CURRICULUM VITAE - Elements Art Gallery

Dragica Milunovic
Born, Yugoslavia; resident, Western Australia
2007 Master of Art (Visual Arts) Curtin University of Technology, West Australia.
2000 Bachelor of Arts (Art) (Honours) Curtin University of Technology Western Australia
1999 Bachelor of Arts (Art) Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia
1996 Diploma of Art (Art and Design) Claremont School of Art, Western Australia
2013 Elements Art Gallery, Dalkeith, WA, Infinite Marks
2011 Gallery East, North Fremantle , WA, New Works
2010 Momentous Arts Singapore, ‘New Works’
2009 Gallery East, North Fremantle, WA ‘New Paintings’
2009 McCulloch Gallery ‘Marks’ ‘Paintings & Cubes’ Melbourne Vic.
2007 Elements Art Gallery, ‘Marks’, Subiaco , W. A.
2007 Breadbox, Artrage, “Paintings” Perth, W.A.
2006 SPAN Galleries, Vic “The Space Between” Melbourne,.
2005 BGH Gallery, Santa Monica CA, The Space Between
2005 Momentous Arts, Singapore, ‘A Splash of Colour’
2005 Code Red Gallery, Claremont, Western Australia, ‘A Splash of Colour’
2006 SPAN Galleries, Melbourne, Vic. “The Space Between”
2005 Breadbox Gallery, ARTRAGE, Perth Western Australia, The Space Between’.
2004 Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth, Western Australia ‘Plastic Paintings’
2003 Code Red Gallery Claremont Western Australia
2003 Kings Art Café - Kings Perth Hotel W estern Australia
2002 Hawthorn Gallery, Mt Hawthorn. Western Australia “Flying Solo”
2012 Between the Sheets Artists’ Books, Gallery East, North Fremantle, WA
2011 30x30x30, Gallery East, North Fremantle, WA.
2012,11 Mid West Art Prize, The Geraldton Regional Art Gallery WA
2010 Melbourne Art Fair, represented by Gallery East
2012,10, 09,08, 06, 04,Guildford Grammar School, W.A
2010,07 Selected for inclusion in-The Mandorla Award for Contemporary Religious Art Perth WA
2010,08 Selected for inclusion in the 35th 36th Alice Prize NT
2010, 09, 08, 07, 06, 03,05 Minnawarra Art Award
2009 Selected for inclusion Prometheus visual arts award QLD
2009 Momentous Arts Gallery, Singapore, Destinazione OZ Land, Singapore
2009 Elements Gallery, Zero Nine Subiaco W.A.
2008, 06, 05 Selected for inclusion City of Joondalup Invitation Art Award, Joondalup Western Australia
2008, Selected for inclusion in the 35th Alice Prize 2008
2008 John Curtin Gallery, DofA08, Curtin University, Bentley, WA.
2007 Momentous Arts Gallery, Singapore ‘Art & About: Contemporary Australian Art’
2007 Selected for inclusion for Bunbury Biennale.
2010,07,06, Selected for inclusion in-The Mandorla Award for Contemporary Religious Art 2007, Perth
2006 KURB members show, Perth , WA.
2006 City of Joondalup, Art Award
2006/2007 the 6th Annual 10Women-10Countries 2006-2007 online show
2006 Elements Art Gallery, Group show Subiaco, WA
2006 art@pc, Perth College, by invitation
2006 ARQ Artworks Gallery, Osborne Park, WA
2005 City of Joondalup Invitation Art Award.
2005 Sydney ART 05
2005 Town of Vincent Art Award
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Dragica Milunovic
2005 Momentous Arts, Singapore, ‘Vast Land’
2004 Agora Gallery, The Australian Art Exhibition, Out From Down Under and Beyond, N.Y
2004 Selected for inclusion ‘SHE is a Bitch Walker’ St. Gallery, Dandenong, Victoria, Australia
2004 ‘Fragments’ VIVARTS Group Exhib ition. Monart Gallery, Dalkeith, WA
2004 Momentous Arts, Singapore.
2004 Vast Span Galleries Melbourne Victoria, Australia
2004 Linden Post Card Show 2004 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
2003 Supermart Breadbox Gallery, Northbridge (Perth) W estern Australia
2003 ‘Vast’ Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery, Fremantle W estern Australia
2003 Perth Royal Show Art Exhibition
2003 Mundaring Arts Centre (selected works)
2003 W arwick Art Gallery Art Prize Queensland
2003 Cossack Art Award Exhibition.
2003 ART03 The W estern Australian Contemporary Art Fair ‘INSTANT ART’ KURB Gallery
2003 Code Red Gallery (selected works) Claremont W.A.
2003 The town of Cambridge, Inaugural Art Award.
2003,02 Town of Vincent Art Award.
2003 City of Stirling art award exhibition.
2003 City of Wanneroo annual art competition.
2003 Left Vivarts group exhibition Mundaring art Centre Mundaring.
2003 Albany Art Prize Exhibition
2003 The Postcard Show 2003. Linden-St Kilda Centre for Contemporary Arts,
2002 Code Red Gallery (selected works) Claremont W.A.
2002-2003 Away from Home Vivarts Group. Touring Western Australia, by ART ON THE
2002 City of Wanneroo Annual exhibition (Winner of Open Award for painting Local Hero)
2002 Vivarts group exhibition The King’s Perth Hotel.
2002 City of Stirling Art competition.
2002 Albany Art Prize Exhibition
2002 Minnawarra Festival Art Exhibition (by Invitation)
2002 Friends of The Arthritis Foundation of W.A.(by invitation ).
2002 Vivarts Group, group exhibition, at 274 Gallery, Northbridge, (Perth).
2001 Code Red Gallery (selected works) Claremont W.A.
2001 Seeing Eleven, Vivarts Group, group exhibition, Moore’s Building Fremantle, W.A.
2001 Post Mortem The Fringe Festival Perth group exhibition, Moore’s Building Fremantle,
2000 Licensed Honours Graduation Exhibition, The John Curtin Gallery, Bentley W .A.
1999 Curtin University Graduation Exhibition (Bachelor of Arts)
1998 Artist against racism group exhibition Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, W .A.
1998 Pigments of the Imagination, group exhibition, Moores Building Fremantle.W .A.
1998, 97 Splash of Red Exhibition Aherns Perth W.A.
1996 Graduation Exhibition, Claremont School of Art, Moores Building Fremantle.W .A.
Artist in Residence Guildford Grammar School, Guildford Western Australia.
Department of Culture and the Arts, WA, Artflight, exhib. McCulloch Gallery Melbourne Vic
Australia Council / Visual Arts and Craft Strategy Grant
Diploma of Excellence, Honourable award (painting) Art Addiction Medial Museum London UK
ArtsWA Artflight Solo Exhibition ‘The Space Between’ BGH Gallery, Santa Monica L.A. USA.
ArtsWA – Artsflight ((group)
City of Wanneroo Open Award Moments in Time 2002, Painting “Local Hero”
“Art on the Move”, Touring Exhibition Fund (VIVARTS group)
Golden Key National Honour Society, Curtin University of Western Australia
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Dragica Milunovic
Fire & Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia.
City of Wanneroo, “Local Hero”
The Kings Perth Hotel, Western Australia
Central Metropolitan College of TAFE Perth W A..
Various private and corporate collections, in Australia and internationally.
2010 Yap Ming Hsien, ARTS Beat, Singapore,11- 24March 2010, (p19&27).
2010 Rosie MY, DCRS DECORATIONS, Vol 74, Floating Marks, (p41).
2010 Lin Wenjian, The Straits Times, Singapore, (5th March10,) Life, Events,(pC13)
2009 Dragica Milunovic, Catalogue, Spencer Johnson Art Books, 2009.
2009June 29 in The Philippine Daily Inquirer Lifestyle Section.
2009 Spencer Ric Marks, exh. cat, McCulloch Gallery, Melbourne, 2009
2008 McGrath Judith, Art Seen In WA, dOFa08, 20 June 2008,
2008 Wilkinson Christian, Advocate, Ellenbrook, Swan Vallery, Community News paper, June 25, 2009.
‘Future stars of the art world exhibit their work” (p 22).
2007 Lyn DiCiero, ARTIST’S CHRONICLE, Issue No 116 SEPT/OCT 2007, West. Aust. ( cover page,
and focus P. 6).
2007 McGrath Judith, ART Seen in WA, Paintings (
2006 Homes and Living, summer 06/07 WA. VivArts (p79)
2006 Newstead Claudia, Perth VITA Spring 2006 ‘The Colour of Passion’ (p124)
2005 Sunday Times, Home magazine, Art with Style, (p20)
2005 DARE magazine Singapore (October 2005) ‘What Inspires Me’ (p 16)
2005 Prestige, Singapore Oct. 2005 (p 38)
2005 ARTS Xplosion, Singapore, Oct. 2005, (p 8)
2005 Home & Décor, Singapore, Oct 2005, (New trends
2005 SQUAREROOMS, Singapore, Vol 5, ‘dramatic art’ (p 14)
2005 I-S Magazine, Singapore, ‘A Splash of Colour’ Oct.2005. +art (p 32)
2005 Subiaco POST, Vol 31 No 33, New Codes on the block (p 48)
2005 INSITE scoop, winter 05, Galleries’ Choice, (p112)
2005 d+a ( design & architecture Asia) 026 2005 p 83.
2005 ART Seen in W.A. ’The Space Between’ Reviewed by Judith McGrath (
2005 The Western Australian (Today Arts, Jan 20 2005) ‘The age of resin’ p 11
2004 Gallery & Studio, USA “Down Under and Beyond, Focuses on Australia June/July/August, 2004
2003 ART Seen in W.A. VAST Reviewed by Judith McGrath ( )
2003The West Australian (Today Arts—Galleries) p6 April 3 2003.
2003 Midland Reporter Community Newspaper “Art Benefit for Sick Children” p11 July 8 2003.
2002 Art on the Move ANNUAL REPORT 2002 photo image of work DEGRADATION p 14.
2002 Community Newspaper (Joondalup), “Take Time To See Art” (page 7) May 16 2002.
2002 Community Newspaper (Wanneroo), Cover Page, “Seven Share Art Award Moments” May
9 2002
2002 Art on the Move, Away from Home Exhibition & Education Kit, 2002
Central Metropolitan College of TAFE Perth, Art & Design in Western Australia Perth Tec hnical
College 1900-2000, 2000
Curtin University of Technology School of Art, The Visual Cultural Research Unit 100 Western
Australian Art NO 6, 2000
Curtin University of Technology School of Art, The Visual Cultural Research Unit, SCAN
Western Australian Art NO 5, 1999
Robert Cook, Publication The Western Australian (Today Arts) p6, May 6 1998
Community News, (Midland) Scene May 1998
Claremont School of Art, Claremont School of Art Graduation Exhibition, 1996
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