Cloud computing for mobile environments

Special Issue Proposal
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley)
Edited By: Geoffrey C. Fox and David Walker
Print ISSN: 1532-0626, Online ISSN: 1532-0634
Special Issue on
“Cloud computing for mobile environments”
Cloud computing provides a useful metaphor for combining capability at different scales. Such environments may therefore
consist of devices ranging from handheld smart phones to supercomputers, to serve communities ranging from individuals
to whole industries. Cloud computing requirements are also widely regarded as a key enabler for next generation network
environments, and is expected to drive the creation of both jobs and commercial products. Cloud computing is also
sometimes referred synonymously as next generation data centers, with an architecture consisting of network of virtual
services (hardware, database, user-interface, application logic) so that users are able to deploy and access applications
globally and on demand at competitive costs depending on user driven QoS (Quality of Service) requirements. Developers
with innovative ideas for new Internet services no longer require large capital outlays in hardware to deploy their services,
or human expense to operate it.
This technology is being driven by and used in a wide range of academic, research, and commercial application areas.
This use is producing important new practical experience in a variety of different problem domains in each of these areas.
There are also new computational methods, such as mobile agents, cellular automata and massively parallel neural
networks, which are particularly suited to concurrent execution. As an enabler, this technology is leading to a rapid growth
in both scientific and information applications that will, in turn, enable additional requirements for Cloud computing
technologies to be identified. These will impact academia, business and education.
Given this context, this special issue calls for high quality research papers in the development of Cloud computing
technology for mobile environments. In particular, the special issue is going to showcase the most recent achievements and
developments in the realm of Cloud computing. Original research articles are solicited covering theoretical studies, practical
applications, new communication technology and experimental prototypes. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and
selected on the basis of both their quality and their relevance to the theme of this special issue.
Topics of Interests
This special issue calls for original papers describing the latest developments, trends, and solutions of Cloud computing
technology for mobile environments. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Infrastructure Management & Economics
 Cloud economics in mobile and pervasive environments
 Cloud computing programming and application development
 Scalability, discovery of services and data in Cloud computing infrastructures
 Trust and clouds for mobile infrastructure
 Client-cloud computing challenges
 Grid computing services and applications for Cloud deployments
 Virtualization, modeling, and metadata in Grid
 Cloud monitoring, control, and management
 Traffic and load balancing in multi-vendor Cloud environments
 User profile for Cloud environments
 Performance and security in pervasive and ubiquitous Cloud environments
 Fault tolerance, resilience, survivability, robustness in Cloud environments
 Geographical constraints for deploying Clouds
 Concurrent solutions to specific problems in academia, industry and society
 Concurrent algorithms and computational methods
 Programming environments, operating systems, tools, concurrent languages, compilers, interpreters
 Performance prediction, analysis, models and results
 Applications, algorithms and software technologies arising from the World Wide Web
 Unification of computing and communication; unification of parallel and distributed computing
 Social network analysis facilitated through Cloud environments
 Ad Hoc and Mesh networks via Cloud systems
 Managing streaming content with Cloud environments
Submission Guidelines
Each submission should be formatted to the Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience guidelines. Please
refer to the complete Author Guidelines at Note that published papers and those currently under review by other journals or
conferences are prohibited. A separate cover letter should be submitted that includes the paper title, the list of all authors,
their affiliations and information of the contact author.
Each paper will be reviewed rigorously and possibly in two rounds, i.e., minor/major revisions will undergo another round
of review. Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers directly via the online submission system at Authors have to select Choose Article Type “Cloud Computing for mobile
Important Dates
Paper submission:
1st round review notification:
1st revision due:
2nd round review notification:
2nd revision due:
Final acceptance notification :
July 31, 2013
Aug. 15, 2013 These dates below will be revised later by 1-2 months
Sept 15, 2013
Sept. 30, 2013
Oct. 20, 2013
Nov. 15, 2013
3rd or 4th quarter, 2014 <tentative>
Guest Editors
Prof. Young-Sik Jeong (Corresponding GE)
Wonkwang University, Korea
Prof. Omer Rana
Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Ching-Hsien (Robert) Hsu
Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Prof. Hwa-Young Jeong
Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
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