Philanthropy Leverage Initiative - Department of Arts, Heritage and

For official use
Number 13 / _ _ _ _ / V_ _ _
Philanthropy Initiative for Arts and Arts-in-Education projects
Application Form
Applications which meet all of conditions laid down for funding will be nominated for
funding on a first come first served basis. The process will consist of a number of steps
1. In the Initial Application, organisations apply to establish their eligibility to take part in
the initiative and to select a funding category. If the application is deemed valid, the
project will be eligible for funding on a first come first served basis and will be based on
the date on which a valid application is received in the Department. If funds are
exhausted, eligible projects will be placed on a waiting list in the event that funds become
available for reallocation. In the event of multiple applications competing for the final
grant allocation(s), priority will be given to Arts in Education project aimed at DEIS
schools. The aim will be that the majority of the available funding of €210,000 will go to
Arts-in-Education projects. Arts-in-Education is explained in the Appendix to this
2. The second step is the raising of philanthropic funds and commencement of the project.
3. The third step is drawdown of funds from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the
Gaeltacht and reporting on the organisation’s experience with the initiative.
Initial Application
To make a valid application, projects should be able to meet all of the following conditions: Be a not-for-profit arts or culture organisation;
 Have an arts or Arts-in-education project for funding which consists of arts or culture
 Produce a budget for the projects showing projected income and expenditure which
offers reasonable value for money;
 Have not received any a grant under the 2012 Philanthropy Initiative. This condition
may be relaxed later in 2013 if funds allow;
 Select and remain in one of the 3 funding categories;
 Be able to complete all of the drawdown for the project before 7 November 2013;
 Funding will not be available to meet capital costs. Administrative costs will not be
covered other than those associated directly with and resulting from the project;
 Grants must to be matched by new private sector funding for which proof must be
 Matched funding cannot come from public funds or from any public sector
Details of Project
I. Project
Name ____________________________________
Brief description of the project which should be an arts-in-education
Describe the target audience (s) ______________________________
Give information about the venue (if relevant) ___________________
Amount of grant for which you are applying € __________
II. Private Sector
- Philanthropic;
- Sponsorship
- endowment
Target for philanthropic funds
Target for sponsorship
Target for endowment funding €_________________
Other funding – please specify €_________________
Total Targeted €_________________
This must be new philanthropic funding that has been raised as a result of
this scheme and cannot be philanthropic donations or sponsorship which
had already been raised or promised. Documentary proof must be
provided that these are new philanthropic funds.
You should prepare and attach a budget for the project which includes
projected income and expenditure. The project should offer reasonable
value for money. Project costs should not include any capital costs or
administrative costs not directly associated with the project.
Projected income should show the expected philanthropic donations
which are targeted at II above, as well as the grant you hope to obtain.
Projections for income should not include any other public funding from
any public sector organisation.
It is acceptable for the project budget to change after the application. In
particular, a situation may emerge where all of the targeted philanthropic
funds are not achieved. In this scenario, grant payment will still be
possible so long as some additional arts-in-education programming has
been provided even if it is at a reduced level to that originally envisaged.
The drawdown will be at the same category to ensure that the original
ratio is maintained.
Selection of Funding Category
Please Select one of the 3 funding categories below by placing an X in the box on
the right. You should note that you cannot change your funding category after
funding has been allocated.
Category Grant
Up to
Your organisation raises €2 for
each €1 of State funds so grant of
up to €5,000 would be paid if
€10,000 were raised
Up to
Your organisation raises €3 for
each €1 of State funds so grant of
up to €10,000 would be paid if
€30,000 were raised
Up to
Your organisation raises €4 for
each €1 of State funds so grant of
up to €15,000 would be paid if
€60,000 were raised
Freedom of Information Acts
Under the Freedom of Information Acts, 1997 and 2003, the Department of Arts, Heritage
and the Gaeltacht may release any details contained in applications and supporting
documents, on request, to third parties. If any information in your application is sensitive,
please identify it to us and explain why it should not be disclosed to others. If we are asked
for any sensitive information, we will consult you before making a decision.
Scanned copies of the following Compulsory Documents are enclosed
1. Documents showing the organisation’s legal status - Memorandum and Articles of
Association or other appropriate documentation
2. Most recent Annual Report and Accounts
3. Proposed budget for this project.
I certify that all information in this application and supporting documentation is truthful and
accurate and I accept that if any information is found to be false or misleading, the
Department may withdraw grants, require repayment of all or part of a grant and/or bar
applications from this organisation for a period of time. I am also aware that the Department
may inform the Garda Síochána.
Name (PRINT):_____________________________
Date: _____________________
The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht shall not be liable to the applicant or any
other party for any loss, damage or costs of any nature resulting directly or indirectly from
the application or its subject matter or rejection of the application for any reason.
The Department, its servants or its agents shall not at any time in any circumstances be held
responsible or liable for any matter connected with developing, planning, financing, building,
operating, managing and/or administering individual projects or any matter connected with
the part payment by the Department of invoices submitted by grantees.
For drawdown of funds, projects should note all of the following:
Payments will be made by the Department in arrears on the basis of
certified paid invoices.
The philanthropic funds are required to have been received by the
arts/culture organisation and proof of receipt of the philanthropic funds
must be provided.
Arts and Culture organisations must notify the Department of the date of
drawdown of funds one calendar month in advance.
Arts and Culture organisations which have been allocated funding under
the initiative and find that they will be unable to drawdown that funding,
must notify the Department at the earliest opportunity to allow that funding
to be reallocated to another organisation on the waiting list.
Arts and Culture organisations will also have to produce a short written
description for public dissemination of the fundraising and how it
developed and progressed.
Projects must be featured on Culturefox (
A valid tax clearance certificate must be produced.
Applications should be sent to
On 4 January 2013, the Ministers for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and Education
and Science jointly launched the Arts in Education Charter.
Extract from Arts in Education Charter
In policy, provision and practice it is possible to trace a developing distinction between
arts education and arts-in-education through the 1980s and 1990s. While these are two
areas of co-dependency, arts education refers usually to mainstream teaching and learning
of the arts as part of general education, while arts-in-education refers mostly to
interventions from the realm of the arts into the education system, by means of artists of
all disciplines visiting schools or by schools engaging with professional arts and cultural
practice in the public arena.
2.1 Arts-in-education: two strands
While much arts-in-education interaction occurs within school time, not all of it takes
place on the school premises. There are two strands to arts-in-education practice: one
involving interventions by the arts world into the domain of formal education, and the
other involving students engaging with the arts in the public domain, usually in publiclyfunded arts venues, whether local or national.
2.2 Arts-in-education: key characteristics
Arts-in-education practice involves skilled, professional artists of all disciplines working
for and with schools in the making, receiving and interpreting of a wide range of arts
experiences. Arts-in-education practice can happen within or outside the school. It ranges
from once-off visits, through more extended programmes, to intensive, collaborative
Artists, arts organisations, pupils, teachers, and sometimes primary carers, work together
to create arts experiences that enrich the curriculum and support the core educational
mission of the school. Arts-in-education practice enriches the lives of all involved,
particularly in nurturing the developing the minds and imaginations of the pupils.