Mr David Miles AM Cooperative Research Centres Programme Review Dear Mr Miles Thank you for the opportunity to provide a submission to the Cooperative Research Centres Programme Review. The Invasive Animals CRC is one of the world’s largest integrated pest animal research and management collaborations. Its five-year extension to 2017 is a $72.5 million, 27 member partnership to develop new knowledge, products, strategies and services that deliver more strategic and efficient pest animal control. It leverages the CRC Program investment of $19.7 million by a factor of 3.6 to1. Response to Term of Reference A: 1.1 – 1.3 The Invasive Animals CRC example highlights how industry and the research sector are effectively working together to create value for partner SMEs, beneficary industries, and the nation. This is occurring against a backdrop of market failure due to insufficient margin for SMEs to warrant significant R&D and government regulatory costs. Access to overseas markets for partner SME. Through the CRC model, Invasive Animals Ltd has partnered with an Australian pest animal bait manufacturer SME (Animal Control Technologies Australia) and the US Department of Agriculture, to provide subsidised access to the US market for IACRC IP that will be commercialised through ACTA. This has been achieved through a Collaborative Research and Development Agreement with the USDA who are undertaking field testing of a IA CRC 2nd generation feral pig toxic bait as an in-kind contribution to the IACRC, and enable US EPA registration at a non-commercial rate given that they are a Federal agency. This example shows how the CRC approach can reduce the high cost of overseas market entry (into the world’s largest market for this product type) for a new toxic bait commercialised through an Australian SME. Provide new tools and strategies for Australia’s agricultural industries. “Options available to manage pest animals were reported to have been improved over the last five years, in large part due to the Invasive Animals CRC.” “Stakeholders reported significant achievements in pest animal preparedness and management driven by the Invasive Animals CRC. The Invasive Animals CRC was highly regarded through all consultations and was report to be doing significant work that benefits Australia’s approach to pest animal management.” Independent Review of the Australian Pest Animal Strategy prepared for the national Vertebrate Pests Committee The above headline findings of the recent independent review of the Australian Pest Animal Strategy highlights that the IA CRC is the major innovation driver for improved pest animal management in the agricultural sector. These new tools and strategies are being developed in response to end-user needs and structural changes - such as decreasing labour in rural Australia and decreasing government extension services - and are part of a mix of innovations that aim to enable wool, meat and cropping industries to more efficiently manage pest animals and adapt to a changing operating environment. A summary of the IACRC new toxic baits and delivery systems, as well as new strategic biocontrol technologies are at Attachment 1. Many of these products benefit from Research and Development Corporation partner investment and commercialisation through our major Australian SME partner – ACTA. Improve economic outcomes for the nation. Pest animals are a classic problem – chronic, diffuse, pervasive, fragmented, cumulative with strong public and private good dimensions. The Invasive Animals CRC is a cross-sectoral response whose 27 partners cover all key points in the value chain, and thus can drive research to action to impact. This is schematically outlined at Appendix 2. Two key features of this response need to be highlighted: firstly that Invasive Animals Ltd staff are critical to build and sustain the collaborative institutions that ensure a holistic and seamless progress from research to adoption, given that capability is fragmented and dispersed, and secondly that the IA CRC enables industry RDCs to efficiently co-invest with Commonwealth and State governments in strategic research portfolios that have the potential to deliver strategic outcomes. An example of the latter is the IA CRCs strategic rabbit biocontrol portfolio that aims to deliver some $1 Billion in productivity benefits over the next 20 years. In conclusion, the Invasive Animals CRC provides a good example of effective collaboration between SMEs, industries, governments and research providers to drive high impact innovation. This underscores the appropriateness and value of the CRC Program, particularly in responding to national challenges where end-user groups are diffuse and cross-sectoral. If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me on (02) 6201 2887. Yours sincerely Andreas Glanznig Chief Executive 11 November 2014 Attachment 1: IACRC Commercial and Biocontrol Product Pipeline Attachment 2: Invasive Animals CRC is a virtual organisation whose 27 partners cover the complete invasive species management innovation value chain Hub and Spokes institutional model meshes capabilities to a specific purpose Innovation Spoke (eg. wild dogs) covers full value chain. Needs analysis Research Development Production Marketing and Sales / Promotion IAL’s unique role in building collaborations to ensure a holistic and seamless progression from research to adoption Development and regulatory approval Extension and adoption networks Research Network Mgt adds value between Innovation Spoke areas to ensure new outputs overcome any barriers between research, regulatory approval and adoption Innovation Spoke Innovation Spoke End user serivce / Monitoring Network Mgt Hub Innovation Spoke Innovation Spoke