Orange Coast College - BE

Meteorology – ATC 140 C
ATC 132 C (or concurrent)
3 units
Tuesdays 6:00 pm to 9:10 pm
TE-1 Room 216
Class Website:
Office hours:
Beth Ennis
(310) 594-0612
By Appointment
Textbooks and Supplies:
Aviation Weather, FAA AC-00-6A
Aviation Weather Services, AC-00-45G
The Weather Book, by Jack Williams (and USA Today)
Reference Books:
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, FAA 8083-25A
Aviation Weather and Weather Services, by Irvin N. Gleim
Course Description:
This course covers atmospheric science applicable to flight operations.
Topics include the atmosphere, thermal patterns, atmospheric moisture, horizontal and
vertical pressure patterns, clouds, atmospheric circulation, local winds, stability, air
masses, fronts, fog, icing, thunderstorms, jet streams, and turbulence. Students will study
and make use of surface analysis and prognostic charts, weather observations, and
constant pressure maps.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
 Analyze and interpret weather and meteorology symbols
 Evaluate decision-making processes related to weather criteria
 Recognize flight related weather procedures
 Apply real time flight-planning weather procedures
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate acquired knowledge of Meteorology concepts through
completion of an individual research assignment and presentation, case studies, written
analysis, quizzes and exams. The student will demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the
course material by achieving a 70% or better in overall proficiency.
Class Format:
This class will include class discussions based on individual research, lectures, written
assignments, quizzes and a final examination.
Additional Program Website Source:
Additional websites for program information and resources:
 - to access class information and assignments
 - You need to click Student Access twice to get
to proper area (on the top-left menu bar)
Class Expectations:
 Students should complete reading assignments before attending class.
 All written work is to be submitted on time and grammatically correct.
 Class participation is required and respectful exchange of ideas is expected.
 No food or beverages except water are allowed; this also applies during field trips
and guest speakers.
 Find a “contact person” within the class for the purpose of exchanging class
 Abide by the Cypress College policies outlined in the Catalog regarding
Academic Honesty.
 Professional behavior is expected during all online and face-to-face activities.
 Business dress code is recommended for any class field trip or guest speaker.
 Turn off pagers, phones, laptops in the classroom and on field trips
 If you feel like giving up, be sure to give me a chance to help you first!
Attendance and Participation:
A portion of this class involves class participation (on the Discussion Board for Web
enhanced classes). More than three (3) weeks of nonparticipation may be sufficient cause
to be dropped from the class. It is not necessary to contact me for one week’s absence,
but if you will be out for an extended period, please let me know. If you find yourself
unable to complete the course, please remember that it is the student’s responsibility to
drop the course (online through My Gateway/Webstar) before the final date noted
in the schedule.
Academic Accommodation:
Students who need additional time to complete a test or require any special
accommodation must notify me in a timely manner. Students will otherwise be expected
to adhere to the information included on this course syllabus. (Refer to Student Services
below for more information).
Academic Advising/Counseling:
Jane Jepson is your vocational counselor, though you may see any counselor if she is not
available. Email: or any counselor at
Computer Access: Computers for assignments are available in the computer lab room 216.
See posted schedule for computer availability days and times.
Academic Honesty Policy:
Plagiarism and cheating are never tolerated and can be grounds for expulsion. To access
the Academic Honesty Policy, you may go to and click on the
"Schedule and Catalog" link. The policy is found in the Cypress College Catalog.
Using someone else’s ideas or written work as your own, intentionally or accidentally, is
plagiarism. It can appear in various forms, but it is never tolerated. You must note your
sources, and quoted material must be in quotes. The instructor reserves the right to submit
student assignments to to check for textural similarities between those
assignments, Internet sources and the assignment database. Students will be
required to electronically submit their written work for plagiarism checking. Assignments
submitted to will become part of their database and will be used only for
plagiarism prevention and detection.
Copyright: Any copyrighted materials used in this class are used for distance education
purposes only and in compliance with United States copyright law. Use of these materials
is limited to students enrolled in the course, for the duration of the course. Students must
refrain from saving, changing, or distributing any such copyrighted materials.
Advisory Board Minimum Standards:
We are lucky to have an exceptional Advisory Board, which includes more than fifty
management representatives from the major aviation and travel industries. Each year this
committee meets to review our program and make recommendations to help you be
successful. Among the recurring recommendations are requests that students be
proficient in some basic and essential skills such as typing skills, basic math, geography,
spelling, written and oral communication, and industry terminology. These basic skills or
“minimum standards” are introduced in ATC/AVIA 102 Career Communication/
Portfolio and reinforced throughout all of your courses. Your ability to meet these
standards will need to be documented in your Career Portfolio when you submit your
application for a certificate or degree. To view the requirements and practice your skills,
you can access the Standards on the Student Access link on the Program Website, or go
Career Portfolio:
Throughout their studies, all students in the Airline & Travel Careers and Aviation
Programs produce and maintain a Career Portfolio to document their proficiency in the
Course Objectives, Student Learning Outcomes, Minimum Standards, and the
overreaching goals of Career Technical Education. While you may want to keep all of
your work, this portfolio is intended to organize your essential employment information
and showcase your best work. Details about the Career Portfolio can be found on the
Student Access link on the Program Website, or go to
Program Tutoring (FREE!):
____________________________is a former student who will provide you with free
tutoring to assist you with your projects. You may contact him/her directly to make an
appointment or talk to him/her online at ______________________________.
Kathy March is also a student who is available to assist you with your assignments. She
can be reached at or in TE1, room 212.
Student Concerns or Grievances:
Please let me know if you have any problems or concerns. If we cannot resolve the
problem, there are other recourses available to you. To find out about these resources, go
to the Online FAQ page on the distance education Web page of the Cypress College
Student Services:
Student Support Services: A Quick Guide and comprehensive explanation of the
Cypress College Students Services is found in the Schedule of Classes.
Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS): A student who feels he or she may
need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact Disabled
Students Program & Services at 714-484-7104 or visit DSPS on the first floor of the
Cypress College Complex, Room 100. For students who have already been determined
eligible for DSPS services, please provide the instructor with the proper form from DSPS
in a timely manner, at the beginning of the semester and at least one week prior to the
verified and identified need.
Campus Safety Phone Number: For emergencies, lost and found, and parking, call
714-484-7387 or 714-493- 6687 (cell).
Career Planning Center and Student Success Workshops: Extra Credit Available:
Free Student Success Workshops are offered by the Career Planning Center throughout
the semester. Obtain assistance on preparing your resume or attend a workshop and
submit a verification of attendance for 10 bonus points.
Emergency Procedures: If required to evacuate a classroom/building, students will
proceed to a clear and safe area away from the evacuated building. Take all personal
belongings with you.
Health Center: To make use of health services or to get further information, contact the
Health Center located on the first floor of the south side of Gymnasium II Building by
calling (714) 484-7361, or stop by the Center.
Library: The normal hours of operation are MON – THU 8:00am – 9:00pm, FRI 8:00am
– 1:00pm, and SAT – SUN and HOLIDAYS CLOSED. For updates: The Library WebPage also provides access to
an online catalog listing which includes the library holdings from Cypress, Fullerton,
Goldenwest, Orange Coast, Cal State Fullerton, and Cal State Long Beach. You will
need your campus ID card to check books out from these libraries.
Learning Resource Center: FREE tutoring is available for Cypress College students
writing a paper in any subject or taking any English course. Tutors in math, sciences, and
other subjects are also available. To make an appointment, drop by the Tutoring
Appointment Desk on the first floor of the LRC, telephone them at 714.484.7183, or to
schedule an appointment with an English tutor email them at
The normal hours of operation are
8:00am – 9:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
For more information go to:
Sexual Harassment / Discrimination Policy: The North Orange County Community
College District Non-Discrimination Statement is found on p. 37 of the 2010-2011
College Catalog.
Student Rights and Responsibilities: Students are expected to be knowledgeable of the
policies and procedures in the College Catalog.
Tobacco Use Policy: Smoking is restricted to areas 20 feet or further from any building.
Grading Policy:
Assignments and Exams
Class Participation and Attendance
Project #1
Project #2
Homework: Meteorology Studies
Written Analysis
Competencies: Chapter Quizzes
Mid-Term Exam
Final Examination
Extra Credit
Total Points
Track Your
Grade Distribution
A = 100 – 90%
B = 89 – 80%
C = 79 – 70%
D = 69 – 60 %
F = 59 – 50%
Extra credit assignments will be
available. Max 14 points
Late assignments will not be
A student may withdraw from the class with a “W” grade anytime on or before the “drop with a
W” date posted in the schedule. Failure to withdraw before the deadline will result in a grade of “F”
on your permanent record.
Additional reading and assignments may be assigned.
Course schedule is subject to change as deemed necessary by the instructor.
Assignments and Projects
 Class Participation (16 points)
Students are expected to attend and actively participate in class lectures and facilitated
discussions. Students will demonstrate their understanding and mastery of course materials:
 Answering instructor questions
 Discussing alternative views with respect to others dignity and right to disagree
 Participating in facilitated discussions
 Analysis and explanation of key points observed during media presentations
Project #1 (25 points)
Completion of one internet/online interactive weather related course is required. Turn in a
copy of the certificate of completion. Go to
(create an account to access). Also, put a copy of your course completion certificate in your
Career Portfolio. Computer Lab hours are posted if computer access is needed.
Project #2 (25 points)
Students will prepare and discuss a weather related aviation incident or accident or story in
a class presentation.
 Prepare and present an oral presentation on topic related material.
 Turn in a one page paper on the topic.
Homework Assignments: Meteorology Studies and Written Analysis (110 points total)
Students are expected to prepare written reports and/or print analysis of assigned weather
studies (as outlined in the syllabus). Students will demonstrate their understanding and mastery
of the course materials through:
 Prepare written analysis or printouts of weather as described in the syllabus.
Competencies: Chapter Quizzes (90 points total)
Students are expected to successfully complete Chapter quizzes.
 Complete assigned Chapter quizzes
Mid- Term Examination (50 points total)
Students will demonstrate their understanding and mastery of course materials through
successful completion of a mid-term examination.
 Complete mid-term examination
Final Examination (50 points total)
Students will demonstrate their understanding and mastery of course materials through
successful completion of a final examination.
 Complete final examination
Extra Credit (14 points) One is allowed – suggestions:
 Attend a Cypress College Student Success Workshop (proof of attendance required), or
 Prepare a short (1/2 page) typed summary of an aviation related article. Conclude with
your opinion and attach the article, or
 Complete additional internet/online courses dealing with aviation weather, weather
forecasting, formation of weather, cyclones, hurricanes tornados, IFR flight, etc., or
 Visit an aviation museum or attend an event (such as an air show, FAA seminar, etc.)
o Bring proof of attendance to turn in for credit.
Meteorology - ATC 140 C
Reading/Chapter Assignments Due
08/25/15 Welcome and Orientation
Definitions and Terminology
 Phonetic Worksheet Handout
 Phonetic Handout
 Student Activity Handout
 Class Worksheet
The Earth's Atmosphere, Temperature
and Heat
Aviation Weather (AW) Chapter 1 and 2
TWB Chapter 1, 2 and 3
Atmospheric Pressure, Altimetry and Wind
09/15/15 AW Chapter 3 and 4
TWB Chapter 3
Moisture, Cloud Formation, Precipitation,
and Air Stability
AW Chapters 5, 6, and 7
TWB Chapter 5 and 10
Clouds, Air Masses, Fronts and
AW Chapters 7, 8 and 9
TWB Chapter 4
Homework Assignments Due
 Learn to read and interpret
METAR's and TAF's.
go to the METAR tab.
 Write a one page double spaced
paper (MLA format)
discussing/describing what is
the source of all weather/what
causes all weather and how
weather develops.
 Turn in your work next class.
 Illustrate and discuss
"Convection". What is it? How
does it form? What type of
weather does it create?
 Turn in your work next class.
 Illustrate and discuss how a
cloud forms, evaporation,
condensation and sublimation.
 Turn in your work next class.
 Illustrate and discuss how a
parcel of air is affected by stable
and unstable air.
 Turn in your work next class.
PROJECT #1 due.
Icing and Thunderstorms
AW 10 and 11
10/06/15 TWB Chapter 7 and 8
Intro to "ATIS"
Common IFR Producers
AW Chapter 12
 Learn to "copy the "ATIS".
Listen to and copy down the
"ATIS" one time, each day, for 5
days for these airports (KLGB
and KTOA).
 Turn in your work next class.
 Study for Mid-term
Mid term Review
Mid-Term Exam
The Aviation Weather Service Program
AWS - Chapter 1
Intro to "METAR"
Project #2 due
AWS - Chapters 2, 3 and 4
Satellite Weather Pictures, RADAT, TAFS,
FAs, and FDs
AWS – Chapters 3, 4 and 10
TWB Chap 11
 Learn to read and interpret
METAR's and TAF's.
Go to
Open the "METARs" tab. Get
the METAR's and TAF's for
 Print and turn in a copy of that
day’s weather – turn in next
 Learn to read and interpret
"Winds and Temperature Aloft
Data Charts". Go to the
"Winds/Temps" tab and click on
"Official NWS Textual FB
Winds/Temps Aloft" link.
Learn to read and interpret the
data presented,
 Bring in a copy of the page Turn in your work next class.
 Analyze the Prognostic Charts:
Study the 12 hour and the 24
hour chart. Give an outlook for
the period (write a brief
description of what is forecasted
to occur).
 Turn in your description next
In-Flight Aviation Weather Advisories
TWEBs, WST, WS, WA, FD and other
11/10/15 Forecasts
AWS – Chapters 3, 4 and 10
WH Hurricane Advisory, Tropical Weather,
AC Convective Outlook
WW Severe Weather Watch
11/17/15 TWB Chapter 9 – Hurricanes
AWS – Chapter 4 – 8, 14
TWB Chapter 11- How to Predict the
11/24/15 Surface Analysis, Weather Depiction,
Radar Summary
AWS – Chapters 5 - 11
 Study the information within the
"Radar & Satellite" tab. Bring in
a copy of these pages.
Describe what type of
information is presented to you
by each of the different type of
 Turn in your work next class.
 Create a weather briefing for a
flight from KSNA to KLAS on
 Use "".
Sign-up, it's free.
Call the AFSS (1-800-WX
BRIEF). Obtain a standard
 Turn in your "hand written" notes
on the briefing.
 Create a weather briefing for a
flight from KSBA to KPHX on
Call the AFSS (1-800-WX
BRIEF). Obtain a standard
 Turn in your "hand written" notes
on the briefing next class.
AW – Part 2 Chapter 13
High Altitude Weather
12/01/15 AWS – Chapters 11– 14
 Study for final exam
TWB – Glossary
12/08/15 FINAL EXAM
Additional reading and assignments may be assigned.
Course schedule is subject to change as deemed necessary by the instructor.