Recycling to Create Popular Arts and Crafts: A Response to Mexican

Recycling to Create Art in Mexico: A
Response to Aesthetic and
Environmental Concerns
By: Maria D. Leake, Ph.D.
An example of a pollution problem in the
beautiful Sumidero Canyon in Mexico
Recycling materials to make accessories and to sell for profit.
An example of giving new life to old containers by a group of
Mexican environmentalists.
Recycling seeds to make jewelry. This Mayan artist uses locally collected seeds to
make his original creations.
Artist Alberto Ruiz’s installation of recycled and re-constructed bottle tops at the
Museo Textil de Oaxaca
Recycling used paper and leaves to make paper for
printmaking and other purposes.
Click on image above to play video.
How could we use recycled paper and materials to create paper
mache sculptures like these made in Mexico? What are your
thoughts and ideas?
Creating our own example of recycled art.
How do you think we can build our own custom designed piñatas using
old milk cartons and used paper scraps that we have collected from our
school cafeteria and classrooms? Share your ideas.
Example of piñatas made by professional
Mexican artists.
Examples of raw materials collected
on our campus.