anti – racism policy - Highgate Infant School


Highgate Infant School

Anti-Racism Policy

March 2013

What is Racism?

Racism relates to discriminatory attitudes, beliefs, behaviour, distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences that are based on presumptions about a person’s colour, descent, national or ethnic origin, migrant status or religion.

Our Principles

The principles on which this policy is based relate directly to the Norfolk

Curriculum Policy Statement, The Norfolk Learning Statement, The

Race Relations Act and The McPherson Report. The standards adopted by Highgate Infant School are in line with the document produced by the Commission for Racial Equality, Learning for All.

This policy applies to the whole school and any activity related to school life. The Head teacher is responsible for ensuring the policy is put into practice. The Head teacher and Anti Racism Governor are responsible for monitoring its implementation and reviewing its effectiveness.

Highgate Infant School provides an education and working environment in which all participants are equal and fairly treated. To this end we:

* promote and enhance awareness, understanding and acceptance between cultural groups and

* acknowledge and celebrate the breadth of experience and intellectual

resources the people from diverse backgrounds bring to the life of the


We foster a climate of respect for cultural diversity, of flexibility and acceptance with regard to cultural difference, creating an environment free from discrimination on the basis of perceptions about race.

In order to maintain this culturally inclusive environment we:

* provide an environment that is inclusive to all;

* raise awareness of all members of the school community to the values of cultural diversity;

* ensure that the school remains culturally inclusive and free from racial

discrimination and harassment;

* ensure that no materials, including reading materials, music scripts or

worksheets that promote racism are kept in school;

* ensure that displays represent the cultural diversity within our society.

In the event of racial discrimination or harassment the school will investigate and take such precautions as are possible to prevent further incidents from happening.

The school will not tolerate racist name-calling, racist bullying, graffiti, slogans or the distribution of racist material in the school, playground or playing field. We are required to record all racist incidents and to report them to parents, governors and the LEA. Records of racist incidents will be kept in the school office and a copy sent to the LEA. Within school, only the Headteacher and nominated governor will have access to these records. Should it be deemed appropriate, the class teacher may also be informed.

If an incident involves a pupil in the school, the perpetrators will be subjected to the school disciplinary procedures. If the incident involves an adult on the school premises, attention will be drawn to the school anti racism policy and asked to discuss the incident. As racial discrimination and harassment is a criminal offence, consideration will be given as to the involvement of outside agencies.

Proformas and guidelines for recording incidents are on the Norfolk

Schools website.

Training will be provided for staff and governors to deal effectively with incidents of racism, racial harassment prejudice and stereotyping and to provide support for the victim.

The Curriculum

Curriculum plans are monitored by the Headteacher. Sufficient opportunities are provided for pupils to learn about cultural diversity and to directly challenge racist attitudes and behaviour. Through a multicultural week and through Personal, Social and Health Education, which includes Circle Time, we aim educate, repair any damage and build towards an understanding of irrational fears and prejudices.

This policy is included in the policy folder in the office. An anti racism statement will appear in the school brochure. The policy will be available on request to visitors to the school and to parents.
