Form C4 Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor 1. Course Code C4IP 2. Course Title 5. School School of Management & Languages 7. Delivery: Location & Semester Edin SBC Orkney Dubai IDL Collaborative Partner Approved Learning Partner Sem 2 Sem……. Sem……….. Sem…….. Sem…. Name…………………….....Sem..…... Name …………………………………Sem……….. 8. Pre-requisites none 9. Linked Courses (specify if synoptic) 10. Excluded Courses none 11. Replacement Courses Code: n/a Intercultural Perspectives on Sustainable Development 6. Course Co-ordinator 11 4. Credits 15 Prof. Ullrich Kockel none 12. Degrees for which this is a core course Date Of Replacement: n/a 13. The course may be delivered to: 3. SCQF Level UG only PG only UG & PG 14. Available as an Elective? Yes No 15. Aims The course aims to focus attention on economic and environmental issues as addressed by applied anthropological methods and theories in various contexts, assessing their ambiguities and exploring their implications for individuals, minorities, majorities, institutions and intercultural relations by way of carefully selected case studies. The importance of intercultural understanding in addressing practical problems is emphasized. Case studies from different regions and ethnographic fields are discussed. Students are expected to reflect critically on contemporary social and economic projects in various settings and encouraged to use anthropological methods and theories in addressing practical issues. 16. Syllabus Indicative topics are: Economic anthropology “Sustainability” and cultural difference Conflict and consensus Development studies Natural resource limits Humans and their place in the world Indigenous cosmologies Culture of place and culture in place Climate change 1/2 Form C4 Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor Distributive justice and equitability 17. Learning Outcomes (HWU Core Skills: Employability and Professional Career Readiness) Subject Mastery Understanding, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills Scholarship, Enquiry and Research (Research-Informed Learning) On completion of the class, students should be able to demonstrate: Students will develop and demonstrate a substantial ability to: Personal Abilities a critical understanding of anthropological approaches to studying gather, analyse and synthesise heritage information at an advanced concrete cases of social interaction, particularly in the context of level of study institutions, trans-nationalism and inter-cultural encounters plan and execute a significant project of research a good grasp of the main controversies over economic and critically reflect upon and evaluate complex issues and ideas environmental issues from an applied anthropological perspective construct and communicate differentiated arguments and concepts an awareness of the differences in societies’ cultural engagement with clarity, coherence and persuasiveness with economy and environment, both historically and in the present creatively apply knowledge and theories at an advanced level of a critical stance and alertness towards the complexities and analysis ambiguities inherent in ‘applied’ anthropology in terms of its scope, seek out the meaning and a deeper understanding of key issues and meaning and any clashes of interest concepts as well as focusing on issues of content and knowledge Industrial, Commercial & Professional Practice Autonomy, Accountability & Working with Others Communication, Numeracy & ICT Students should be able to apply knowledge skills Students should be able to: Students should be able to: and understanding in order to: work independently with initiative and originality communicate ideas and generate appropriate solutions to cross-cultural on specific projects interpretations with clarity, research on sustainable development conciseness and coherence to work effectively as part of a group. peers, more senior colleagues and demonstrate an ability to apply critically through teamwork and negotiation, solve specialists theoretical frameworks to practical issues of problems and reach agreement based on sustainability demonstrate effective judgements and decisions in a systematic and communication in writing self-reflective manner effectively organise and implement tasks and projects with best practice in sustainability undertake critical evaluations ensure accuracy, recognise limits and evaluate the validity of results and conclusions monitor, analyse and offer solutions to conflicts be effective team workers, in socio-cultural encounters managers and group leaders be effective team workers, managers and group argue independently and cogently leaders be leaders in their professional field manage complex ethical and professional issues. 18. Assessment Methods Method 19. Re-assessment Methods Duration of Exam Weighting (%) Synoptic courses? Method (if applicable) Coursework 20. Date and Version Date of Proposal 23/10/2014 Duration of Exam Diet(s) (if applicable) 100% Date of Approval by School Committee Coursework Date of Implementation Version Number 2/2 1.0