HW#20 Compromise of 1850 • • • • ____________ admitted as a ______ state ____ _________ and ______ territory organized on basis of __________ ______________ (the people in the states will vote to decide.) ___________ ________ ____ made federal government responsible for catching & returning escaped slaves Slave trade (but not slavery) ________ in _________________ End of the Missouri Compromise Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) • The remaining Louisiana territory was split into ___ territories (_______ and __________) and organized on basis of __________ ____________ Fight, fight, fight! in Congress • Charles _________, a Senator from Massachusetts _________ the authors of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Senators Stephen Douglas and Andrew Butler in a _________ he delivered in the Senate. • Sumner also made fun of Butler's speaking ability, which had been impeded by a recent _________… • Representative Preston Brooks, Butler’s cousin was infuriated and decided to defend his cousin by ________ Summer with his walking _____. Summer almost ______ from the beating. Kansas-Nebraska Act 1850 Sounds like a good idea, BUT… • ____________ (poor farmers who couldn’t compete with plantation slaveowners) and ___________ were not able to come to an agreement… • “Bleeding Kansas”: the disagreement turned into a ________ _______ with _____ and murder John Brown • • • • ________________ Involved in the Underground Railroad Moves to Kansas to support the anti-slavery cause Turns to ___________ by organizing the _________ of ___ proslavery settlers. John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry • • • • Planned a raid on a Federal _________ Wanted to give __________ to ________ Didn’t happen: Brown and his men were _________ and ______ within 36 hours Brown was ___________