Latin America

Latin American Center of
Globalization & Futures Studies
Report for the Millennium Project Planning
Committee Meeting July 2004
Washington DC USA
Report from Latin-American Center of
Globalization & Future Studies
1. Views of the Millennium Project in 5-10
2. Previous six month´s work of the Node
3. Next year´s objectives for the Node
4. Suggestions for the Project
Views of the Millennium Project in 5-10 years
1. Center of productions and dissemination of knowledge
about the Futures. With program of translation and edition in
the more spoken languages of the world.
2. Several Long Range Program Research with active
participation of all regions of the world trough the nodes.
3. Develop a network with users in order to help them make
their own future studies in their regions, countries, local
communities, sectors
4. Organize a Global conference along to MP Planning
Committee Meeting every two years with a special agenda
related to global challenges in different places of the world.
5. Strengthen cooperation with universities and school in order
to transfer studies and researches
- Node’s six-month-previous work
1. COURSES : Universidad Nacional de La Plata
1.1 Visión Estratégica Nacional, by M.A. Gutierrez April –July 2004
1.2. Future Studies Scenarios Research Seminary in Universities 2020, by
M.A. Gutierrez & Verónica Peredo, June-August 2004
Universidad de Palerno, Buenos Aires:
1.3. Futures Research Design of Scenarios, 1er semester 2004
Universidad de La Punta, San Luís:
1.4. Regional Future Scenarios, by M.A. Gutierrez & Verónica Peredo,
August-September 2004, 1.4. Future Studies, in master in
Administration and Government Management, 1er. Semester 2005
2. Conferences: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, by M.A. Gutierrez,
2.1. Latin American and the Challenge of Digital Economy,
2.2. Future Studies, Vision and Leadership in Latin American
2.3. Strategic Vision of Science and Technology for 21st Century,
2.4. Future Studies and Management in Argentina,
2.5. The S & T in Argentina and MERCOSUR, UNLP-ENI May /July 2004
Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnologia e Innovación Productiva by Carlos
2.6. International Future Scenarios a model to set up, December 2003
node’s six-month-previous work
3. Design of Educational Contends On-Line
(3) Course with 20 mega of information each
4. Meetings
4.1 CIDOB Barcelona, Center of Information &
Documentation of Barcelona, Carlos Moneta & Veronica
Peredo with Director Joseph Ribera I Pinyal, July 2004
4.2.Universidad Abierta de Barcelona, Carlos Moneta &
Veronica Peredo with Director of Center for International
Relations, Sean Golden
4.3.Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación with
General Coordinator of Programs Ing. Oscar Galante about
Millennium Project
4.4. Undersecretary for Public Management Lic. Norberto
Ivancich about project on master degree course with
National Institute for de Public Administration, July 2004
4.5. Embajador Horacio Basade Director del Instituto de
Servicio Exterior de la Nación.
node’s six-month-previous work
5. Projects
5.1 Prospective Analysis of Energy Market by Dr. Carlos
Marschoff, Dr. Jorge H. Barrera & Dr. Miguel Gutierrez
5.2. TV Series Program: Anticipaciones, Lots of hands &
Interview with the Future
6. Universities and Institutional Relations
6.1 Agreement of Academic Cooperation within
Undersecretary for Public Management of Argentina and
American Council for the United Nations University The
Millennium Project and Latin American Center for
Globalization and Future Studies. Signed by Argentina
6.2.Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, working to signed an
agreement of academic cooperation
Next six month´s work of the Node
1. Courses:
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
1.1 Visión Estratégica Nacional, by M.A. Gutierrez August 2004
Universidad de La Punta, San Luís:
1.2. Regional Future Scenarios, by M.A. Gutierrez & V.Peredo,
August-September 2004
1.3. State & Nation building in Latin America, by M. Gutierrez
1.4. Future Studies, in master in Administration and Government
Management, 1er. Semester 2005
2. Meetings:
Preparing proposal for a Workshop in Future Studies in Latin
America, July of 2005
Next six month´s work of the Node
3. Projects:
3.1 Research and Development in Future Studies with
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo to:
To form an interdisciplinary group in research and teaching future
To transfer knowledge, develop a universities consortium;
Postgraduate Studies Program
Set up a network of management and stakeholders
3.2 Building Knowledge Tools for the Use of Advanced
Hydroclimatic Monitoring and Prediction in Latin America
Almost all resource management decisions require, implicitly or explicitly,
some sort of hydroclimatic forecast, forecasts constitute an important
link between science and society.
The proposal is to develop a collaborative project to address these issues in
the context of on-going attempts to accelerate application of
hydroclimatic research, particularly seasonal forecasts and remote
sensing products .
Participant Institutions AAAs, Arizona University, Buenos Aires University,
Undersecretariat on Water Resources.
Next six month´s work of the Node
3. Projects:
3.3. TV Series: : working in three TV programs
“Interview with the Future” In cooperation with Brazil
“Lots of hands”
3.4. Introductory courses on future studies in CD and web
3.5 Educative materials for kids
3.6. Books:
The Challenge of International Terrorism, working to
published in Buenos Aires