Department of Agriculture and Food (WA)

Department of Agriculture and Food (WA)
Mr David Miles
Please be advised that the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia (DAFWA) strongly
supports the continuing arrangements of the Invasive Animals CRC (IA CRC). DAFWA became a full
participant in the current CRC because of the perceived benefits to be derived from finalising a long
list of invasive animal control productions and processes. These benefits are expected to accrue
especially for control of wild dogs, feral pigs, rabbits, and especially for WA, starlings.
DAFWA is contributing significantly in cash and kind, and is gaining significant benefit through
collaboration in the following areas:
National Incursions Response (the National Incursions Response Facilitator is being
hosted by DAFWA)
National strategic planning and response for wild dog control (development of
strategies, planning and impact information)
Data analysis through the Pest I-Hub (especially for efficient control of starlings in
Preparation for RHD Boost roll-out.
WA is especially benefiting from the development of Program 4 (Community Engagement). This is a
critical area with low engagement in pest control by industry, community and some levels of
government. The science based approach is expected to address the causes of non-adoption and
provide for development of the capacity and tools required. To not continue in this area would be
to lose a significant opportunity to address a major deficit in pest animal control in Australia.
As with many government agencies around Australia, DAFWA is experiencing budget pressures. This
affects research capacity. These limitations are best addressed through collaborative effort which is
occurring effectively now through the IA CRC.
The final years of the IA CRC will see delivery of the benefits that have been accruing for the
products and processes developed through the funding iterations leading up to the current IA
CRC. To not realise the final yield of benefits would significantly diminish the effectiveness of all past
investment in pest animal control through CRC processes.
Viv Read | Director Invasive Species
Biosecurity and Regulation
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia