Patti Lewis
Approved: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Robert Vasseur, Chair