PUBLIC LECTURE Institute of Political Science March 6, 2013 FSV UK, U Kříže 8 – Room J1031 Praha 5 – Jinonice Starting at 15:30 POLITICAL THEATER OR BARGAINING FAILURE: WHY THE AMERICAN CONGRESS AND PRESIDENT DISAGREE The American political system is as notable for its failures to act as for its successes. Often there is pressure to pass a law that will help solve a problem. At the same time, one party or the other can frustrate action because they may prefer to keep an issue alive until the next election. Failure to reach agreement may because of a genuine policy disagreement, but sometimes it is a kind of political theater, staged to impress the public. John B. Gilmour is the Paul R.Verkuil Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Government at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. He has received numerous fellowships, awards, and grants from renowned academic and research institutions and think tanks, such as the Brookings Institution, and the IBM Center for the Business of Government. He has published two books and many articles. His research centers on bargaining between Congress and the President and the politics of the U.S. federal budget. His books are “Strategic Disagreement: Stalemate in American Politics“; and “Reconcilable Differences? Congress, the Budget Process, and the Deficit“. His current research focuses on sovereign wealth funds and leases of public assets such as highways. The lecture will be held in English. You are kindly invited to attend. PhDr. Petr Jüptner, PhD. Director of IPS prof. PhDr. Blanka Říchová, CSc., Chair of the Department of Political Science Charles University in Prague │ Faculty of Social Sciences │Institute of Political Studies U Kříže 8, 158 00 Praha 5 – Jinonice │ tel: 251 080 264, 214│ fax: 246 013 042