
June 14, 2014
To Whom It May Concern:
It is a great pleasure to write to you concerning the qualifications of Jacqueline Gutierrez an
applicant for your graduate program in the DHPE Minority Health Internship program. I have
known Ms. Gutierrez for over two years as a student in my Community Health classes and
advisor in her professional activities on campus.
Ms. Gutierrez’s academic work demonstrated her impressive intellectual ability. Her
performance in class was excellent particularly in research of the literature, writing assignments,
developing programs and presentation of projects. With a focus on critical issues in public
health, her contributions to the class discussions were meaningful, stimulating and practical. Her
inquisitive mind helps her to carefully examine the scholarly journals, merge it with field
observations, and present it to the class in an engaging session.
Her leadership qualities include initiative, team spirit, high standards and strong commitment to
the best possible performance. Her professional demeanor is complemented by her hard work for
creative and effective solutions to improve public health. These qualities enable her to work very
well on team projects and students’ group activities. In everything I have observed, Ms.
Gutierrez is thorough, conscientious and resourceful. In our multicultural campus, she
demonstrated sensitivity to cultural issues and a strong commitment to closing the gaps in
disparities in public health. Due to her professional goals, she is enthusiastic about advancing her
educational experience and goes beyond the basic requirements of any task assigned to her. She
values professional standards and is committed to credentials that provide excellence in
performance in public health.
Ms. Gutierrez is especially recognized for her commitment to the Public Health Student
Association (PHSA). Recently, she was elected by her peers as the PHSA President for 2014-15
academic year, she generously invested her time, energy and talents to campaign for the
competitive position and successfully gained the votes of her peers in the department. Obviously,
this accomplishment is an indication of the professional caliber of Ms. Gutierrez
Ms. Gutierrez is intelligent, self-driven and capable of being an excellent student intern in your
program. If you have a chance to meet her, you will find her to be professional and pleasant. I
think highly of Ms. Gutierrez and urge you to consider her carefully. I believe you will be
impressed by her potentials for contributing to the productivities and positive image of your
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Behjat A. Sharif, Ph.D., MCHES
Professor, Department of Public Health
Principal Advisor of Community Health
Phone: (323) 343-4747