File - Somma Science

Buildings That Won’t Break in a Quake
from Achieve 3000: eScience
When most Americans think of Southern California, they probably picture Disneyland®
Park, sunshine, and beautiful beaches in their minds. While Southern California is known
for its fantastic weather and super surfing, it is also a region that is known for something
else: earthquakes. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the Southern California area
experiences about 10,000 earthquakes in a year. However, most of these earthquakes
are so small that local residents cannot feel their effects.
Earthquakes can cause severe damage and loss of life.
As evidenced in California, not all earthquakes are cataclysmic events. Nevertheless,
every year, on average, an extremely powerful earthquake—one with a magnitude of 8
or higher—strikes somewhere on Earth. Such an earthquake can destroy almost all the
buildings near its epicenter and cause great loss of life.
Earthquakes are most dangerous when they occur near areas where many people live.
Most injuries and deaths due to earthquakes are not directly caused by the movement
of the ground. They are caused by collapsing buildings and other structures and by fires.
After an earthquake, fires may start due to broken natural-gas lines, broken electrical
power lines, or overturned stoves.
Earthquake Magnitude
A very powerful earthquake can release more energy than 1 million weak earthquakes
combined. Earthquake magnitude scales give scientists and engineers a simple way to
describe this huge range in energy.
The first scale of earthquake magnitude was developed in
California during the 1930s by the scientists Charles
Richter and Beno Gutenburg. In this scale, called the
Richter scale, an earthquake’s magnitude is based on how
fast the ground moves at a seismic station. However, most
scientists today prefer to use a newer, more accurate
scale: the moment magnitude scale. This scale is based on
the total amounts of energy released by earthquakes. The
moment magnitude scale is used for all earthquake
magnitudes given in this lesson. Study the diagram to learn
more about the moment magnitude scale.
Damage from Earthquakes
Most injuries, deaths, and structural damage from
earthquakes are not caused directly by the shaking of the
ground. They’re caused when structures collapse. But what causes those collapses and
other damage?
Moving Blocks of Rock
Weakened Structures
Soil Liquefaction
Damage from Tsunamis
Quakes can trigger a huge water wave, called a tsunami. Sometimes called a tidal wave,
a tsunami can make water rise more than the height of a 20-story building. A tsunami
may not be a single wave but several waves that can have different heights and can
arrive hours apart.
A tsunami in the deep water of the open ocean may be less than 1 meter (3 ft) in height
at the surface. As a tsunami reaches shallow water around an island or continent,
however, it slows down, and its height greatly increases.
The diagram shows how quickly a tsunami can travel after an earthquake.
Scientists work to monitor and predict earthquakes.
Scientists cannot yet predict the day or even the year when an earthquake will occur.
Sometimes there are signs years before an earthquake strikes, and sometimes there are
none at all. Usually the best that scientists can do is to give long-term predictions.
The map shows
earthquake risks in
the United States
for the next 50
years. The map is
based on
information about
earthquakes that
have occurred since
people began
keeping records,
along with evidence
of earlier
preserved in rocks.
Note that most
areas with the
highest earthquake
risks are near the
Pacific Ocean.
To learn more
about earthquakes
and to find ways of
predicting them,
scientists all over
the world study
seismic activity
along faults. They
look for these signs
of stress building up
in the rocks along faults:
Tilts or changes in the elevation of the ground
Slow movements or stretching in rock
The development of small cracks in the ground
Increases in small earthquakes (But, this can also be a sign that a fault is
releasing stress, decreasing the likelihood of a big quake.)
Seismic gaps—areas within an active earthquake zone within which no
significant earthquakes have been recorded
Structures can be designed to resist earthquake damage.
For safety, it might be best to be outdoors, far from any buildings, during an earthquake.
But there is no way to tell just when or where an earthquake will occur. For this reason,
the best way to reduce deaths, injuries, and damage from earthquakes is to build
structures able to withstand strong ground shaking.
Scientists and engineers are constantly working to determine the best ways to prevent
buildings from collapsing during an earthquake. So far, no current technology or method
offers 100 percent protection against the impact of an earthquake. However, scientists
and engineers do know that the location and design of a building, along with the
materials used to create it, can affect a structure’s durability when an earthquake
strikes. Click each step to learn about the work of scientists and engineers.
Step One: Maps are created.
Step Two: City planners and engineers use the maps.
Step Three: Building materials and special devices are selected.
Special methods are used to make smaller buildings, like most homes, earthquake
Special methods and devices are also used to make larger buildings safer. Each is
designed to reduce the amount the buildings shake during an earthquake. Observe the
diagram that shows structural supports used in an earthquake-resistant building.
It’s also important for engineers to know which materials are the worst to use when
constructing earthquake-proof buildings:
Glass: Glass is fragile and can break easily during a quake.
Brick and mortar: Brick walls are composed of bricks stacked on top of each
other. These bricks are held together with mortar, but with no internal
reinforcement, the walls are likely to crumble.
But you know what they say: There are always exceptions
to every rule! The cathedral in Istanbul has been standing
for almost 1,000 years, even though it was made of brick
and mortar.