Butler Tech School of the Arts 228 Court Street Hamilton, Ohio 45011 Main: 513-887-2787 Fax: 513-887-0142 Principal: Erin Heinrich Counselor: Amanda Howard Accreditation: North Central Association AdvancED CEEB CODE: 365-161 Butler Tech School of the Arts Mission Statement: We will ignite a passion for learning and continuous self-improvement in every student. SOA will develop lifelong learners by providing a personalized educational experience that uses the arts as a vehicle for engaging students. The District Butler Tech is located in and serves all of Butler County as well as a small section of Hamilton County. Students are also able to open enroll from any county in Ohio. Butler County is located in the South-West corner of the state between Dayton and Cincinnati. Butler Tech is Ohio’s largest career-technical school that includes the 3 stand-alone campuses of School of the Arts, Natural Science Center, and D. Russel Lee. Butler Tech also operates over 190 satellite programs in ten associate school districts. Butler County is 87% white, 6.5% Black Non-Hispanic, 2.7% Hispanic or Latino, 2.0% Asian Alone, and 1.5% two or more races. The County population is 363,184 and is 89% urban and 11% rural. The School Butler Tech School of the Arts is a Butler Tech career technical high school offering pre-professional arts training as well as college preparatory academics. Approximately 130 juniors and senior students attend SOA, which is located in a newly renovated building in downtown Hamilton, Ohio. Juniors and seniors are admitted through an interview process to evaluate their passion and dedication to the arts. Artistic departments include dance, instrumental music, vocal music, visual arts, and theatre. Forty percent of the student body receives free or reduced lunch. College Readiness Students at Butler Tech School of the Arts experience a unique model of blended learning focused on mastery of the skills necessary to be a successful artist and college student. A significant amount of time is spent mastering time management, communication with peers and faculty, and goal setting. Students are active participants in their own education. Each academic class is a mix of mandatory workshops, online work outside the classroom, and optional help sessions all offered multiple times a week. Each art major also has both mandatory appointments and open studio time. Students learn to balance their time between the mandatory appointments, while also recognizing the importance of attending optional help sessions, open studio time, and allowing for recreational time. Students become accustomed to professional communication to address schedule conflicts. They also learn to take inventory of their aspirations, experiences, strengths and weaknesses to become a more successful artist and student. Students graduating SOA are expected to be inquisitive, adaptive, passionate, professional, and selfmotivated college students. Artistic Program Art classes are interspersed throughout the day. Students are admitted into one of the 5 majors of Theatre, Dance, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, or Visual Arts. Many students take electives in their majors as well as required courses. Students are also able to do cross study in other majors as long as they are in good standing in their arts and academics. Further description of each program is included on the last page. Academic Program: The school year consists of 4 quarters. Students taking a normal course load complete 4 academic credits per year. Students graduate from and receive their diploma from their home school. GPA and class rank is determined by each student’s home school. Home schools do not necessarily use the same grade scale or weight our AP classes when calculating rank. We encourage Admissions staff to consider the information contained in this profile when evaluating SOA student transcripts against other students in their home high school. Academic Course Offerings 2013-14 CP Anatomy & Physiology CP Chemistry CP Environmental Science CP English 11 CP English 12 CP Government CP Economics Grade Scale: CP Sociology A= (92-100) CP Psychology B= (83-91) CP Algebra 2 C= (74-82) CP Statistics D= (65-73) CP Pre-Calculus F= (0-64) Physical Education Health Foreign Language classes offered: Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Italian Graduation Requirements: Determined by each student’s home school Graduates: Graduation Rate – 98% Average ACT Composite - 20 Scholarship Dollars Awarded in 2013 – Over $751,000.00 Post – High School Plans 74% attending 4 year or 2 year colleges/universities 3% selected military service College Acceptance/Matriculation listed in bold for 2012-13 University of Akron Bowling Green State University Miami University Point Park University Waldorf College Wright State University Wilmington College Sinclair Community College Miami University Middletown Miami University Hamilton Berea College Western Michigan University Art Institute of Ohio-Cincinnati Northern Kentucky University University of Toledo Hocking College Ohio University The Ohio State University Kent State University University of Cincinnati Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning College-Conservatory of Music Middle Tennessee State University Greenville University Parson The New School for Design Anderson University Columbus College of Art & Design Cleveland Art Institute School of Advertising Art Mount Saint Joseph Full Sail Cincinnati State Art Institute of Austin (TX) Shawnee State University Ball State University Marymount Manhattan College New York Film Academy Students in the Dance program at School of the Arts explore different styles of dance, including jazz, tap, musical theatre, lyrical, partnering and hip hop. They participate in strength & flexibility training and learn about the careers of notable dancers and choreographers through an appreciation/history course. *(E) designates an elective course for that major College and Careers in the Arts Senior Pathways in Dance Dance Appreciation Partnering (E) Flexibility and Strength Contemporary/Lyrical Hip-Hop Independent Study (E) Jazz Musical Theater/Tap Choreography Study (E) The Instrumental Music program has a focus in rock, jazz and popular music and instrumental technique courses are focused primarily on guitar, bass, drums and keyboards. College and Careers in the Arts Senior Pathways in Music Theory II Instrumental Technique Music Criticism and Critique Independent Study (E) Rock Band Theory I The Vocal Music program has a focus in rock, jazz and popular music and provides varied opportunities for large ensemble, small group and solo vocal work. College and Careers in the Arts Senior Pathways in Music Theory II Vocal Technique Music Criticism and Critique Independent Study (E) Vocal Ensemble Theory I The Theatre program at School of the Arts covers the broad spectrum of career opportunities available within the field of Theatre Arts. Students are exposed to all aspects of technical theatre--including lighting, sound, costuming, make-up, and set design--as well as the acting performance side of theatre. College and Careers in the Arts Senior Pathways in Theatre Sound Design/Application Prop Design/Construction Playwriting/Dramaturgy (E) Performance (Acting) Theatre Appreciation Make Up Costume Design/Construction Directing (E) Theater Safety Light Design/Application Set Design/Construction Independent Study (E) Theatre History (E) Students in the Visual Arts program at School of the Arts work to create a final portfolio which includes still life, figure, and portrait drawings, digital photography, digital art, illustration, sculpture, printmaking, painting, mixed media and ceramics. In their senior year, students present a final thesis show focused in their preferred medium. College and Careers in the Arts Senior Pathways in Visual D & I Digital Art Layout I Digital Art Layout II Independent Portfolio Categories Still Life Drawing Figure Drawing Advanced Figure Drawing (E) Portrait Drawing Illustration Painting Printmaking Mixed Media Ceramics Jewelry (E) Advanced Still Life (E) Digital Video 20th Century Art History Art Criticism Sculpture Senior Thesis Digital Photography 21st Century Art History (E) Independent Study (E)