SPAN 300 Current - Winona State University

SPAN 300
Department: Foreign Languages
Course Number: 300
Number of Credits: 2
Prerequisites: Spanish 202 or equivalent
Date of Revision: August 2009
Course Title: Spanish Linguistics/Phonetics
Frequency of Offering: Every 2 years
Grading: Pass/Grade/No credit
Course Description
Textbook: Hualde, Jose Ignacio y Antxon Olarrea. Introducción a la lingüística
hispánica. Cambridge UP: Cambridge, 2001
1. Catalog Description
Practice in all the sounds of the language with observations on its development from Latin.
Exploration of the grammatical structures of Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or equivalent.
Offered every two years
2. Statement of student outcomes
This course is an introduction to Spanish Linguistics. The main objectives are:
a) Students will be able to recognize and understand characteristics and
structural patterns of the Spanish language.
b) Students will expand vocabulary thru the development of individualized
vocabulary lists and through an understanding of the linguistic elements
present in word formation.
c) Students will be introduced to word formation and to how words interact
with each other in Spanish to form sentences: phonetics, morphology,
grammar and syntax.
3. Basic instructional plan and teaching methods utilized
A variety of instructional methods will be used including:
a) class discussion
b) class and lab activities
c) media presentations
d) lecture/questioning
e) collaborative learning activities
4. Course Requirements
a) active oral participation in classroom discussions
b) assigned classroom and lab exercises
c) 2 exams
d) a comprehensive final exam
5. Academic dishonesty policy: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and
disciplinary measures will be enforced according to school policy. The first offense will
result in an F on the project in question, and a subsequent infraction will result in a failing
grade for the course (or worse). Online dictionary use is permitted only to look up
definitions of words or phases. Translation programs are not to be used on complete
English sentences, paragraphs, or entire compositions.
6. Grading
The final grade will be comprised of the following elements:
Attendance, class preparation and participation
Homework assignments
Final exam
Proposal:(Changes underlined)
Department: Foreign Languages
Course Number: 300
Number of Credits: 4
Date of Revision: February 2010
Course Title:Spanish Linguistics and Phonetics
Frequency of Offering: Every 2 years
Textbook: Hualde, Jose Ignacio y Antxon Olarrea. Introducción a la lingüística
hispánica. Cambridge UP: Cambridge, 2001
1. Catalog Description
This course introduces students to Spanish as a linguistic system. Students will
practice how sentence structure, word formation and sound work in Spanish. They will also
contrast those patterns with those of English, as well as how variations due to regional,
national and socioeconomic differences inform changes in the structure of Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or equivalent. Offered every 2 years.
2. Statement of student outcomes
This course is an introduction to Spanish Linguistics. The student taking this class
a) Recognize and understand characteristics and syntactic patterns of the
Spanish language.
b) Recognize and understand the processes involved in Spanish word
c) Be introduced to Spanish sound formation and patterns.
d) Learn syntactic, morphological and phonetic contrasts between Spanish
and English.
d.) Learn about the national and regional varieties present in the Spanishspeaking world
e) Learn how linguistic differences create, among others, geographical,
racial, class and age distinctions.
3. Basic instructional plan and teaching methods utilized
A variety of instructional methods will be used including:
a) class discussion
b) class and lab activities
c) media presentations
d) lecture/questioning
e) collaborative learning activities
4. Course Requirements
e) active oral participation in classroom discussions
f) assigned classroom and lab exercises
g) 3 exams
h) a comprehensive final exam
5. Grading
The final grade will be comprised of the following elements:
Attendance, class preparation and participation
Homework assignments
Final exam
Department: Foreign Languages
Course Number: 204
Number of Credits: 2
Prerequisites: 202 or equivalent
Date of Revision: August 2006
Course Title:Special Topics in Hispanic Literature and
Frequency of Offering: Yearly
Grading: Pass/Grade/No credit
Text: Cien años de soledad. Gabriel García Márquez. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 2002.
Course Description
1. Catalog Description
Directed readings in Hispanic Literature and Culture. Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or equivalent.
2. Statement of major focus and objectives of the course
The course presents the student with a focused look at Latin American literature of the 20 th
century, with primary focus on the novel Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez.
The student in Spanish 204 will:
a) engage in close readings of Latin American literature of the 20 th century
b) analyze and discuss literary themes in classroom discussions
c) expand knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical structures in context of
3. Course outline of the major topics
The class will explore the literary style and themes of several works of Latin American literature,
including magical realism, as well as the relation of literature to history and culture.
4. Basic instructional plan and teaching methods utilized
A variety of instructional methods will be used including:
a. class discussion of reading assignments
b. lecture/questioning
c. collaborative learning activities
5. Course Requirements
a) active oral participation in classroom discussions
b) assigned readings
c) content questions
d) exams
6. Academic dishonesty policy: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and disciplinary
measures will be enforced according to school policy. The first offense will result in an F on the
project in question, and a subsequent infraction will result in a failing grade for the course (or
worse). Online dictionary use is permitted only to look up definitions of words or phases.
Translation programs are not to be used on complete English sentences, paragraphs, or entire
7. Grading
The final grade will be comprised of the following elements:
Attendance, class preparation and participation
3 Exams
1 Final Exam
Grade Scale:
A 100-90%
B 89-80%
C 79-70%
D 69-60%
F 59-0%
Proposal (changes underlined)
Department: Foreign Languages
Course Number: 304
Number of Credits: 4
Prerequisites: 202 or equivalent
Date of Revision: February 2010
Course Title: Special Topics in Hispanic Culture
Frequency of Offering: Every other year
Grading: Pass/Grade/No credit
Course Description
1. Catalog Description
Through directed readings the student will learn to analyze, discuss and write a research
paper on a major cultural trend from Spain or Latin America. The students will also learn
how culture serves to shape and national, regional and socioeconomic "imagined
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 (recommended) or SPAN 202.
2. Statement of major focus and objectives of the course
The student will:
1. Discuss focused canonical readings on a fundamental cultural aspect shaping Latin
America or a specific major country, such as Mexico, Argentina, Spain, Colombia or
2. Learn how to discuss cultural artifacts (i.e. cinema, theater, art, essays and articles)
academically and to how to fit them within a global framework.
3. Learn the role culture plays in the creation and perception of national and regional
identities on a global scale.
4. Compare and contrast Hispanic cultural narratives with those of the United States.
5. Learn how to write a focused research paper in Spanish.
6. Become familiar with rhetorical devices in the context of readings.
3. Course outline of the major topics
The class will explore the artistic development of cultural trends in Latin America and Spain , as
well as their relation to literature, history and culture.
4. Basic instructional plan and teaching methods utilized
A variety of instructional methods will be used including:
a. class discussion of reading assignments, including both cultural and scholarly
b. lecture/questioning
c. collaborative learning activities and project.
d. samples of successful opinion and research papers in Spanish
5. Course Requirements for Assessment
a) active oral participation in classroom discussions
b) assigned readings
c) content questions
e) academic project presentation
f) final research project.
6. Grading
The final grade will be comprised of the following elements:
Attendance, class preparation and class discussion
Homework- response to assigned readings
3 Exams
1 Final paper