Name: Period: Anatomy and Physiology The Respiratory System

Anatomy and Physiology
The Respiratory System
The Respiratory System is the system that takes in O from the environment and
_______________________________________________ it for CO .
In addition, this system traps particles from the air (that came in with the O ), control
_________________________________________________ and water loss, produce
__________________________________________sounds and aid in smell and maintaining blood pH.
The Organs of the Respiratory System: ________________________, nasal cavity,
__________________________________________, pharynx, larynx,
__________________________________________, bronchial tree, and
The Nose:
this contains 2 nostrils or __________________________________________ (openings), bone and
cartilage, & internal hairs.
Its function is for air exchange and trapping of
_________________________________________________ from the air
The Nasal Cavity:
This is the opening (hollow space) behind the nose.
It is divided into 2 parts by the nasal __________________________________________(bone).
It also contains passageways divided by nasal
It is lined by mucous membranes which has cilia & BVs
The mucus __________________________________________ particles
The ___________________________________ provide sweeping movements that direct the air
& particles
The BVs ___________________________________________ incoming air into the body
(adjusting it to the body’s temp)
The Paranasal Sinuses:
are ________________________________________________ spaces in the skull bones (specifically,
frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, & sphenoid)
are lined with _________________________________________ membranes
affect the sound quality of the ______________________________________________
a sinus headache is (not only painful but) a blocked sinus (it cannot drain properly). This can be caused
by ______________________________________________ or infection.
The Pharynx:
a.k.a. _________________________________________________________
passageway for both _____________________________ (leading to esophagus) and
__________________________________ (leading to larynx)
aids in sound production
The Larynx:
a small passageway that connects the pharynx to the
allows air to pass through, preventing ______________________________________________ from
entering the trachea
houses the _____________________________________________________________________
composed of muscle and cartilage:
thyroid cartilage (a.k.a. __________________________________________________): largest of
these; found in the mid-section of the larynx. Do women have Adam’s apples?
epiglottic cartilage: found at the top of the larynx; supports the
___________________________________________________(a flaplike structure that allows air
to pass through the trachea but prevents food & liquids to enter)
The Trachea:
a.k.a. _____________________________________________________________
the tube in front of the ___________________________________________________
splits into the left and right bronchi
contains a ciliated mucoid lining which ____________________________________________air particles
and transports air down into the bronchial tree
the wall is lined with ____________________________________________ hyaline cartilage that hold
the tube open while the opening of the “C” is supported with muscle which is movable. This allows
room for the esophagus to ___________________________________________________ when
The Bronchial Tree:
_____________________________________________ airways (left & right) that come from the trachea
these are supported by ________________________________________________ until they get smaller
& smaller in size (the amount of cartilage decreases with the decrease in size)
these provide the passageway of __________________________________into the lungs
From largest (and the trachea) to the lungs:
______________________________________________move air into bronchioles.
_____________________________________________ move air into alveolar
____________________________________________ then to alveolar
__________________________________________then finally alveoli
Alveoli are where gas exchange takes place;
_____________________________________________ (a capillary net) are in close contact with
these, allowing gases to enter and exit the bloodstream.
Gas exchange occurs here via ________________________________________.
The Lungs:
these are soft _________________________________________________ organs that are found within
the thoracic cavity
they are enclosed & protected by the _______________________________ and sternum and separated
by the mediastinum
they contain: air passages, ____________________________________________, BVs, connective tissue,
lymphatic tissue & nerves
the right lung contains _________________ lobes while the left lobe contains
___________________________ lobes.
Each lobe is supplied by a branch of the bronchial tree
Each lung is covered by:
______________________________________________________ pleura: serous membrane that
follows the shape of the lung
Parietal _________________________________________________: serous membrane that
covers the visceral pleura
Pleural cavity: potential space in between these; contains small amount of
__________________________________________ fluid to reduce friction during breathing
Respiratory Physiology
________________________________________________________ respiration is the use of O by cells
(and release of CO ); this is how we produce ATP from food.
Respiration is the exchange of ________________________________________with CO
Respiration occurs in 4 steps:
1. ______________________________________________________: breathing in O & out CO (lungs fill
with air & empty)
2. external respiration: gas exchange between air &
3. gas transport by blood
4. ________________________________________________________respiration: gas exchange between
blood & body cells
Breathing Mechanism:
a.k.a. __________________________________________________________________
occurs by inspiration (breathing in, or ___________________________________________________) and
___________________________________________________ (breathing out, or exhalation)
the pressure on the inside of the lungs is about the same as the pressure on the outside of the thoracic
The __________________________________________________contracts & relaxes, allowing
inspiration & expiration.
Nonrespiratory Air Movements:
Air movements with the respiratory system for reasons other than
This can be ___________________________________________________, sneezing,
_____________________________________________, crying, hiccupping, or
A hiccup is a _________________________________________ of the diaphragm.
_____________________________________________ is usually to aid the body in taking deep
These are considered _______________________________________________.
Coughing & sneezing generally clear
Respiratory Imbalances:
Emphysema is a disease of the lungs in which the alveolar walls
This is a progressive disease that reduces the _______________________________________________
of the alveoli.
This is caused by tobacco smoke, pollution or heredity.
Lung cancer is the abnormal ____________________________________ growth in the lungs. This has a
variety of causes, from tobacco to asbestos. This disease metastasizes to major organs and is not
treated with much success.
Breathing Control:
Breathing is a _____________________________________________ (occurs even when unconscious)
It is rhythmic and ________________________________________________________
The muscles can be controlled, however
Respiratory Center:
This is a group of neurons found in the brain: pons and
Control of Respiration:
____________________________________________ Factors: nonrespiratory movements
____________________________________________Control: exercise
____________________________________________ Factors: fear; pain
____________________________________________Factors: levels of O & CO