Ideas for PSHE lessons under the theme of DIVERSITY 1. How are people similar/different? – how is this a positive thing? (=gender, age, (dis)ability, ethnicity, sexuality, culture, faith) Iceberg activity 2. Belonging – which groups am I part of ? How am I similar/different to people in my groups ? Why is this? “All Black people are…” activity 3. Core values and beliefs (What are my core values and beliefs? How do I express them? What influences them? 4. Different viewpoints and perspectives How can peoples’ CV and B clash?) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Racial/ethnic/cultural diversity – famous Britons (achievement-strength-worth = universal qualities) 6. What is British culture? 7. Discrimination and prejudice – what are they? Why do they exist? Why are they wrong? How to challenge them. Why people are racist – ignorance/fear of unfamiliar/threatenenedlearned beliefs from others) 8. Racism and the law – what is and isn’t racist? Card sort – racist or not? Definitions of racism Sticks and stones video 9. Extreme racism – Stephen Lawrence/Holocaust/Johnny Delaney Stephen 10. Homophobia 11. It’s great to learn about people different to me and we can learn from each other (respect and empathy) Core values Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. The core values are the guiding principles that dictate behaviour and action. Core values can help people to know what is right from wrong If you’re having trouble getting started, I’ve provided a list of values that you might consider. The list isn’t exhaustive; there are literally hundreds of values you could have. Adventure Balance Confidence Control Creativity Discipline Education Faith Family Financial Security Friends Freedom Fulfillment Forgiveness Fun God Growth Happiness Health Hope Honesty Humor Independence Integrity Kindness Knowledge Marriage Peace of mind Power Progress Reason Security Self-reliance Service Spirituality Strength Success Truth Wisdom Here are some examples of core values from which you may wish to choose: Dependable Reliable Loyal Committed Open-minded Consistent Honest Efficient Innovative Creative Humorous Fun-loving Adventurous Motivated Positive Optimistic Inspiring Passionate Respectful Athletic Fit Courageous Educated Respected Loving Nurturing