Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Council #10746
Father Bernard Donnelly Council
Knights of Columbus Council #10746 is a Fraternal Organization of Catholic men
serving St. Mary’s Parish community. Our members live by Charity – Unity –
Fraternity- Patriotism.
Activities of our council have assisted the following organizations:
St. Mary’s Outreach Program
Special Olympics
Birthright of Kansas City
St. Mary’s Adopt a Family
Sunshine Center
Pisces Fund (scholarships)
The Knights are Catholic men who are committed to making St. Mary’s community
a better place, supporting the Church, while enhancing our faith and enhancing
family life. Our Council holds monthly breakfasts for the community as well as
various dinners and garage sales to support Catholic Education and Seminarians.
New Members and Transfer Members are always welcomed.
Monthly meeting is the 2nd Monday of each month; meeting begins at 7:00PM in
Fitzgerald Hall with the Rosary said prior to the meeting.
For more information feel free to contact:
John Collins