Waste Reduction Application

SMART Business Recognition Program
Thank you for your interest in the Sustainable Management of Assets, Resources and Technology (SMART)
Recognition Program. The SMART Business Recognition Program is designed to encourage businesses to
adopt policies and practices that encourage good management of financial, human and natural resources. In
partnership with local entities (Avista Utilities, Department of Ecology, Eastern Washington University, and
Spokane Regional Solid Waste System), the program will recognize businesses who adopt smart resource
management systems, practices and policies.
A business may be recognized by the SMART program on two levels, “participant” or “certified”.
Participant level is for businesses that commit to better manage their assets, resources and/or
Certified level is for businesses that demonstrate they have adopted changes that resulted in better
management of assets, resources and/or technology.
Ultimately, both levels should lead businesses to a better work environment, a healthier more productive
workforce, more customers, and an increase in the bottom line.
In recognition of your achievements, you will receive a SMART Sustainable Business decal for the participant
and/or certified program(s). The decal is in the form of a window cling as well as an electronic format for use
on your letterhead, business cards, website and other marketing materials. Decals will be provided for each of
the following categories, upon qualification:
Energy Efficiency
Green Building
Renewable Energy
Historic Preservation
Waste Reduction/Recycling
Innovation (for outstanding
Water Conservation
achievement within any of the 8
Pollution Prevention
Businesses can choose to apply for recognition in any or all categories. Just fill out the application for the category(ies)
and level(s) of participation most relevant to your interests and qualifications. Please note that you will need to provide
additional documentation to verify your activities for the certified level.
If you have any questions about the program or the application, please contact Kirsten Nolan at Sustainable
Resources INW, (509) 209-2861, kirsten@sustaininw.org.
COMPLETED applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. Once approved, applicants will receive
an electronic version of the decal. Window clings will be printed and distributed periodically, as demand warrants.
Applications can be submitted electronically to kirsten@sustaininw.org or mailed/delivered to:
Kirsten Nolan, Program Manager
Sustainable Resources INW
35 W. Main, Suite 240
Spokane, WA 99201
SMART Business Recognition Program Application
First Name:
Last Name:
Business Name:
Cell Phone:
Business Website:
Submitted by:
Recycling saves money! For example, if your business currently utilizes one 6-yard refuse dumpster that is serviced once
a week, your monthly cost would be $429.24 or $5,150.88 annually. A typical business should be able to recycle up to
50% of its waste stream. Reducing your refuse needs down to a 3-yard container would cut your annual disposal expense
by half or $2,575.40-plus any possible costs associated with recycling. (2013 Commercial Disposal Rate, City of SpokaneCity limits only).
Participant Level
1. Have taken one of these 2 steps:
Recycling program is in place for our business waste. (Need help? Go to www.solidwaste.org or call
(509) 625-6800.)
Scheduled an assessment with Spokane Regional Solid Waste System's Waste Reduction Assessment Program
(WRAP) (509) 625-6536
2. ALL of the following practices are in place:
Recycle fluorescent light bulbs. (Call the Recycling Hotline @ 625-6800 or go to www.solidwaste.org for options.)
Recycle computers/electronics. (Go to http://www.solidwaste.org/sub18dd.php?id=5934 for e-waste recycling
Stickers posted in recycling areas list what can and cannot be recycled (available from Solid Waste
www.solidwaste.org or call (509) 625-6800)
3. EIGHT (8) of these 19 activities are required to qualify:
Purchase products in bulk or concentrated form, and goods with minimum packaging.
Purchase products in recyclable and/or refillable or reusable containers.
Purchase products that are recyclable and/or have post-consumer recycled content.
Invest in durables, not disposables. Buy things that can be repaired or upgraded instead of replaced.
Reuse packaging materials from incoming shipments (e.g., boxes, foam pads, polystyrene "peanuts"), or pass to
someone who can reuse them.
Use rechargeable batteries for electronics; use solar powered calculators.
Recycle alkaline, NiCad, cell phone, and button batteries.
Create and send electronic rather than hard-copy documents whenever possible (e.g., scan, email, online billing).
Print and photocopy on both sides of a page, reuse single-sided pages for drafts or note paper.
Purchase recharged copier, printer and fax ink cartridges; recycle used cartridges.
Use durable cups, flatware and plates in break rooms and/or lunchrooms.
Donate used equipment, furniture, and supplies to charitable organizations or schools.
Reuse office supplies such as file folders, binders and envelopes.
Employees are encouraged to use refillable water bottles instead of individual disposable plastic bottled water.
Contact companies that send your business unwanted mail to be removed from their lists.
Limit or eliminate use of a garbage disposal.
Compost or recycle vegetative or food waste, donate left-over food to feed-the-hungry programs.
Sell or donate waste vegetable oil for conversion to biodiesel.
Include recycling and waste reduction information in staff orientations and trainings.
Certified Level
Level three free assessment with proof that recommendations have been followed from the Spokane Regional
Solid Waste System's Waste Reduction Assessment Program (WRAP), (509) 625-6536.
OR at least ONE (1) of the following:
Prove (through billing, etc) that your recycling rate is at least 50%.
Innovation: Have an innovative way to achieve waste reduction/recycling? Share it here.
Inform suppliers and contractors in writing (e.g., RFPs, contracts) that you prefer to buy and use
recycled products. Janitorial contracts include recycling collection.
Negotiate with suppliers to provide merchandise in returnable, reusable or recyclable packaging.
Waste audit/employee training: Host a dumpster diving party! Find out what makes up the majority of
your trash, and see if there are items that could be recycled, reused or eliminated from use altogether.
By-Product Synergy: Production processes use reclaimed, reused or recycled materials.
Adopted or achieved a goal of Zero Waste.
Participate in a surplus exchange and/or “green” purchasing group with other businesses.
Use a worm bin to compost office paper and food waste. (Worm “juice” makes great plant fertilizer!)
Please use an email attachment for all applicable documentation for the Certified Level.
Save and submit form via email to kirsten@sustaininw.org.